



It can be tough transporting your videos and music to every device you use. How do you know your Mac, Xbox, and Windows PC can read your files? Read on to find your perfect USB drive solution.

将视频和音乐传输到您使用的每台设备都可能很困难。 您如何知道Mac,Xbox和Windows PC可以读取文件? 继续阅读以找到理想的USB驱动器解决方案。

  1. If you want to share your files with the most devices and none of the files are larger than 4 GB, choose FAT32.

    如果要与最多的设备共享文件,并且所有文件都不大于4 GB,请选择FAT32。
  2. If you have files larger than 4 GB, but still want pretty good support across devices, choose exFAT.

    如果您的文件大于4 GB,但仍希望在所有设备上都获得很好的支持,请选择exFAT。
  3. If you have files larger than 4 GB and mostly share with Windows PCs, choose NTFS.

    如果文件大于4 GB,并且大多数与Windows PC共享,请选择NTFS。
  4. If you have files larger than 4 GB and mostly share with Macs, choose HFS+

    如果文件大于4 GB,并且大多数与Mac共享,请选择HFS +

File systems are the sort of thing that many computer users take for granted. The most common file systems are FAT32, exFAT, and NTFS on Windows, APFS and HFS+ on macOS, and EXT on Linux—though you may run into others on occasion. But it can be confusing understanding what devices and operating systems supports which file systems—especially when all you want to do is transfer some files or keep your collection readable by all the devices you use. So, let’s take a look at the major file systems and hopefully, you can figure out the best solution for formatting your USB drive.

文件系统是许多计算机用户理所当然的事情。 最常见的文件系统是Windows上的FAT32,exFAT和NTFS ,macOS上的APFS和HFS +,以及Linux上的EXT-尽管有时可能会遇到其他文件系统。 但是,了解哪些设备和操作系统支持哪些文件系统可能会造成混乱,尤其是当您要做的只是传输某些文件或使您使用的所有设备可读性好时,尤其如此。 因此,让我们看一下主要的文件系统,希望您能找到格式化USB驱动器的最佳解决方案。

了解文件系统问题 (Understanding File System Problems)

Different file systems offer different ways of organizing data on a disk. Since only binary data is actually written to disks, the file systems provide a way to translate the physical recordings on a disk to the format read by an OS. Since these file systems are key to the operating system making sense of the data, an OS cannot read data off of a disk without support for the file system with which the disk is formatted. When you format a disk, the file system you choose essentially governs which devices can read or write to the disk.

不同的文件系统提供了不同的方式来组织磁盘上的数据。 由于实际上仅将二进制数据写入磁盘,因此文件系统提供了一种将磁盘上的物理记录转换为OS读取的格式的方法。 由于这些文件系统是使操作系统理解数据的关键,因此,如果不支持格式化磁盘的文件系统,则OS无法从磁盘读取数据。 格式化磁盘时,您选择的文件系统实质上决定了哪些设备可以读取或写入磁盘。

Many businesses and households have multiple PCs of different types in their home—Windows, macOS, and Linux being the most common. And if you carry files to friends houses or when you travel, you never know what type of system you may want those files on. Because of this variety, you need to format portable disks so that they can move easily between the different operating systems you expect to use.

许多企业和家庭在家里都有多台不同类型的PC,其中Windows,macOS和Linux是最常见的。 而且,如果您将文件携带到朋友家或旅行时,您将永远不知道您可能希望使用哪种类型的文件。 由于种类繁多,您需要格式化便携式磁盘,以便它们可以在希望使用的不同操作系统之间轻松移动。

But to make that decision, you need to understand the two major factors that can affect your file system choice: portability and file size limits. We’re going to take a look at these two factors as they relate to the most common file systems:

但是要做出此决定,您需要了解可能影响文件系统选择的两个主要因素:可移植性文件大小限制。 我们将研究与最常见的文件系统相关的这两个因素:

  • NTFS: The NT File System (NTFS) is the file system that modern Windows versions use by default.

    NTFS: NT文件系统(NTFS)是现代Windows版本默认使用的文件系统。

  • HFS+: The Hierarchical File System (HFS+) is the file system modern macOS versions use by default.

