Color Transfer between Images



本文实现了两幅图像的颜色转换(based on Opencv2.3.1 + vs )


Color Transfer between Images



Paper <color transfer between Images>.


// //  colortransfer.cpp//  ColorTransfer// //  Created by Rachel on 13-12-2.//  Copyright (c) 2013年 ZJU. All rights reserved.//  Email: [email protected]// // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Input: image src (想用src的颜色分布) , dst(要转换的图像).// Output: 结果放在res中.// //   #include "iostream"  #include "showhelper.h"  #include "cv.h"  #include "highgui.h"  using namespace std;    #pragma comment (lib, "cv.lib")  #pragma comment (lib,"cxcore.lib")  #pragma comment (lib,"highgui.lib")    IplImage* Transform(IplImage* A,CvScalar avg_src, CvScalar avg_dst,CvScalar std_src, CvScalar std_dst)  {   for(int i=0;i<3;i++)   {    for(int x=0;x<A->height;x++)    {     uchar *ptr=(uchar*)(A->imageData+x*A->widthStep);     for(int y=0;y<A->width;y++)     {      double tmp=ptr[3*y+i];    int t=(int)((tmp-avg_dst.val[i])*(std_src.val[i]/std_dst.val[i])+avg_src.val[i]);      t = t<0?0:t;      t = t>255?255:t;      ptr[3*y+i]=t;     }    }   }   return A;  }    void main()  {   //load    IplImage* source = cvLoadImage("..\\ColorTransfer\\Images\\2.jpg",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);     IplImage* dst = cvLoadImage("..\\ColorTransfer\\Images\\1.jpg",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);   IplImage* dstlab = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(dst),dst->depth,dst->nChannels);     IplImage* res  = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(dst),dst->depth,dst->nChannels);      dstlab = cvCloneImage(dst);   //calculate average and standard derivation   CvScalar avg_src,avg_dst,std_src, std_dst;    cvAvgSdv(source,&avg_src,&std_src);   cvAvgSdv(dstlab, &avg_dst, &std_dst);    //transform dstlab = Transform(dstlab,avg_src,avg_dst,std_src, std_dst);   res = cvCloneImage(dstlab);      cvShowManyImages("Color Transform",3, source, dst, res);   cvWaitKey();     cvReleaseImage(&source);   cvReleaseImage(&dst);   cvReleaseImage(&dstlab);   cvReleaseImage(&res);  }


// showManyImage.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#include <cv.h>#include <highgui.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdarg.h>#include <time.h>#include <iostream>void cvShowManyImages(char* title, int nArgs, ...) // img - Used for getting the arguments  IplImage *img; // DispImage - the image in which input images are to be copied IplImage *DispImage; int size; int i; int m, n; int x, y; // w - Maximum number of images in a row  // h - Maximum number of images in a column  int w, h; // scale - How much we have to resize the image float scale; int max; // If the number of arguments is lesser than 0 or greater than 12 // return without displaying  if(nArgs <= 0) {  printf("Number of arguments too small....\n");  return; } else if(nArgs > 12) {  printf("Number of arguments too large....\n");  return; } // Determine the size of the image, and the number of rows/cols  from number of arguments  else if (nArgs == 1) {  w = h = 1;  size = 300; } else if (nArgs == 2) {  w = 2; h = 1;  size = 300; } else if (nArgs == 3 || nArgs == 4) {  w = 2; h = 2;  size = 300; } else if (nArgs == 5 || nArgs == 6) {  w = 3; h = 2;  size = 200; } else if (nArgs == 7 || nArgs == 8) {  w = 4; h = 2;  size = 200; } else {  w = 4; h = 3;  size = 150; } // Create a new 3 channel image0 DispImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize( 100+ size*w, 60 + size*h), 8, 3 ); // Used to get the arguments passed va_list args; va_start(args, nArgs); // Loop for nArgs number of arguments for (i = 0, m = 20, n = 20; i < nArgs; i++, m += (20 + size)) {  // Get the Pointer to the IplImage  img = va_arg(args, IplImage*);  // Check whether it is NULL or not  // If it is NULL, release the image, and return  if(img == 0) {   printf("Invalid arguments");   cvReleaseImage(&DispImage);   return;  }  // Find the width and height of the image  x = img->width;  y = img->height;  // Find whether height or width is greater in order to resize the image  max = (x > y)? x: y;  // Find the scaling factor to resize the image  scale = (float) ( (float) max / size );  // Used to Align the images  if( i % w == 0 && m!= 20) {   m = 20;   n+= 0 + size;  }  // Set the image ROI to display the current image  //cvSetImageROI(DispImage, cvRect(m, n, (int)( x/scale ), (int)( y/scale )));  cvSetImageROI(DispImage, cvRect(m, n, (int)( x/scale ), (int)( y/scale )));  //  cout<<"x="<<m<<"y="<<n<<endl;  // Resize the input image and copy the it to the Single Big Image  cvResize(img, DispImage);  // Reset the ROI in order to display the next image  cvResetImageROI(DispImage); } // Create a new window, and show the Single Big Image //cvNamedWindow( title, 1 ); cvShowImage( title, DispImage); /*cvWaitKey(0);*/ //cvDestroyWindow(title); // End the number of arguments va_end(args); // Release the Image Memory cvReleaseImage(&DispImage);}

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