


The web has always evolved fairly quickly but as of late it sure feels like the pace has picked up substantially. There are a plethora of new standards and techniques emerging that range from incremental improvements to potentially giant leaps forward.

网络一直都在飞速发展,但是直到最近它的速度确实已经大大加快了。 从逐步改进到潜在的巨大飞跃,涌现出了大量新标准和新技术。

We have the mass migration to HTTPS. There’s HTTP/2 which provides the first major update to HTTP in over 15 years. Alongside of that we have Google’s QUIC which could provide significant reduction in latency. Service workers brings a programmable proxy to the browser. We have more focus than ever on motion design on the web. Improved performance metrics have shifted the discussion to more experience-based optimizations such as optimizing for the critical path. We have the shift to ECMAScript 6. The list goes on and on.

我们已经大规模迁移到HTTPS。 HTTP / 2提供了15年来对HTTP的首次重大更新。 除此之外,我们还有Google的QUIC ,可以显着减少延迟。 服务人员将可编程代理带到浏览器。 我们比以往任何时候都更加关注网络上的运动设计。 改进的性能指标已将讨论转移到更多基于经验的优化上,例如针对关键路径进行优化 。 我们已经转向ECMAScript 6 。 清单不胜枚举。

It’s very exciting. But it can also be stressful.

非常令人兴奋。 但这也会带来压力。

The other day I tweeted about my excitement about some of these new standards. Shane Hudson was the first reply:

几天前,我推特上发布了有关这些新标准的激动之词Shane Hudson是第一个答复

Quite worryingly, some of those words are gobbledegook to me. Looks like I have some research to do!

令人担忧的是,其中有些词对我而言是愚蠢的。 看来我需要做一些研究!

That sense of worry is something that seems to be widespread in our industry. Arguably the most common question I’ve heard at events over the last few years—whether directed to myself, another speaker, or simply discussed over drinks at the end of the night—is how people “keep up”. With everything coming out there is a collective feeling of falling behind.

这种担忧似乎在我们的行业中普遍存在。 可以说,过去几年我在活动中听到的最常见的问题是,人们是如何“保持精神”的,无论是发给自己,另一位演讲者,还是只是在深夜讨论饮酒问题。 一切都出现了,总有一种落后的感觉。

Some have blamed it on increasing complexity but I don’t really buy that. My first few sites were simple (and ugly) things I put together using Notepad and an FTP client while teaching myself HTML using a little magazine I bought. If I were just getting started today that same setup would work just as well. In fact, it would probably be easier as the baseline of browser support has generally improved and frankly, there are a ton of excellent resources now for learning how to write HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

有些人将其归咎于日益增加的复杂性,但我并不是真的购买。 我最初的几个网站是我使用记事本和FTP客户端组合在一起的简单(丑陋)的东西,同时使用我购买的一本小杂志自学HTML。 如果我今天才刚刚开始,那么相同的设置也将同样有效。 实际上,随着浏览器支持基线的普遍提高,坦率地说,这可能会更容易。坦率地说,现在有大量优秀的资源可用于学习如何编写HTML,CSS和JavaScript。

I didn’t think much about accessibility or performance or semantic markup or visual design when I started. I just used what little I knew and learned to build something.

开始时,我对可访问性,性能,语义标记或视觉设计没有太多的考虑。 我只是用了我所不了解的东西,并学会了构建东西。

Over time as I learned more and more about the web, I started to recognize the extreme limitations of my knowledge. I realized accessibility was important and that I needed to learn more about that. I learned that performance was important. I learned that typography was important.

随着时间的流逝,随着我对网络的了解越来越多,我开始认识到我所学知识的极端局限性。 我意识到可访问性很重要,因此我需要进一步了解。 我了解到性能很重要。 我了解到排版很重要。

And so I dug in and tried to learn each. The more I learned, the more I realized I didn’t know. It’s the Dunning-Kruger effect in full force.

因此,我深入研究并尝试学习每种方法。 我学得越多,我就越意识到我不知道。 这是邓宁-克鲁格效应的全部体现。

No, I don’t think the complexity of building for the web has changed. I think our collective understanding of what it means to build well for the web has and that as that understanding has deepened, we’ve become acutely aware of how much we individually still do not know.

