jupyter notebook for python (七)


String formatting methods

the following methods are applied to string objects

  • .capitalize() - capitalizes the first character of a string
  • .lower() - all characters of a string are made lowercase
  • .upper() - all characters of a string are made uppercase
  • .swapcase() - all characters of a string are made to switch case upper becomes lower and vice versa
  • .title() - each 'word' separated by a space is capitalizedjupyter notebook for python (七)

jupyter notebook for python (七) 


Formatting string input()

When storing input, sometimes a specific format is needed and formatting is applied to the input() function

Note: this technique overwrites the original user input in the variable with the formatted value

jupyter notebook for python (七) 

jupyter notebook for python (七)




What is on the menu

[ ] Create a program where a user can check if an item is on the menu

  • store the user response in a variable menu_ask
  • use the menu from above and add some additional items
  • the program should be able to ignore case mismatch so that "hello" is found in "Hello World!"

[ ] Challenge: Add to the menu

  • print the current menu
  • get user input for add_item variable
  • new_menu use string addition to add add_item to menu
  • print the new_menu testing
  • add a cell below add menu
  • check if an item is on the menu, check for previous items and the item you added