


Ever asked yourself questions like "What's the meaning of it all?", "Are we alone in the Universe?", "Where's the mankind heading?", "What's my purpose in life?" I bet you have, everyone asks, but no one knows. People come up with stuff like religion because it's just too depressing to have the most important questions unanswered. Others joke about it, saying the answer is 42, admitting their cluelessness.

曾经问过自己诸如“这一切的意义是什么?”,“我们一个人在宇宙中吗?”,“人类的前进方向?”,“我的人生目标是什么?”之类的问题。 我敢打赌,每个人都问你有,但没人知道。 人们想到宗教之类的东西是因为它太令人沮丧,无法回答最重要的问题。 其他人则开玩笑说,答案是42,承认他们的无知。

Well, my friend, worry no more, she has it all figured out.



Finally there's a book you can get on Amazon for the miserable pocket money "$19.77 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping" that will answer your most important questions and set your heart and mind at ease. "O's guide to Life" how comforting does this sound! Easy-to-follow instructions, pure wisdom, inspiration, "everything's alright now, everything's fine, close your eyes and relax, thinking of nothing tonight"

最后,您可以在亚马逊上买到一本可悲的零用钱书:“ $ 19.77并有资格获得免费的超级省钱送货服务”,这本书将回答您最重要的问题,并让您的心灵安心。 “ O's Guide to Life”听起来多么令人安慰! 易于遵循的指示,纯正的智慧,灵感,“现在一切都很好,一切都很好,闭上眼睛放松自己,今晚什么也没想到”

Some dudes (I'm looking at you, Buddha) spend years in meditation, trying to experience Nirvana, others dive into science or religion, others become mystics searching for the "other" thing hidden behind the apparent. Some claim they are a Lizard King, others... the list goes on. Well, with all due respect, they're all looking at wrong directions.

一些帅哥(我在看着你,佛陀)花了多年的冥想时间,试图体验涅磐,另一些人则沉迷于科学或宗教,另一些人则成为神秘主义者,寻找隐藏在表象之后的“其他”事物。 有些人声称他们是蜥蜴王,另一些人则继续。 好吧,在所有应有的尊重下,他们都在寻找错误的方向。

In order to "figure it out", the guide to Life, that is, one has to be an ultra busy host of a daily TV show, magazine publisher, interviewer, hi-life party goer/thrower, you have to read tens of books monthly so you can recommend one, you have to be involved in charity work and so on, and so on. That's how you do it.

为了“弄清楚”生活指南,即必须每天忙碌地主持电视节目,杂志出版商,采访员,社交聚会参加者/投掷者,您必须阅读数十本每月要读书,因此您可以推荐一本,您必须参与慈善工作等等。 那就是你的做法。

We're so lucky, just in time for the Christmas shopping, O comes down to us mere mortals and gives us Her Guide, oh Happy Day!


I suspect there's more though, for the next two shopping seasons we might be able to enjoy the other parts of the trilogy: - O's guide to Life - O's guide to Universe - O's guide to Everything


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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/she-has-it-all-figured-out/