不,我认为构建网络的复杂性没有改变。 我认为我们已经对建立良好的网络意味着什么有了集体的理解,并且随着这种理解的加深,我们已经敏锐地意识到我们个人尚不知道的多少。

I certainly have improved as a developer since I first started. Yet everything I’ve learned has exposed a dozen more topics I know nothing about. The list of things I don’t know about the web grow as fast as my well-intentioned “read-it-later” list, so how do I prioritize and figure out what to explore next?

自从我开始工作以来,作为开发人员,我当然有所进步。 然而,我所学到的一切都暴露了我不了解的十几个主题。 我不了解网络的事物列表的增长速度与我精心设计的“稍后阅读”列表的增长速度一样快,因此,我该如何确定优先级并弄清楚接下来要探索什么?

Susan Robertson had some solid advice on coping with this in her article on A List Apart a year ago:

苏珊·罗伯逊(Susan Robertson) 一年前在《 A List Apart》上的文章中对此提出了一些可靠的建议:

So I’ve started devoting the time I have for learning new things to learning the things that I like, that matter to me, and hopefully that will show in my work and in my writing. It may not be sexy and it may not be the hottest thing on the web right now, but it’s still relevant and important to making a great site or application. So instead of feeling overwhelmed by code, maybe take a step back, evaluate what you actually enjoy learning, and focus on that.

因此,我已经开始将自己的时间用于学习新事物,以学习自己喜欢的事物,这对我来说很重要,并希望能在我的作品和写作中得到体现。 它可能并不性感,也可能不是当前网络上最热门的东西,但是对于创建一个出色的网站或应用程序而言,它仍然是相关且重要的。 因此,不要感到被代码淹没,可以退后一步,评估您真正喜欢学习的内容,并专注于此。

I completely agree with her stance on learning about what interests you, but I would add one small bit of advice to this as well: when in doubt, focus on the core. When in doubt, learn CSS over any sort of tooling around CSS. Learn JavaScript instead of React or Angular or whatever other library seems hot at the moment. Learn HTML. Learn how browsers work. Learn how connections are established over the network.

我完全同意她在了解您感兴趣的问题上的立场,但是我也会对此提出一点建议:如有疑问,请关注核心问题。 如有疑问,请通过CSS的各种工具学习CSS。 学习JavaScript,而不是React或Angular或其他目前看来很热门的库。 学习HTML。 了解浏览器的工作方式。 了解如何通过网络建立连接。

The reason for focusing on the core has nothing to do with the validity of any of those other frameworks, libraries or tools. On the contrary, focusing on the core helps you to recognize the strengths and limitations of these tools and abstractions. A developer with a solid understanding of vanilla JavaScript can shift fairly easily from React to Angular to Ember. More importantly, they are well equipped to understand if the shift should be made at all. You can’t necessarily say the same thing about an INSERT-NEW-HOT-FRAMEWORK-HERE developer.

专注于核心的原因与其他任何框架,库或工具的有效性无关。 相反,专注于核心可以帮助您认识这些工具和抽象的优点和局限性。 对香草JavaScript有深入了解的开发人员可以相当轻松地从React转换为Angular到Ember。 更重要的是,他们有充分的能力了解是否应该进行转换。 对于INSERT-NEW-HOT-FRAMEWORK-HERE开发人员,您不一定要说相同的话。

Building your core understanding of the web and the underlying technologies that power it will help you to better understand when and how to utilize abstractions.


That’s part one of dealing with the rapid pace of the web.


The second part is letting go and recognizing that it’s ok not to be on the bleeding edge.


In another fantastic A List Apart post today, Lyza Danger Gardner looked at Service Workers and the conundrum of how you can use them today. As she points out, for all the attention they’ve received online, support is still very limited and in several cases incomplete. While I think Service Workers have a simpler migration path than many other standards—the whole API was built from the ground-up to be easy to progressively enhance—I think her nod to the hype versus the reality of support is important.

