
本文为瑞典吕勒奥理工大学(作者:Bako Ali)的硕士论文。



The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emergingparadigm focusing on the inter-connection of things or devices to each otherand to the users. Over time, the most of connections in IoT are shifting from‘Human to Thing’ to ‘Thing to Thing’. This technology is anticipated to becomean essential milestone in the development of smart homes to bring convenienceand efficiency into our lives and our homes. But, by bringing this IoTtechnology into our homes there will be important implications for security inthese technologies. Connecting every smart objects inside the home to theinternet and to each other resultsin new security and privacy problems, e.g.,confidentiality, authenticity, and integrity of data sensed and exchanged byobjects. These technologies are very much vulnerable to different securityattacks that make an IoT-based smart home unsecure to live in and therefore itis necessary to evaluate the security risks to judge the situation of the smarthomes. For any technology to be successful and achieve widespread use, it needsto gain the trust of users by providing sufficient security and privacyassurance. As in all sectors, maintaining security will be a critical challengeto overcome. As homes are increasingly computerized and filled with devices,potential computer security attacks and their impact on residents need to beinvestigated. Thisreport uses OCTAVE Allegro Methodology which focuses mainlyon information assets and considers containers (technical, physical and people)and conducts a security risk assessment with the goal of highlighting varioussecurity flaws in IoT-based smart home, impacts and proposing countermeasuresto the identified issues satisfying most of security requirements. Finally, itcomes up with some recommendations to the users. The research findingsdocumented into a thesis paper for secure IoT-based smart home systems and theresulted list and recommendations will be some useful contribution which can beused as a foundation for the specification of security requirements. For futurework, the assessment will be extended to include more types of smart home applicationsrather than just typical one.

1 引言
2 基于IoT智能家居环境的回顾
3 文献回顾
4 本文提出的研究方法
5 安全风险评估
6 结果与讨论
7 建议
8 结论
