记录dubbo处理 Failed to invoke the method 错误

记录dubbo处理 Failed to invoke the method 错误
本地接口可以正常使用, 但是放到linux服务器调用接口就报错,
错误主要是 :
com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.RpcException: Failed to invoke the method
Tried 3 times of the providers
Last error is: Failed to invoke remote method
cause: Failed to send response
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest

主要原因是dubbo接口, 传入的实体类 和 返回的实体类,
都需要实现序列化 implements Serializable


HttpServletRequest request

HttpSession session


我就是在返回的实体类里面写了一个方法, 带HttpServletRequest 都挂掉了, 去掉就可以了, 深层次的还不了解

记录dubbo处理 Failed to invoke the method 错误