黑苹果 web drive_如何使用Google Drive Progress Web应用程序

黑苹果 web drive_如何使用Google Drive Progress Web应用程序

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黑苹果 web drive_如何使用Google Drive Progress Web应用程序

With Google moving from Chrome apps, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) seem to be rapidly replacing them. YouTube Music, Google Maps, and Google Photos have all joined the ranks, and now Google Drive is on the list as well.

随着Google从Chrome应用程序转移渐进式Web应用程序 (PWA)似乎正在Swift取代它们。 YouTube音乐,Google地图和Google相册都加入了行列,现在Google云端硬盘也在列表中。

One thing to note is that at the time of writing, the PWA appears to only work with personal accounts. Those with G Suite accounts might not see the option to install the progressive web app.

需要注意的一件事是,在撰写本文时,PWA似乎仅适用于个人帐户。 具有G Suite帐户的用户可能看不到安装渐进式Web应用程序的选项。

如何安装Google云端硬盘的PWA (How to Install Google Drive’s PWA)

Installing a PWA in Chrome is pretty painless. You don’t have to download anything, and it takes a fraction of a second to get set up.

在Chrome中安装PWA非常简单。 您无需下载任何内容,只需一秒钟的时间即可完成设置。

To get started, fire up Chrome, head to your Google Drive homepage, and then click the plus sign (+) at the end of the address bar.

首先,启动Chrome浏览器,转到您的Google云端硬盘主页 ,然后单击地址栏末尾的加号(+)。

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If you don’t see a plus sign, you can install the PWA from the Settings menu instead. Click the three dots in the top-right corner, and then select “Install Google Drive” from the menu.

如果看不到加号,则可以从“设置”菜单安装PWA。 点击右上角的三个点,然后从菜单中选择“安装Google云端硬盘”。

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A popup appears asking you if you want to install the app; click “Install.”

出现一个弹出窗口,询问您是否要安装该应用程序。 点击“安装”。

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That’s it! Now, that you’ve installed the Google Drive PWA, let’s take a look at what you can do with it.

而已! 现在,您已经安装了Google云端硬盘PWA,让我们看一下可以使用它的功能。

如何使用Google云端硬盘PWA (How to Use the Google Drive PWA)

After it’s installed, the app opens in a new window that looks like any stand-alone program or app you would download to your computer. Even though PWAs are basically just websites, they include features you would typically find in traditional apps, such as offline support, notifications, and background sync.

安装后,该应用程序将在新窗口中打开,该窗口看起来像您要下载到计算机上的任何独立程序或应用程序。 即使PWA基本上只是网站,但它们包含您在传统应用程序中通常会发现的功能,例如脱机支持,通知和后台同步。

You can also launch a PWA directly from your desktop. If you double-click the Google Drive icon, the application opens immediately.

您也可以直接从桌面启动PWA。 如果您双击Google云端硬盘图标,该应用程序将立即打开。

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After the app launches, you’ll notice it looks identical to the Google Drive homepage, which is intentional. When you navigate around a PWA, it looks and feels the same as the website; everything you can do in a browser, you can do here.

应用启动后,您会发现它看起来与Google云端硬盘首页完全相同,这是故意的。 当您浏览PWA时,其外观和感觉与网站相同; 您可以在浏览器中执行的所有操作,都可以在这里进行。

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如何上传文件和文件夹 (How to Upload Files and Folders)

If you want to add new folders or upload a file or folder, click “New” to get started.


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Alternatively, you can drag and drop files or folders from your computer directly into the PWA to upload them to your Drive.


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After you upload your file or folder, double-click it to open it.


黑苹果 web drive_如何使用Google Drive Progress Web应用程序

Drive can preview some files in the PWA or open a new tab in Google Chrome. For example, if it’s a Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) or image (JPEG, PNG, etc.) file, a preview appears inside the PWA.

云端硬盘可以预览PWA中的某些文件,也可以在Google Chrome浏览器中打开新标签页。 例如,如果它是Microsoft Office(Excel,Word,PowerPoint)或图像(JPEG,PNG等)文件,则预览将显示在PWA内。

However, G Suite files (Sheets, Docs, Slides, Drawings) open in a Google Chrome tab.

但是,G Suite文件(表格,文档,幻灯片,工程图)会在Google Chrome标签中打开。

黑苹果 web drive_如何使用Google Drive Progress Web应用程序

In our example, we want to open an Excel file as a G Suite file to edit it. To do so, we click “Open with,” and then select “Google Sheets.”