    HFS +:分层文件系统(HFS +)是现代macOS版本默认使用的文件系统。

  • APFS: The proprietary Apple file system developed as a replacement for HFS+, with a focus on flash drives, SSDs, and encryption. APFS was released with iOS 10.3 and macOS 10.13, and will become the mandatory file system for those operating systems.

    APFS:专有的Apple文件系统,是HFS +的替代产品,主要用于闪存驱动器,SSD和加密。 APFS随iOS 10.3和macOS 10.13一起发布,并将成为这些操作系统的必需文件系统。

  • FAT32: The File Allocation Table 32 (FAT32) was the standard Windows file system before NTFS.


  • exFAT: The extended File Allocation Table (exFAT) builds on FAT32 and offers a lightweight system without all the overhead of NTFS.


  • EXT 2, 3, & 4: The extended file system (EXT) was the first file system created specifically for the Linux kernel.

    EXT 2、3和4:扩展文件系统(EXT)是第一个专门为Linux内核创建的文件系统。

可移植性 (Portability)

You might think that modern operating systems would natively support each other’s file system, but they largely do not. For example, macOS can read—but not write to—disks formatted with NTFS. For the most part, Windows will not even recognize disks formatted with APFS or HFS+.

您可能会认为,现代操作系统本来会支持彼此的文件系统,但实际上却不支持。 例如,macOS可以读取但不能写入使用NTFS格式化的磁盘。 在大多数情况下,Windows甚至无法识别使用APFS或HFS +格式化的磁盘。

Many distros of Linux (like Ubuntu) are prepared to deal with this file system problem. Moving files from one file system to another is a routine process for Linux—many modern distros natively support NFTS and HFS+ or can get support with a quick download of free software packages.

许多Linux发行版(如Ubuntu)已准备好解决此文件系统问题。 将文件从一个文件系统移动到另一个文件系统是Linux的常规过程-许多现代发行版本身都支持NFTS和HFS +,或者可以通过免费下载免费软件包来获得支持。

In addition to this, your home consoles (Xbox 360, Playstation 4) only provide limited support for certain filesystems, and only provide read access to the USB drives. In order to better understand the best filesystem for your needs, take a look at this helpful chart.

除此之外,您的家庭控制台(Xbox 360,Playstation 4)仅对某些文件系统提供有限的支持,并且仅提供对USB驱动器的读取访问权限。 为了更好地了解您所需的最佳文件系统,请查看此有用的图表。

File System Windows XP Windows 7/8/10 macOS (10.6.4 and earlier) macOS (10.6.5 and later) Ubuntu Linux Playstation 4 Xbox 360/One
NTFS  Yes Yes Read Only Read Only Yes No No/Yes
FAT32 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes/Yes
exFAT Yes Yes No Yes Yes (with ExFAT packages) Yes (with MBR, not GUID) No/Yes
HFS+ No (read-only with Boot Camp) Yes Yes Yes No Yes
APFS No No No Yes (macOS 10.13 or greater) No No No
EXT 2, 3, 4 No Yes (with third-party software) No No Yes No Yes
文件系统 Windows XP Windows 7/8/10 macOS(10.6.4和更早版本) macOS(10.6.5及更高版本) Ubuntu Linux Playstation 4 Xbox 360 /一个
NTFS 只读 只读 没有 否/是
FAT32 是的是的
FAT文件 没有 是(使用ExFAT软件包) 是(使用MBR,不使用GUID) 否/是
HFS + 没有 (对于Boot Camp只读) 没有
亚太地区食品安全局 没有 没有 没有 是(macOS 10.13或更高版本) 没有 没有 没有
EXT 2、3、4 没有 是(使用第三方软件) 没有 没有 没有

Keep in mind that this chart chose the native abilities of each OS to use these file systems. Windows and macOS both have downloads that can help them read unsupported formats, but we’re really focusing on native ability here.

请记住,此图表选择了每个操作系统使用这些文件系统的本机功能。 Windows和macOS都有下载内容,可以帮助他们读取不受支持的格式,但是我们在此实际上专注于本机功能。

The takeaway from this chart on portability is that FAT32 (having been around for so long) is supported on almost all devices. This makes it strong candidate for being the file system of choice for most USB drives, so long as you can live with FAT32’s file size limits—which we’ll go over next.

