

iCloud will sync all the bookmarks you create in Safari on your Mac to your iPad or iPhone, and vice-versa. But bookmarks aren’t quite as simple and obvious on the iPhone as they are on the Mac. Here’s how to create and manage them on iOS.

iCloud会将您在Mac上的Safari中创建的所有书签同步到iPad或iPhone,反之亦然。 但是书签在iPhone上并不像在Mac上那样简单明了。 以下是在iOS上创建和管理它们的方法。

Adding bookmarks on your iPhone is easy, but it’s not immediately obvious. The first thing you’re likely to do is fumble around in your existing bookmarks before you realize that isn’t working. What you have to do if you want to add a bookmark is to tap the Share icon as shown below in red.

在您的iPhone上添加书签很容易,但并不是立即显而易见。 您可能要做的第一件事是在发现现有书签不起作用之前在现有书签中四处摸索。 如果要添加书签,您需要做的是点击“共享”图标,如下图红色所示。


Once the Share menu opens, you’ll be able to then add the current website to your bookmarks or Favorites. You also have the option to add a site to your reading list, in case you want to read it later, offline, or you can pin it to your Home Screen.

共享菜单打开后,您就可以将当前网站添加到书签或收藏夹中。 您还可以选择将网站添加到阅读列表中,以备日后离线阅读,也可以将其固定到主屏幕。


Once you know how to add bookmarks, you can rename them, add them to folders, or delete them.


To manage your Safari bookmarks on your iPhone or iPad, first tap the Bookmarks icon along the bottom row.



Now, in the bookmarks screen, tap the “Edit” button in the bottom-right corner.



Now the edit mode will appear. Next to each bookmark or folder there is a “-” symbol, which means you can tap it and delete stuff.

现在将出现编辑模式。 每个书签或文件夹旁边都有一个“-”符号,表示您可以点击它并删除内容。

Be careful when you delete stuff. If you delete a folder, everything contained within it will be lost.
删除内容时要小心。 如果删除文件夹,其中包含的所有内容都会丢失。

Tap the “New Folder” link, and you can create a new folder to stash new or current bookmarks. Give your new folder a catchy title and indicate where you want it to reside under the “Location” option.

点击“新文件夹”链接,您可以创建一个新文件夹来存放新书签或当前书签。 给您的新文件夹起一个醒目的标题,并在“位置”选项下指示您希望其驻留的位置。


When you tap “Location”, your bookmarks structure will expand and you can tap where you want the new folder to go.



To edit any bookmark, you simply need to tap on one while in edit mode. The “Edit Bookmark” screen will open where you can then give any bookmark a new name, fix URL issues, and like new folders, place it in an appropriate location.

要编辑任何书签,只需在编辑模式下点按一个即可。 将打开“编辑书签”屏幕,您可以在其中为任何书签重新命名,解决URL问题,并像新文件夹一样将其放置在适当的位置。


Finally, you may have noticed that while in edit mode, there are three gray bars that appear along the right edge of each bookmark or bookmark folder. These allow you to move stuff around, so if you want to reorder everything, just place your finger on these bars and drag it into the location you choose.

最后,您可能已经注意到,在编辑模式下,每个书签或书签文件夹的右边缘出现三个灰色条。 这些按钮可让您四处移动,因此,如果您想重新排序所有内容,只需将手指放在这些栏上并将其拖动到您选择的位置即可。

Press and hold the three lines to move bookmarks and folders so they’re organized as you like.

As you can see, adding, deleting, and editing bookmarks and bookmarks folders on Safari for iOS is pretty easy and once you know how to do it, we’re sure you’ll have your bookmarks named and arranged in exactly the order you see fit.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/237827/how-to-add-and-manage-bookmarks-on-safari-for-iphone/