

Even a tiny increase in overall search result quality might have a noticeable effect on conversion rate. Naturally, you can use exit-rate to judge if your search needs improvements and do required adjustments, but will you be able to make sure those changes are safe? What if improved relevancy for a specific category breaks search for several other categories?
即使整体搜索结果质量略有提高,也可能会对转换率产生明显影响。 当然,您可以使用退出率来判断您的搜索是否需要改进并进行必要的调整,但是您是否能够确保这些更改是安全的? 如果特定类别的相关性提高了,而其他几个类别的搜索中断了怎么办?

Moreover, high exit-rate means no matter what you are going to do, the problem has taken place, so dozens of customers already didn’t manage to find what they were up to. Basically, the only way to proceed is to have a reliable search quality validation approach.
而且,高退出率意味着无论您要做什么,问题都已经发生了,因此数十个客户已经无法设法找到自己想要做什么。 基本上,唯一的进行方法是拥有可靠的搜索质量验证方法。

基于意图的验证 (Intent-based validation)

Clear intent makes search result validation way more simpler and straightforward. There are several validation strategies possible. The actual strategy implementation is out of scope of this project.
明确的意图使搜索结果验证方式更简单明了。 有几种验证策略可能。 实际的策略实施超出了该项目的范围。

Search Quality API defines the following set of «verdicts» for a product being returned: relevant, near, misplaced, irrelevant, undefined:
Search Quality API为返回的产品定义了以下“结论”集:相关,接近,错位,无关,未定义:
  • Relevant The product ranking is completely relevant.


  • Near The product ranking is not a perfect match, but it is clearly reasonable for it to be ranked highly.


  • Misplaced It is obvious why the search engine returned the result, but it clearly shouldn't be ranked highly.


  • Irrelevant The result has no apparent relationship to the customer’s search.


  • Undefined For some reason the result is undefined and can not be validated.


Intent-based approach is pretty intuitive and straightforward. So, if you are searching for «fiskars splitting axe» you do not expect to see any other brands, any other tools etc. Obviously, chopping axe is definitely not an option, as well as any other type on an axe.
基于意图的方法非常直观和直接。 因此,如果您正在搜索“ fiskars劈斧”,您不会期望看到任何其他品牌,任何其他工具等。显然,切斧绝对不是选项,就像斧头上的任何其他类型一样。
Searching visitors usually have more specific shopping intents, comparing to visitors who are simply browsing, so it is crucial to make sure search always works as expected.

特征 (Features)

  • Extendable test set

  • Automated and reliable search quality verification

  • Various validation/verification strategies

  • Detailed reporting with root cause analysis

  • Historical trends


发展趋势 (Trends)

High-level statistics is available in a way it can help to quickly understand the actual situation and overall trend.

通过测试 (Passing tests)

Passing test still provides all the details regarding the actual result set and the products. So, if any deep inspection needed it can be done.
通过测试仍会提供有关实际结果集和产品的所有详细信息。 因此,如果需要任何深度检查,则可以完成。

测试失败 (Failing test)

In case test fails deep investigation is a must, so the solution provides all the required details, including the list of the product returned for the query. Useful marks highlights non relevant products, simplifying the analysis.
如果测试失败,则必须进行深入调查,因此该解决方案提供了所有必需的详细信息,包括为查询返回的产品列表。 有用的标记突出显示了不相关的产品,从而简化了分析。

链接 (Links)

  1. Intent-based Search Quality


  2. Search Quality API


翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/446008/
