ipad iphone开发_如何在iPad / iPhone的邮件图标上禁用数字

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPad / iPhone的邮件图标上禁用数字

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ipad iphone开发_如何在iPad / iPhone的邮件图标上禁用数字

Are you one of those people that has a Mail icon with a gigantic number next to it that never seems to go away? Here’s how to easily disable that feature instead of cleaning out your inbox.

您是其中一个带有旁边巨大数字但似乎永不消失的邮件图标的人吗? 以下是轻松禁用该功能而不是清除收件箱的方法。

The correct way to get rid of the giant number is to login to your email account and either clean out your inbox or select them all and mark as read. But you’re not going to do that, are you? So we’ll do the next best thing and just hide the counter.

摆脱巨型电话号码的正确方法是登录您的电子邮件帐户,然后清理您的收件箱或全部选中它们并标记为已读。 但是您不会那样做,对吗? 因此,我们将做第二件事,只是隐藏柜台。

Of course, this works for any icon on your iPad or iPhone, not just the Mail one.


禁用图标计数器编号标志 (Disable the Icon Counter Number Badge Thing)

Open up Settings, go to Notification Center, and then find the app in the list that you’d like to remove the counter for. In our case that’s the Mail icon, so find it in the list.

打开设置,转到通知中心,然后在列表中找到您要删除其计数器的应用。 在我们的例子中,这是邮件图标,因此请在列表中找到它。

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPad / iPhone的邮件图标上禁用数字

Find the Badge App Icon setting on the right side of the screen and flip it to off. The screenshot here should have shown it as off instead of on, but that would require doing the screenshot over, and I haven’t had enough coffee yet.

在屏幕右侧找到“徽章应用程序图标”设置,并将其翻转为关闭状态。 这里的屏幕截图应该显示为关闭而不是打开,但是这需要对屏幕截图进行处理,而且我还没有喝咖啡。

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPad / iPhone的邮件图标上禁用数字

You can also change the Alerts here, or remove from the Notification Center drop-down if you’d like. But it’s probably just the icon that you want to get rid of.

您也可以在此处更改警报,或者根据需要从“通知中心”下拉列表中删除。 但这可能只是您要删除的图标。

Fun fact: this article happened because my mom asked why her phone always has a number next to the Mail icon. I looked at her phone and she had 24,000 unread emails. How does that even happen?

有趣的事实:发生这篇文章是因为我妈妈问为什么她的手机的“邮件”图标旁边总是有一个数字。 我看着她的电话,她有24,000封未读的电子邮件。 那怎么会发生呢?

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/181734/how-to-disable-the-number-on-the-mail-icon-for-ipad-iphone/

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