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Twitter is a fast-paced network that never stops, which can be overwhelming. It’s challenging to keep tabs on important topics. That’s where lists can come in handy—they make it easier to organize your feed.

Twitter是一个快节奏的网络,永远不会停止,这可能会令人不知所措。 密切关注重要主题是一项挑战。 在那里,列表可以派上用场-它们使组织Feed变得更加容易。

为什么要使用Twitter列表 (Why You Should Use Twitter Lists)

When Twitter was new, it was possible to follow everyone you found interesting and read all of their tweets. This became untenable as Twitter grew, and we were soon treated to a deluge of messages that were easy to miss.

当Twitter是新的时,可以跟随您发现有趣的每个人并阅读他们的所有推文。 随着Twitter的发展,这变得站不住脚,很快我们就被大量容易错过的消息所困扰。

With Twitter lists, you can partition individual accounts off from others and transform that deluge into a small trickle, centered around one theme. You can also easily add accounts to Twitter lists instead of following them. This means tweets sent by accounts on that list only appear there, keeping them out of your main timeline.

使用Twitter列表,您可以将单个帐户与其他帐户区分开,并将大量洪水转化为围绕一个主题的细流。 您也可以轻松地将帐户添加到Twitter列表中,而不必关注它们。 这意味着该列表中的帐户发送的推文仅显示在此处,从而使它们不在您的主要时间轴之内。

Possible uses for Twitter lists include:


  • Sports: Do you follow a ton of football accounts that pollute your feed? Create a new Twitter list and add them to it. This way, you’ll never miss the latest sports news, but it won’t crowd your feed.

    体育:您是否遵循大量的足球帐户污染了您的饲料? 创建一个新的Twitter列表并将其添加到其中。 这样,您将永远不会错过最新的体育新闻,但是它不会挤满您的饲料。

  • Events: Add everyone attending an event to a Twitter list, keeping all their tweets in one place.


  • Directories: Add all your coworkers to a special Twitter list. If you make the list public, people can keep up with the latest goings-on at your company.

    目录:将您的所有同事添加到特殊的Twitter列表中。 如果您将清单公开,人们可以跟上公司的最新动态。

  • Competitors: Want to keep tabs on the competition without following them? There’s a Twitter list for that.

    竞争对手:是否想在比赛中保持关注而不关注他们? 有一个Twitter列表。

  • Celebrities: There’s nothing wrong with keeping up on the latest celeb gossip if that’s your guilty pleasure. And with Twitter lists, it doesn’t have to get in the way of more important things.

    名人:如果这是您的罪恶感,那么跟上最新的名人八卦并没有错。 借助Twitter列表,它不必妨碍更重要的事情。

Twitter lets you create up to 1,000 different lists, and each one can have up to 5,000 accounts. Here’s how to get rolling.

Twitter可让您创建多达1,000个不同的列表,每个列表最多可具有5,000个帐户。 这是滚动的方法。

如何创建Twitter列表 (How to Create a Twitter List)

The process for creating new Twitter lists on the web and in the Twitter app is almost identical. We’ll outline any differences as we go.

在网络上和Twitter应用程序中创建新Twitter列表的过程几乎相同。 我们将概述所有差异。

Visit and click your profile image at the top-right corner of the page. Click “Lists” in the drop-down menu. If you’re on mobile, your profile icon is on the left, and the “Lists” button is below it.

访问 ,然后单击页面右上角的个人资料图像。 点击下拉菜单中的“列表”。 如果您使用的是移动设备,则个人资料图标位于左侧,“列表”按钮位于其下方。


Click the “Create New List” button on the right side of the page. On mobile, the button is at the bottom of the screen.

点击页面右侧的“创建新列表”按钮。 在移动设备上,该按钮位于屏幕底部。


Enter a name for your list and an optional description, if you’d like. Select “Public” or “Private” (this is a checkbox on Android) to control who can see the list and the accounts that are on it. Click “Save List” to finish, or tap “Done” if you’re on mobile.

输入列表名称和可选说明(如果需要)。 选择“公开”或“私人”(在Android上是一个复选框),以控制谁可以看到该列表及其上的帐户。 单击“保存列表”以完成操作,如果您在移动设备上,则单击“完成”。


Now that you’ve created your first list, it’s time to add some accounts.


如何从列表中添加或删除帐户 (How to Add or Remove Accounts From a List)

Go to the profile of someone you’d like to add to a list. Click the three vertical dots to the right of the account’s profile page (or tap the ellipsis on mobile), and then click the “Add/Remove from Lists” button.

转到您要添加到列表的某人的个人资料。 单击帐户配置文件页面右侧的三个垂直点(或在移动设备上点击省略号),然后单击“从列表添加/删除”按钮。


Click (or tap) the list you want to add someone to. If you want to create a new list, click the “Create a List” button (or tap the “New” icon on mobile). Click (or tap) to uncheck any list you want to remove someone from.

单击(或点击)您要添加某人的列表。 如果要创建新列表,请单击“创建列表”按钮(或在移动设备上点击“新建”图标)。 单击(或点击)以取消选中要从中删除某人的任何列表。


Close the window to save changes or tap the “Done” button on mobile.


如何查看清单 (How to View a List)

To view one of your lists, click your profile image at the top-right corner of, and then click “Lists” in the drop-down menu. The profile and “Lists” buttons are on the left if you’re using the mobile app.

要查看您的列表之一,请单击twitter.com右上角的个人资料图像然后在下拉菜单中单击“列表”。 如果您使用的是移动应用,则配置文件和“列表”按钮在左侧。


Click the list you want to see.



All of the tweets from the accounts in that list are displayed.


Twitter lists can be taken a step further by using Tweetdeck, which is owned by Twitter. Tweetdeck was designed for those who need more flexibility, and it’s particularly great when it comes to lists. It can display multiple lists simultaneously, unlike the main Twitter website. Each list automatically streams new tweets as they happen, too, so you’ll never miss a thing. The only downside is it’s not available on mobile.

使用Twitter拥有的Tweetdeck可以将Twitter列表更进一步。 Tweetdeck专为需要更多灵活性的用户而设计,在列表方面尤其出色。 与主要的Twitter网站不同,它可以同时显示多个列表。 每个列表也会在新推文发生时自动流式传输,因此您永远不会错过任何事情。 唯一的缺点是它在移动设备上不可用。

