ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上恢复已删除的照片

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上恢复已删除的照片

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ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上恢复已删除的照片

Losing a good photo can be pretty traumatic, and accidentally deleting photos is easier to do than you might think. If you’ve accidentally deleted a photo on your iPhone, there are several ways you might be able to recover it. Let’s take a look.

丢失好照片可能会很痛苦,而且不小心删除照片比您想象的要容易。 如果您不小心删除了iPhone上的照片,则可以通过多种方法进行恢复。 让我们来看看。

Here, we’re going to run through some of the ways you might be able to recover a deleted photo, and while they may not all be specific to your situation, hopefully at least one will get your photo back where it belongs–in your photo library.


从最近删除的照片中恢复照片 (Recover a Photo From Recently Deleted)

The first and easiest place to look is on your iPhone. Open the Photos app and then tap “Albums” at the bottom of the screen.

查找的第一个最简单的地方是在iPhone上。 打开“照片”应用,然后点击屏幕底部的“相册”。

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上恢复已删除的照片

Next, scroll to the very bottom of the screen and tap “Recently Deleted.” Here, you’ll see all of the photos and videos that you deleted less than around 40 days ago. Anything older than that will have been removed, but this is absolutely the first place to check.

接下来,滚动到屏幕的最底部,然后点击“最近删除”。 在这里,您会看到不到40天前删除的所有照片和视频。 早于此的内容将被删除,但这绝对是第一个检查的地方。

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上恢复已删除的照片

If your photo is there, tap it and then tap “Recover.”


ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上恢复已删除的照片

从备份中恢复照片 (Recover Photos from a Backup)

If you plug your iPhone into a computer to back it up via iTunes, some tools can dip into those backups and allow you to extract individual files from them.


One such tool is iBackup Extractor, and it’s available for both PC and Mac. There are similar apps out there, all doing what amounts to the same thing—opening iOS backups that have been created by iTunes and allowing people to interact with them. If you know that the photo you need to recover is included in an old iTunes backup, this could be a great option to take–e. Especially if the photo was deleted more than a month ago.

iBackup Extractor就是这样一种工具,它在PC和Mac上均可使用。 那里有类似的应用程序,它们的作用等同于同一件事-打开由iTunes创建的iOS备份,并允许人们与其交互。 如果您知道需要恢复的照片已包含在旧的iTunes备份中,那么这可能是个不错的选择。 特别是如果照片在一个多月前被删除。

从iTunes备份还原iPhone (Restore your iPhone from an iTunes Backup)

If you’d rather not use a third-party app to recover your photo, you could also completely restore your iPhone using an old backup. It should be noted that if you do go this route, you will lose any data that was created or changed since that backup was created. We would heartily suggest creating a fresh backup before restoring anything, just to be sure.

如果您不想使用第三方应用程序来恢复照片,也可以使用旧的备份完全还原iPhone。 应该注意的是,如果您按照这种方式进行操作,则将丢失自创建备份以来创建或更改的所有数据。 为确保确定,我们衷心建议在还原任何内容之前创建一个新的备份。

Assuming you do want to go this route, connect your iPhone to a computer and open iTunes if it doesn’t open automatically. Next, click the device icon associated with your iPhone.

假设您确实想走这条路,请将您的iPhone连接到计算机,然后打开iTunes(如果无法自动打开)。 接下来,单击与您的iPhone关联的设备图标。

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上恢复已删除的照片

To start the restore process, click the “Restore Backup” button. You will now be prompted to select the backup that you wish to restore. Select it, and then click “Restore Backup.”

要开始还原过程,请单击“还原备份”按钮。 现在将提示您选择要还原的备份。 选择它,然后单击“还原备份”。

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上恢复已删除的照片

Your iPhone will now apply the previous backup and then restart. Once complete, iTunes will reconnect, and you can then check that your missing photo is present and correct.

您的iPhone现在将应用以前的备份,然后重新启动。 完成后,iTunes将重新连接,然后您可以检查丢失的照片是否存在并正确。

从iCloud备份还原iPhone (Restore Your iPhone From an iCloud backup)

If you don’t back your iPhone up via iTunes but use iCloud instead, you can restore from one of those previous backups, too. All of the same caveats apply here, so we again suggest taking a full iTunes backup before attempting to restore anything, just in case.

如果您不通过iTunes备份iPhone,而是使用iCloud,则也可以从以前的备份之一进行还原。 所有相同的注意事项在此处适用,因此我们再次建议在尝试还原任何内容之前进行完整的iTunes备份,以防万一。

With a new backup taken, open the Settings app and then tap “General.”


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Next, tap “Reset” towards the bottom of the screen.


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Finally, tap “Erase all content and settings.” You’ll be prompted to authenticate before anything happens, but once you have done so the reset process will take place. Afterward, your iPhone will restart, and you can set it up as if it was a new iPhone. When doing so, select the option to “Restore from iCloud Backup” and be sure to select one from a time before when you believe the photo was deleted.

最后,点击“删除所有内容和设置”。 在发生任何事情之前,系统会提示您进行身份验证,但是一旦完成,将进行重置过程。 之后,您的iPhone将重新启动,您可以将其设置为新iPhone。 这样做时,请选择“从iCloud备份还原”选项,并确保从您认为照片被删除之前选择一次。

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上恢复已删除的照片

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/403598/how-to-recover-a-deleted-photo-on-your-iphone/

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