从该图表的可移植性中得出的结论是,几乎所有设备都支持FAT32(已经存在了很长时间)。 只要您能够遵守FAT32的文件大小限制,我们将成为大多数USB驱动器选择文件系统的有力候选者,我们将在后面进行介绍。

文件和卷大小限制 (File and Volume Size Limits)

FAT32 was developed many years ago, and was based on older FAT filesystems meant for DOS computers. The large disk sizes of today were only theoretical in those days, so it probably seemed ridiculous to the engineers that anyone would ever need a file larger than 4 GB. However, with today’s large file sizes of uncompressed and high-def video, many users are faced with that very challenge.

FAT32是在多年前开发的,它基于用于DOS计算机的较旧FAT文件系统。 当今的大磁盘容量在当时只是理论上的事,因此对于工程师来说,任何人都需要大于4 GB的文件似乎很荒谬。 但是,随着当今未压缩和高清视频的大文件大小,许多用户面临着非常大的挑战。

Today’s more modern file systems have upward limits that seem ridiculous by our modern standards, but one day may seem humdrum and ordinary. When stacked up against the competition, we see very quickly that FAT32 is showing its age in terms of file size limits.

当今更现代的文件系统具有向上的限制,按照我们的现代标准看似荒谬,但有一天可能看起来很平淡和普通。 当与竞争对手一较高下时,我们很快就会发现FAT32在文件大小限制方面正在显示其年龄。

File System Individual File Size Limit Single Volume Size Limit
NTFS  Greater than commercially available drives 16 EB
FAT32 Less than 4 GB Less than 8 TB
exFAT Greater than commercially available drives 64 ZB
HFS+ Greater than commercially
available drives
8 EB
APFS Greater than commercially
available drives
16 EB
EXT 2, 3 16 GB (up to 2 TB on some systems) 32 TB
EXT 4 16 TiB 1 EiB
文件系统 单个文件大小限制 单卷大小限制
NTFS 大于市售驱动器 16 EB
FAT32 小于4 GB 少于8 TB
FAT文件 大于市售驱动器 64 ZB
HFS + 大于商业
8 EB
亚太地区食品安全局 大于商业
16 EB
EXT 2、3 16 GB(在某些系统上最高为2 TB) 32 TB
EXT 4 16 TiB 1个EiB

Every newer file system handily whips FAT32 in the file size department, allowing for sometimes ridiculously large files. And when you look at volume size limits, FAT32 still lets you format volumes up to 8 TB, which is more than enough for a USB drive. Other files systems allow volume sizes all the way up into the exobyte and zetabyte range.

每个较新的文件系统都会在文件大小部门中方便地鞭打FAT32,从而有时会产生可笑的大文件。 而且,当您查看卷大小限制时,FAT32仍可让您格式化高达8 TB的卷,这对于USB驱动器来说已经足够了。 其他文件系统允许卷大小一直扩展到exobyte和zetabyte范围。

格式化驱动器 (Formatting a Drive)

The process for formatting a drive is different depending on what system you’re using. Rather than detailing them all here, we’ll instead point you at a few handy guides on the subject:

根据使用的系统,格式化驱动器的过程有所不同。 除了在这里没有详细说明之外,我们将为您提供有关该主题的一些便捷指南:

The conclusion to draw from all this is that while FAT32 has its issues, it’s the best file system to use for most portable drives. FAT32 finds support on the most devices, allows volumes up to 8 TB, and file sizes up to 4 GB.

从所有这些得出的结论是,尽管FAT32存在问题,但是它是用于大多数便携式驱动器的最佳文件系统。 FAT32可在大多数设备上找到支持,最多可支持8 TB的卷,最大可支持4 GB的文件。

If you need to transport files greater than 4 GB, you’ll need to take a closer look at your needs. If you only use Windows devices, NTFS is a good choice. If you only use macOS devices, HFS+ will work for you. And if you only use Linux devices, EXT is fine. And if you need support for more devices and bigger files, exFAT may fit the bill. exFAT is not supported on quite as many different devices as FAT32 is, but it comes close.

如果您需要传输大于4 GB的文件,则需要仔细查看您的需求。 如果仅使用Windows设备,则NTFS是一个不错的选择。 如果仅使用macOS设备,则HFS +将为您工作。 如果仅使用Linux设备,则EXT很好。 而且,如果您需要更多设备和更大文件的支持,exFAT可能适合您。 与FAT32一样,exFAT在许多不同的设备上均不受支持,但是它接近。

