
今天使用Aptana编写js文件,提示总是No Template Proposals,在网上搜索半天,先是用以下方法

  用记事本打开安装目录:Aptana\Aptana Studio 2.0\configuration\.settings下的org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs,文件中找到 SHOW_WORKSPACE_SELECTION_DIALOG=false 这句话,将false改为true,保存。重启aptana程序,设置orkspace,JS文件上code便可智能提示了。



I found the problem. It seems that after you have installed Aptana, Eclipse connects files with the .js extension to the wrong Javascript editor. With Aptana you get two editors for Javascript, one that is also standard in PDT (Javascript Editor) and the Aptana JS Editor.

You should set the last editor as the default. You can change this in Preferences > Editors > File Associations. Select *.js and in the list below you should select Aptana JS Editor and click on the button 'Default'. Now when you open .js files you get the correct editor WITH code assist.
