Week 2, Checksum, CRC and MAC

Week 2, Checksum, CRC and MAC
Although Checksums, CRC and MAC can’t guarantee many types of errors, but remember that “guarantee” is a strong statement, while in reality they still have great chance of detecting errors. Moreover, in practice you tend to have multiple layers of error detection, e.g.

Layer Method
Application Own error detection
TCP Checksums
IP Checksums
Link layer CRC

End-to-end check是必须的,也就是每一层之间需要进行,而不能说Eternet layer check后IP就可以略过了,因为Eternet card might introduce an error after check. So IP has to do its own end-to-end check at the network layer.

MAC, message authentication code, usually used in TLS (transport layer security).它不保证error detection, 但保证安全。坏人改了message中的bit后,很难猜出MAC是什么,即c是什么。 c = MAC(M, s) M=message, s=security code。