今天另一个精彩的A List Apart帖子中Lyza Danger Gardner研究了服务工作者以及今天如何使用它们的难题。 正如她指出的那样,尽管他们在线上获得了所有关注,但支持仍然非常有限,在某些情况下还不够完善。 尽管我认为服务工作者的迁移路径比许多其他标准更简单(整个API都是从头开始构建的,易于逐步增强),但我认为她对炒作和支持的支持非常重要。

Service workers are one of those potentially seismic shifts on the web. New uncharted territory. And that brings excitement which in turn has brought a lot of posts and presentations about this new standard. For people who have seen all of this chatter but haven’t actually dove in yet, it can feel like they’re quickly falling behind.

服务人员是网络上潜在的地震变化之一。 新的未知领域。 这带来了兴奋,反过来又带来了许多有关此新标准的文章和演示。 对于已经看过所有这些聊天内容但实际上还没有深入了解的人们,感觉就像他们很快就落后了。

But for all that hype, browser support is still in the early days. Building with service workers is still living on the edge—it’s pretty far from mainstream. The same is true for many of the technologies that are seeing the most chatter.

但是尽管如此,浏览器支持仍处于早期阶段。 与服务人员一起建设仍然生活在边缘,距离主流还很远。 对于许多聊天最频繁的技术而言,情况也是如此。

That doesn’t mean you don’t want to pay attention to them, but it does mean you don’t need to feel left behind if you haven’t yet. These are very new additions to the web and it will take time for our understanding of their potential (and their limitations) to develop.

这并不意味着您不想关注它们,而是意味着如果您还没有的话,就不需要被甩在后面。 这些是对Web的非常新的补充,我们需要花费一些时间来了解它们的发展潜力(及其局限性)。

As Dan McKinley has eloquently argued, there is a great deal of value in forgoing life on the bleeding edge and instead choosing “boring technology”—technology that may not be as “cool” but that has been around awhile. The major advantage is that the kinks have been worked out:

正如丹·麦金莱(Dan McKinley)雄辩地指出的那样,在最前沿的生活中放弃生命,而选择“无聊的技术” ,这可能不是那么“酷”,但已经存在了一段时间,这具有很大的价值。 主要优点是已经解决了一些问题:

The nice thing about boringness…is that the capabilities of these things are well understood. But more importantly, their failure modes are well understood.

无聊的好处是……这些东西的功能得到了很好的理解。 但更重要的是,它们的故障模式已广为人知。

Bleeding edge technology is exciting, but there is a reason that phrase is so vivid.


If you were to ask me, “Tim, how do you keep up?” my answer would be this: I don’t. I don’t think any of us do. Anyone who tries telling you that they are keeping up with everything is either putting up a front or they’re not yet knowledgeable enough to be aware of how much they don’t know.

如果您要问我,“蒂姆,您要如何跟上?” 我的回答是:我没有。 我认为我们每个人都不做。 任何试图告诉您他们正在跟上所有事情的人都在摆在前沿,或者他们还不足够了解,以至于不知道自己有多少。

No matter how much time we spend working on the web, there is always some other API or tool or technique we haven’t used. There is always something we haven’t fully understood yet.

无论我们花多少时间在网络上工作,总有一些其他API,工具或技术没有用过。 总是有些事情我们还没有完全了解。

We’re blessed with a community full of people willing to share what they are learning about creating a vast knowledge base for us to tap into. We don’t need to know everything about the web. In fact, we can’t know everything about the web.

我们很幸运,社区里挤满了愿意分享他们正在学习的知识的人,这些知识为我们提供了广泛的知识基础。 我们不需要了解网络的所有知识。 实际上,我们不能完全了解网络。

But that isn’t something to feel guilty about. That isn’t because of increasing complexity. That isn’t some sort of personal weakness.

但这并不是什么罪恶感。 那不是因为复杂性增加。 那不是个人的弱点。

It’s a sign of a deepening understanding of this incredible continuum we get to build and an honest acknowledgement that we still have so much left to learn.


翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2015/09/the-fallacy-of-keeping-up/
