



I take a lot of self-portraits. My mother says I’m very pretty and that the world needs more pictures of me, and since I’m normally the one holding the camera, no one else is going to do it. Here are some tips for taking better portraits of yourself.

我拍了很多自画像。 我的母亲说我很漂亮,这个世界需要我更多的照片,由于我通常是拿着相机的人,因此没有人愿意这样做。 这里有一些技巧,可以更好地拍摄自己的肖像。

The principles are the same whether I spend a few hours carefully staging a self-portrait like the one below, or snap off a few selfies with my iPhone. From here on in, I’m going to use the two words interchangeably.

无论我花几个小时仔细地进行如下自画像,还是用iPhone拍几张自拍照,原理都是相同的。 从这里开始,我将交替使用这两个词。


Although countless articles blame selfies for all manner of ills, they’re a pretty ancient form of artistic expression. Every major artist, from Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo to Picasso and Ansel Adams, has at some point, turned the camera (or the brush) on themselves. Sure, it’s a lot easier now that every smartphone ships with a front facing camera, but it’s hardly a new idea.

尽管无数的文章将自拍照归咎于 各种弊病 ,但它们是一种古老的艺术表达形式。 从莱昂纳多·达·芬奇和米开朗基罗到毕加索和安塞尔·亚当斯,每个主要艺术家都在某个时候将照相机(或画笔)对准自己。 当然,现在每个智能手机都配备了前置摄像头,这要容易得多,但这并不是一个新主意。

If you’re going to take selfies (and let’s be honest, you are) you might as well do it right. So let’s look at how to take a good one.

如果您要自拍照(说实话,您是),那么您也可以做对。 因此,让我们看一下如何选一个好人。

是什么使自我画像良好 (What Makes a Good Self-Portrait)

From an aesthetic point of view, a self-portrait is really just a portrait. Everything we covered in our guide to taking good portraits holds true. The big difference is that you’re turning the camera on the subject you’re most intimately familiar with.

从美学的角度来看,自画像实际上只是肖像。 我们在拍摄好人像指南中涵盖的所有内容都是正确的。 最大的不同是,您将相机对准了您最熟悉的对象。


There’s also a second way to look at selfies: emotionally. Anyone can take a near-identical photo of the Eiffel tower, but only you can take a selfie there (or at least, one with you in it). They’re among the most personal photos you can take. A good emotional selfie is one that, in ten years time when you look back at it, you can be brought back to the moment you took it.

还有另一种看自拍照的方式:情感上。 任何人都可以拍摄埃菲尔铁塔的近乎相同的照片,但只有您可以在那里拍照(或至少一个与您合影)。 它们是您可以拍摄的最个性化的照片之一。 良好的情感自拍是一种,十年来,当您回头看时,就可以回到拍摄时的那一刻。

技术资料 (The Technical Stuff)

The technical details change depending on the kind of self-portrait you’re trying to take.


If you’re snapping a selfie with the front camera of your phone, the key thing is to maximize the light falling on your face. You won’t have much control over your camera settings, so you need to give your smartphone as much light to work with as possible. If your camera has a front facing flash, or will emulate one by lighting up the screen, use it in low light. A selfie stick might get you strange looks, but they do make it easier to take better photos. I’ve happily used one on more than one occasion.

如果您要使用手机的前置摄像头拍摄自拍照,那么关键是要使落在脸上的光线最大化。 您对相机的设置没有太多控制权,因此您需要为智能手机提供尽可能多的光线以进行操作。 如果您的相机具有前置闪光灯,或者将通过照亮屏幕来模拟闪光灯,请在弱光下使用它。 自拍杆可能会给您带来奇怪的外观,但它们确实使拍摄更好的照片变得更加容易。 我快乐地使用了一个以上的场合。


For a more staged selfie with a DSLR or mirrorless camera, things are a bit more complicated. Mount your camera on a tripod and compose the scene without you in it. Work out what camera settings work well; it’s one of the few times when it’s best to shoot in manual mode.

对于使用DSLR或无反光镜相机的更自拍的自拍照,事情要复杂一些。 将相机安装在三脚架上,并在没有您的情况下构图。 找出适合的相机设置 ; 这是最好以手动模式拍摄的少数几次。

Now it’s time to decide how to trigger your camera. The simplest option is to use your camera’s self-timer set to 10 seconds; that gives you enough time to push the shutter button and then jump into the frame. The problem with this is that you’re rushing.

现在是时候决定如何触发相机了。 最简单的选择是将相机的自拍定时器设置为10秒。 这样您就有足够的时间按下快门按钮,然后跳入画面。 问题是你很着急。

A wireless remote trigger (like these ones for Canon and Nikon) combined with the self-timer is a better way to do it. You can trigger the camera and then use the 10 seconds to hide the trigger in your pocket and pose properly. This is the way I like to do it.

将无线遥控触发器(如佳能尼康的触发器)与自拍结合使用是一种更好的方法。 您可以触发相机,然后使用10秒钟将触发器隐藏在口袋中并摆好姿势。 这就是我喜欢的方式。

其他技巧 (Other Tips and Tricks)

Although you’re still technically shooting a portrait, it’s a lot harder to use a super wide aperture, like f/1.8. It’s better to set your aperture to around f/4 or f/5.6 and have yourself in focus, than to set it too wide and miss focus.

