VBScript - 在循环中使用文件夹名称创建文本文件


问题: 下面的这个脚本循环播放超过4百万个文件并检索文件属性信息以确定可以清除的内容。目前的过程已经使用20 + GB的RAM,只有一半完成。VBScript - 在循环中使用文件夹名称创建文本文件


问题: - 是否有可能基于子文件夹循环创建一个新文件来写入? (使用对象属性代替文件似乎没有办法) - 是可以将内容写入文件,然后从我的临时内存中清除以前的数据?

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
objStartFolder = "C:\Test" 

Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(objStartFolder) 
Set colFiles = objFolder.Files 

For Each objFile in colFiles 
    On Error Resume Next 
    If Err Then 
     MyFile.Write "Error accessing " & objFile & ": " & Err.Description & vbCrLf 
     Q="""" 'Wrap quotes around string 
     strFilePath = Q & objFile.Path & Q 
     strFileName = Q & objFile.Name & Q 
     strFileSize = objFile.Size 
     strFileType = Q & objFile.Type & Q 
     strFileDateCreated = objFile.DateCreated 
     strFileDateLastAccessed = objFile.DateLastAccessed 
     strFileDateLastModified = objFile.DateLastModified 
     Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:") 
     Set objFileSecuritySettings = _ 
     objWMIService.Get("Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting=""" & replace(objFile,  "\", "\\") & """") 
     intRetVal = objFileSecuritySettings.GetSecurityDescriptor(objSD) 
     If intRetVal = 0 Then 
      strFileOwner = Q & objSD.Owner.Domain & "\" & objSD.Owner.Name & Q 
      strFileOwner = Q & "Couldn't retrieve security descriptor." & Q 
     End If 

'    CreatedDiff = DateDiff("yyyy",strFileDateCreated,Now) 
'    AccessedDiff = DateDiff("yyyy",strFileDateLastAccessed,Now) 
'    ModifiedDiff = DateDiff("yyyy",strFileDateLastModified,Now) 
'    MaxTime = 3 'Max time in years. For days change "yyyy" to "d" 

'    If (CreatedDiff >= MaxTime) AND (AccessedDiff >= MaxTime) AND  (ModifiedDiff >= MaxTime) Then 

      MyFile.Write strFilePath & "~|~" &_ 
      strFileName & "~|~" &_ 
      strFileSize & "~|~" &_ 
      strFileType & "~|~" &_ 
      strFileDateCreated & "~|~" &_ 
      strFileDateLastAccessed & "~|~" &_ 
      strFileDateLastModified & "~|~" &_ 
      strFileOwner & vbCrLf 
'   End If 
    End If 

ShowSubfolders objFSO.GetFolder(objStartFolder) 

Sub ShowSubFolders(Folder) 
    For Each Subfolder in Folder.SubFolders 
    On Error Resume Next 
     Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(Subfolder.Path) 
     Set colFiles = objFolder.Files 

    For Each objFile in colFiles 
    On Error Resume Next 
    If Err Then 
     MyFile.Write "Error accessing " & objFile & ": " & Err.Description & vbCrLf 
     Q="""" 'Wrap quotes around string 
     strFilePath = Q & objFile.Path & Q 
     strFileName = Q & objFile.Name & Q 
     strFileSize = objFile.Size 
     strFileType = Q & objFile.Type & Q 
     strFileDateCreated = objFile.DateCreated 
     strFileDateLastAccessed = objFile.DateLastAccessed 
     strFileDateLastModified = objFile.DateLastModified 
     Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:") 
     Set objFileSecuritySettings = _ 
     objWMIService.Get("Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting=""" & replace(objFile, "\", "\\") & """") 
     intRetVal = objFileSecuritySettings.GetSecurityDescriptor(objSD) 
     If intRetVal = 0 Then 
      strFileOwner = Q & objSD.Owner.Domain & "\" & objSD.Owner.Name & Q 
      strFileOwner = Q & "Couldn't retrieve security descriptor." & Q 
     End If 

'    CreatedDiff = DateDiff("yyyy",strFileDateCreated,Now) 
'    AccessedDiff = DateDiff("yyyy",strFileDateLastAccessed,Now) 
'    ModifiedDiff = DateDiff("yyyy",strFileDateLastModified,Now) 
'    MaxTime = 3 'Max time in years. For days change "yyyy" to "d" 

'    If (CreatedDiff >= MaxTime) AND (AccessedDiff >= MaxTime) AND (ModifiedDiff >= MaxTime) Then 

      MyFile.Write strFilePath & "~|~" &_ 
      strFileName & "~|~" &_ 
      strFileSize & "~|~" &_ 
      strFileType & "~|~" &_ 
      strFileDateCreated & "~|~" &_ 
      strFileDateLastAccessed & "~|~" &_ 
      strFileDateLastModified & "~|~" &_ 
      strFileOwner & vbCrLf 
'    End If 
    End If 
ShowSubFolders Subfolder 
End Sub 

有这么多的数据要存储,你确定一个文本文件是你最好的选择?你有没有考虑过使用数据库?另外'On Error Resume Next'清除'Err'对象。所以你的'If Err Then'测试总是会是'False'。 – Bond 2014-09-11 12:36:52


感谢您的意见。关于您直接存储到数据库的问题,最终我会将这些文件加载​​到MySQL数据库中。但是,凭借我有限的VBScript知识,我选择采用两步法。任何意见或建议,你可能会不胜感激。 – user3549887 2014-09-11 15:33:12




Dim fso, startfolder 
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 

startfolder = "C:\temp" 
GetFileInfo startfolder 

Sub GetFileInfo(folderpath) 
    On Error Resume Next 
    Dim file, logpath, logfile, folder 
    logpath = "C:\log\" & fso.GetBaseName(folderpath) & ".log" ' C:\log folder must exist; but of course edit path and file name conventions as desired 
    Set logfile = fso.OpenTextFile(logpath, 2, True) 
    If Err Then EchoAndQuit "Failed to create log " & logpath & ": " & Err.Description 

    ' Write the file info in current folder 
    For Each file In fso.GetFolder(folderpath).Files 
     logfile.WriteLine file.Name ' file/security info 

    'Set x = Nothing (Set objects instantiated in this sub to nothing to release memory) 

    ' Now the recursive bit 
    For Each folder In fso.GetFolder(folderpath).SubFolders 

    On Error GoTo 0 
End Sub 

Sub EchoAndQuit(msg) 
    MsgBox msg, 4096 + 16, "Failed" 
End Sub 

一个问题是,你会得到一个访问被拒绝的错误,如果你有多个同名的文件夹 - 我会离开它给你制定出一些检查/命名约定来避免这种情况。 (你可以通过设置logfile = nothing来避开它,但是如果有多个同名的文件夹,你会覆盖现有的日志文件,所以你可以设计一些日志文件检查/命名约定来避开重复名称问题,那么你可以销毁该对象,如果你想。)