
Backup is the act of creating a redundant clone of existing data or system. Backup can be done in personal computers or corporate systems. One of the important jobs of System Administrators is taking backups. Actually taking simply backup is not enough because for a professional system there needs to be a backup policy. The backup policy will create a standard for backup operations. Here is some question where backup policy should answer.

备份是创建现有数据或系统的冗余克隆的动作。 可以在个人计算机或公司系统中完成备份。 系统管理员的重要工作之一就是进行备份。 实际上仅进行备份是不够的,因为对于专业系统而言,需要制定备份策略。 备份策略将为备份操作创建标准。 这是备份策略应回答的一些问题。

  • When to backup?

  • How to backup?

  • Where to backup?

  • What to backup?

  • Is compression enabled?

  • How to test backups?

  • How many backup?


同步 (Rsync)

Rsync is a very popular command-line tool used to synchronize files and directories. It’s fast because it only updates changed files and does not back up files and folders all ready backed up.  Rsync can work as a daemon and provides a lot of different features. Rsync has also a GUI named Grsync. Grsync is specifically developed for Gnome desktop but supports all desktop environments. More information about rsync can be found in this

Rsync是一种非常流行的命令行工具,用于同步文件和目录。 它之所以快捷,是因为它仅更新更改的文件,而不备份所有已备份的文件和文件夹。 Rsync可以充当守护程序,并提供许多不同的功能。 Rsync还具有一个名为Grsync的GUI。 Grsync专为Gnome桌面开发,但支持所有桌面环境。 关于rsync的更多信息可以在这里找到



Fwbackups is developed by Diffingo Solutions Inc. The current version is 1.43.6 and it is developed actively by the company. Each user can configure his own backups. On-demand or automated backups can be done. The current progress of backup or restore operation can be viewed with a tray icon. Alternative backup engines those includes compression and incremental backup. Support for remote ssh and sftp backup and restore.

Fwbackups由Diffingo Solutions Inc.开发。当前版本为1.43.6,由该公司积极开发。 每个用户都可以配置自己的备份。 可以完成按需或自动备份。 可以使用托盘图标查看当前备份或还原操作的进度。 备用备份引擎包括压缩和增量备份。 支持远程ssh和sftp备份和还原。



Bacula is an open-source complete backup solution for personal or corporate usage. The same name Bacula Systems provides support for this backup solution. Bacula provides a lot of enterprise-level features which makes it superior from solutions in this page. Bacula provides enterprise features like backup levels, open data format, file-level duplication, volume shadow copy, etc.

Bacula是供个人或公司使用的开源完整备份解决方案。 相同名称的Bacula Systems支持此备份解决方案。 Bacula提供了许多企业级功能,使其在此页面的解决方案中更为出色。 Bacula提供了企业级功能,例如备份级别,开放数据格式,文件级复制,卷影复制等。

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简单备份套件(备份)(Simple Backup Suite (sbackup))

SBackup is provided by Gnome desktop environment and provides decent features for users. Being integrated with Gnome makes it first choose Gnome users. It supports backup profiles for easy usage. There is also support for file and directory exclude, regex expressions. Also, oldest stored backup date limit can be specified.

SBackup由Gnome桌面环境提供,并为用户提供了不错的功能。 与Gnome集成后,它首先选择了Gnome用户。 它支持备份配置文件,易于使用。 还支持文件和目录排除,正则表达式。 另外,可以指定最早的备份日期限制。

Simple Backup Suite

备用忍者(Backup Ninja)

Backup ninja gives the ability to coordinate backups between systems with simple configuration files. Related configuration files resides in /etc/backup.d/ . Ini style is used for configuration files. There is also features like backup scheduling, a new type of backup,  status reports which can be mailed, console-based wizard.

备份忍者使您能够使用简单的配置文件在系统之间协调备份。 相关的配置文件位于/etc/backup.d/中。 Ini样式用于配置文件。 还具有诸如备份调度,新型备份,可通过控制台发送的状态报告(可通过邮件发送)的功能。

Backup Ninja


KBackup is a simple backup application provides KDE desktop environment. It has limited features. KBackup takes backup as tar files. Tar files can be easily extracted with tar tool. The main panel provides information about the duration of backup and the size information.

