20181117 可视化分享 (第八期)



1.    生命之树 Tree of Life 一图显示生物的演化过程

From Evogeneao: This Tree of Life diagram is based primarily on the evolutionary relationships so wonderfully related in Dr. Richard Dawkins’ The Ancestor’s Tale, and timetree.org. The smalle…

20181117 可视化分享 (第八期)

20181117 可视化分享 (第八期)https://flowingdata.com/2018/10/25/tree-of-life/


2.     A closer look at the U.S.-Mexico border  美墨边境交互式可视化,画面超炫,信息量巨大。

The Washington Post provides a flyover view of the barriers at the U.S.-Mexico border. It’s a combination of satellite imagery, path overlays, and information panels as you scroll. It gives a…

20181117 可视化分享 (第八期)

20181117 可视化分享 (第八期)https://flowingdata.com/2018/10/18/a-closer-look-at-the-u-s-mexico-border/



3.Human Terrain  世界人口密度海拔图可视化,十分硬核

20181117 可视化分享 (第八期)

20181117 可视化分享 (第八期)https://pudding.cool/2018/10/city_3d/



4. What Does the Path to Fame Look Like?  成名之路。无数名人的wiki, twitter关注度的变化史。交互式可视化。

Tracking the rise in popularity from Cardi B to Carson Wentz.

20181117 可视化分享 (第八期)

20181117 可视化分享 (第八期)https://pudding.cool/2018/10/wiki-breakout/


5.感知概率 Source URL: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-420554-1139743.html 蒋迅  不可能有多可能?



20181117 可视化分享 (第八期)



6.Measuring the varied sentiments of good and bad words  测量好词和坏词到底有多好,有多坏。和上面的测量概率词的概率异曲同工。

There was a survey a while back that asked people to provide a 0 to 100 percent value to probabilistic words like “usually” and “likely”. YouGov did something similar for wo…

20181117 可视化分享 (第八期)

20181117 可视化分享 (第八期)https://flowingdata.com/2018/10/09/measuring-the-varied-sentiments-of-good-and-bad-words/


Visualizing Science: Illustration and Beyond  《科学美国人》专家写的做科学可视化的经验心得。精华。

20181117 可视化分享 (第八期)

20181117 可视化分享 (第八期)https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/sa-visual/visualizing-science-illustration-and-beyond/

Where does the illustrator end and the infographer begin? How does data visualization fit in? And what does science have to say about the design decisions we make? 




1.《rework》作者已经出版了三本书----《Rework》、《Getting Real》和《Remote》。最近,他们又出版了第四本《工作何必疯狂》(It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work)。工作和生活必须平衡,才能相互促进。短期的冲刺可以,长期只管工作忽视生活是不行的 。


2.Can you beat my score on this climate change quiz? 比尔盖茨个人官网上的关于气候变化的测试,要做对真的很难啊。做错的题会让你大吃一惊,收获满满。

20181117 可视化分享 (第八期)


Can you beat Bill Gates’s score on this climate change quiz?