在我们的示例中,我们想将Excel文件作为G Suite文件打开以进行编辑。 为此,我们单击“打开方式”,然后选择“ Google表格”。

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Chrome activates and opens a new tab on the Sheets website. The file loads, and now we can edit it online.

Chrome会**并在表格网站上打开一个新标签。 该文件已加载,现在我们可以在线对其进行编辑。

黑苹果 web drive_如何使用Google Drive Progress Web应用程序

As we mentioned previously, Google Drive has a dedicated PWA, but not all Google products have one yet. So, if you try to open a Docs, Sheets, or Slides file, the Chrome browser will open a new tab so you can view your file.

如前所述,Google云端硬盘具有专用的PWA,但并非所有Google产品都具有。 因此,如果您尝试打开文档,表格或幻灯片文件,Chrome浏览器将打开一个新标签,以便您查看文件。

如何为文件创建共享下载链接 (How to Create Shareable Download Links for Files)

If you want to share something, you can generate a link for basically any file on your Google Drive.


First, navigate to the file you want to share, right-click it, and then select “Get Shareable Link.”


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The link is copied to your clipboard. Now, you can paste the link directly into an email or message anywhere to share it with your friends or colleagues.

链接已复制到剪贴板。 现在,您可以将链接直接粘贴到任何地方的电子邮件或消息中,以与您的朋友或同事共享。

If you want to share a file only with specific people, right-click it, and then click “Share.”


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In the window that appears, type the name or email address of the person with whom you want to share the file. Select which type of permissions you want to give her, and then click “Done.” An invitation to your file is sent to the person you specified.

在出现的窗口中,输入要与之共享文件的人的姓名或电子邮件地址。 选择您要授予她的权限类型,然后单击“完成”。 您文件的邀请会发送给您指定的人。

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If you want to learn more about shareable links in Google Drive, be sure to check out our article on the topic.


如何离线使用Google云端硬盘 (How to Use Google Drive Offline)

One of the best things about Google Drive is you can use it offline. The next time you connect to the internet, anything you edit, create, or remove from Drive will sync with the servers.

关于Google云端硬盘的最好的事情之一就是您可以离线使用它。 下次您连接到互联网时,您编辑,创建或从云端硬盘中删除的所有内容都将与服务器同步。

If you want to use Google Drive offline and on the web with the PWA, you’ll need the Google Docs Offline Chrome extension.

如果您想离线使用Google云端硬盘,并且要通过PWA在网络上使用Google云端硬盘,则需要使用Google Docs Offline Chrome扩展程序。

To get it, fire up Chrome, head to the Google Docs Offline web store page, and then click “Add to Chrome.”

要获取它,请启动Chrome,转到Google Docs Offline网站商店页面 ,然后单击“添加到Chrome”。

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Click “Add Extension” in the popup to grant your permission.


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After you install the extension, open the Google Drive PWA. Click the Settings icon, and then select “Settings.”

安装扩展程序后,打开Goog​​le云端硬盘PWA。 点击设置图标,然后选择“设置”。

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Next, check the box next to “Offline” to enable the extension.


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Close the Settings menu to save your changes. Google Drive automatically prepares your most recent files and stores them locally so you can use them offline.

关闭设置菜单以保存更改。 Google云端硬盘会自动准备最新文件并将其存储在本地,以便您离线使用。

That’s it! Be sure to check out our article on Google Docs Offline if you want to learn more.

而已! 如果您想了解更多信息,请务必查看我们关于Google离线版文档的文章。

如何卸载Google云端硬盘的PWA (How to Uninstall Google Drive’s PWA)

If you decide you no longer want Google Drive’s PWA, uninstalling it is simple.


To do so, click the three dots at the top of the app’s window, and then select “Uninstall Google Drive.” The PWA will then be removed.

为此,请点击应用程序窗口顶部的三个点,然后选择“卸载Google云端硬盘”。 然后将删除PWA。

黑苹果 web drive_如何使用Google Drive Progress Web应用程序

With the new Google Drive PWA, Google continues its move away from Chrome apps, to make more of its products a sleek, native experience. Although the PWA is essentially the Drive web page without the clutter, the design feels as fluid as a dedicated app should.

借助新的Google云端硬盘PWA,Google继续远离Chrome应用,使更多产品具有时尚的本地体验。 尽管PWA本质上是没有杂乱无章的云端硬盘网页,但设计感觉像专用应用程序一样流畅。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/538753/how-to-use-the-google-drive-progressive-web-app/

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