尽管从技术上讲您仍在拍摄人像,但使用超广角光圈(例如f / 1.8)要困难得多。 最好将光圈设置为f / 4或f / 5.6左右并使自己处于焦点状态,而不是将其设置得太宽而错过焦点。

If you want really want to get a shallow depth of field in your self-portraits, you need to take the pictures in a slightly different way. The two options are to tether your camera to your smartphone or your computer. If your camera has Wi-Fi built in, your smartphone will be the best option. Download the manufacturers camera control app and use live view to get focus properly on your face. If your camera doesn’t have Wi-Fi, you can use a CamRanger to add it or tether your camera to your computer. With either solution, you’ll be able to stand in place and control your camera to take something like the shot below.

如果您真的想在自画像中获得较浅的景深,则需要以稍微不同的方式拍摄照片。 这两个选项是将相机连接到智能手机或计算机。 如果您的相机内置了Wi-Fi,则智能手机将是最佳选择。 下载制造商的相机控制应用程序,并使用实时取景将焦点正确对准您的脸部。 如果您的相机没有Wi-Fi,则可以使用CamRanger进行添加或将相机连接到计算机。 无论采用哪种解决方案,您都可以站立并控制相机拍摄类似下面的照片。


Staged self-portraits are a great, and fun, way to develop your skill as a photographer. You can spend hours creating a photo where there’s six of you in it, you’re swinging a lightsaber, or you’re levitating. If you’re working with someone else, you’re under pressure, but if you’re your own model, you can take as long as you need.

分阶段的自画像是一种很好的,有趣的方式,可以提高您作为摄影师的技能。 您可能要花费数小时来制作一张包含六个人的照片, 挥舞着光剑或游荡。 如果您正在与其他人一起工作,那么您将承受压力,但是如果您是自己的模型,则可以根据需要花费多长时间。


For the same reason, staged self portraits are often the best way to get your dream shots. If you want a photo of someone standing on the edge of a specific cliff at sunset, using yourself as the model gives you a lot of freedom and flexibility.

出于同样的原因,上演自画像通常是获得理想梦境的最佳方法。 如果您想要某人在日落时站在特定悬崖边缘的照片,以自己为模型可以给您带来很大的*度和灵活性。

When you’re shooting a selfie with your smartphone, angle is one of the most important factors. Too low and you’ll triple the number of chins you have, too high and you’ll look like a sixteen year old posing for Myspace. Hold your phone at eye level angled slightly down to get the best, most natural looking images. In the triptych below, the shot on the left shows the ideal angle while the other two shots show bad ones.

使用智能手机拍摄自拍时,角度是最重要的因素之一。 太低了,您将拥有的下巴数量增加了三倍,太高了,您看起来像是十六岁的Myspace摆姿势。 将手机保持在略微向下倾斜的视线高度,以获得最佳,最自然的图像。 在下面的三联画中,左侧的镜头显示了理想的角度,而其他两个镜头则显示了不良的角度。


Don’t use a mirror to take selfies, or at least, not to take ones you want to be good. Posing, holding a smartphone in a bathroom isn’t a good look for anyone.

不要使用镜子拍照,或者至少不要拍照。 摆姿势,在浴室里拿着智能手机对任何人都不是一个好看的样子。

When you’re taking a picture of someone else, it can be difficult to direct them how to pose properly. When you’re taking a picture of yourself, you’ve got no excuse. Check out Peter Hurley’s videos on the “squinch” and jaw position (both of which I’m rocking in the image below) and practice them in front of a mirror. You should be able to break them out at a second’s notice. Actually understanding how to pose yourself makes it much easier to direct people to pose properly when you’re photographing them. The best photographers are as comfortable in front of the camera as they are behind it.

当您拍摄别人的照片时,很难指导他们如何正确摆姿势。 当您为自己拍照时,您没有任何借口。 观看Peter Hurley关于“ 斜视 ”和下巴位置的视频(我都在下面的图片中摇摆)在镜子前进行练习。 您应该可以立即将其分解。 实际上,了解如何摆姿势可以使人们在拍摄人物时更容易正确地摆姿势。 最好的摄影师在镜头前和在镜头后一样舒适。


Take selfies for yourself. I have hundreds of selfies that will never be shared with anyone. They’re my own personal image collection. I look back through them from time to time. When you’re taking selfies and self-portraits, first and foremost, you should be shooting for yourself. Not for Facebook or Instagram, but for you.

为自己拍照。 我有数百个自拍照,永远不会与任何人共享。 它们是我自己的个人图像集。 我不时回头看他们。 拍摄自拍照和自画像时,首先,应该是为自己拍摄。 不是针对Facebook或Instagram,而是针对您。

Selfies get a lot of unwarranted hate. Whether you’re taking a quick Snapchat with the front facing camera of your smartphone or crafting a staged self-portrait, they’re an opportunity for you to develop your skills as a photographer. Don’t dismiss them.

自拍照会引起很多不必要的仇恨。 无论您是使用智能手机的前置摄像头拍摄快速Snapchat还是制作自画像,都可以通过它们来提高自己作为摄影师的技能。 不要解雇他们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/286146/how-to-take-good-self-portraits-and-selfies/
