is transfer = C ( only read dynamically) not supported in one order scenario

我们在做complex note相关的customizing时,Transfer field一直留空。如果维护成type C会是什么behavior?

is transfer = C ( only read dynamically) not supported in one order scenario

Through testing, the note type marked with “Transfer = C” is not supported in one order scenario. This is confirmed by the note colleague in incident 1580009248.

If you try to create note with such type in WebUI, creation will not be done, you get a warning message in WebUI:

is transfer = C ( only read dynamically) not supported in one order scenario

is transfer = C ( only read dynamically) not supported in one order scenario

If we do the same thing in Fiori, the error message does not have chance to pass out:

is transfer = C ( only read dynamically) not supported in one order scenario

Thus end user will never see this error message, instead he could only see a “Note Saved” information in UI, actually it is not, and he could NOT see any note under the selected note type. This behavior is confusing.

is transfer = C ( only read dynamically) not supported in one order scenario

is transfer = C ( only read dynamically) not supported in one order scenario