ios 打开safari_如何在iOS的Safari中打开最近关闭的标签页

ios 打开safari_如何在iOS的Safari中打开最近关闭的标签页

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ios 打开safari_如何在iOS的Safari中打开最近关闭的标签页

That feeling you get when you close the wrong browser tab by accident is no fun. Fortunately, Safari for iOS, like most modern browsers, provides a way to recover from your little mishap. You just have to know where to look.

当您意外关闭错误的浏览器选项卡时,您会感到无聊。 幸运的是,与大多数现代浏览器一样,iOS的Safari浏览器提供了一种从小事中恢复的方法。 你只需要知道去哪里找。

Most web browsers allow you to open a recently closed tab, either through a keyboard shortcut or menu selection. Safari on iOS is no different. It remembers the last five tabs you closed (unless you force quit the app or restart your phone). The feature is a little hidden, though, so unless you’ve already discovered it by accident, here’s what to do.

大多数网络浏览器都允许您通过键盘快捷键或菜单选择打开最近关闭的选项卡。 iOS上的Safari也不例外。 它会记住您关闭的最后五个选项卡(除非您强行退出应用程序或重新启动手机)。 但是,该功能有些隐藏,因此,除非您已经偶然发现它,否则请执行以下操作。

In Safari, tap the Tabs button at the bottom right of your screen.


ios 打开safari_如何在iOS的Safari中打开最近关闭的标签页

In the Tabs view, tapping the Plus button opens a new page. Instead of tapping it, tap and hold it for a few seconds to open a list of recently closed tabs.

在选项卡视图中,点击加号按钮将打开一个新页面。 不用点击它,而是按住它几秒钟以打开最近关闭的选项卡列表。

ios 打开safari_如何在iOS的Safari中打开最近关闭的标签页

Tap any selection from the Recently Closed Tabs list.


ios 打开safari_如何在iOS的Safari中打开最近关闭的标签页

And enjoy not having to search for that page again.


ios 打开safari_如何在iOS的Safari中打开最近关闭的标签页

That’s all there is to it. It’s a simple trick once you know it’s available, but it’s super handy in a pinch.

这里的所有都是它的。 一旦知道它是可用的,这是一个简单的技巧,但在紧要关头非常方便。


ios 打开safari