KBackup是一个简单的备份应用程序,提供KDE桌面环境。 它具有有限的功能。 KBackup将备份作为tar文件。 可以使用tar工具轻松提取Tar文件。 主面板提供有关备份持续时间和大小信息的信息。



BackupPC is an enterprise-grade fast and platform-independent backup solution. BackupPC can work on Unix, Linux, Windows, MacOS operating systems. BackupPC provides rich features like incremental backup, a partial backup, backup policy. BackupPC is developed with Perl programming language.

BackupPC是企业级快速且独立于平台的备份解决方案。 BackupPC可以在Unix,Linux,Windows,MacOS操作系统上运行。 BackupPC提供了丰富的功能,例如增量备份,部分备份,备份策略。 BackupPC是使用Perl编程语言开发的。



Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver a.k.a AMANDA is an enterprise-level backup solution. It haves features multiple hosts into a single server or transfer backups over the network to the tapes or optical media. Amanda provides a native Windows client for backup and restores operations.

先进的马里兰州自动网络磁盘存档器(又名AMANDA)是企业级备份解决方案。 它具有将多个主机集成到单个服务器中的功能,或通过网络将备份传输到磁带或光学介质。 Amanda提供了本机Windows客户端来备份和还原操作。


倒退时间(Back Time)

Back In Time is a simple backup tool for Linux. It is inspired by the Time Vault project. The backup mechanism works like snapshots of directories. Currently uses QT library as GUI. Snapshot is created only if something is changed from the last snapshot. This application is similar to Apple’s TimeMachine.

Back In Time是Linux的简单备份工具。 它受到Time Vault项目的启发。 备份机制的工作方式类似于目录快照。 当前使用QT库作为GUI。 仅在上次快照发生更改时才创建快照。 此应用程序类似于Apple的TimeMachine。


蒙多救援(Mondo Rescue)

Actually Mondo Rescue describes itself as a disaster recovery solution. Mondo Rescue supports Linux distribution and BSD. Mondo is currently used by Lockheed-Martin, Nortel, Siemens, etc. Mondo supports ext3, ext4, JFS, Xfs, Lvm, Vfat as file systems. Mondo provides some tool with its shell. Mondo provides a direct backup to ftp, nfs and media like CDROM, DVDrom

实际上,Mondo Rescue将自己描述为灾难恢复解决方案。 Mondo Rescue支持Linux发行版和BSD。 洛克希德·马丁,北电,西门子等公司目前都使用Mondo。Mondo支持ext3,ext4,JFS,Xfs,Lvm,Vfat作为文件系统。 Mondo的外壳提供了一些工具。 Mondo可直接备份到ftp,nfs和CDROM,DVDrom等媒体

盒子备份(Box Backup)

Box Backup is an open-source, completely automatic network-based backup system. There is no special device requirement like tape for backup. All data is encrypted and only decrypted by the related client. Box works as a daemon on the clients and sends the diff when it gets notified.

Box Backup是一个开源的,基于网络的全自动备份系统。 没有特殊的设备要求,例如用于备份的磁带。 所有数据都是加密的,并且仅由相关客户端解密。 Box在客户端上充当守护程序,并在收到通知时发送差异。

Box Backup


Luckybackup is mainly used rsync tool for backup. Luckybackup is simple to use the tool. Generally uses Rsync provided mechanism like synchronizing specified directory to the remote. Luckybackup also provides snapshot options for a specified time and restore ability. There is also a simulation option where it will runs simulation about a backup to show verbose operations before happening.

Luckybackup主要用于rsync工具进行备份。 Luckybackup易于使用。 通常使用Rsync提供的机制,例如将指定目录同步到远程。 Luckybackup还提供指定时间的快照选项和还原功能。 还有一个模拟选项,它将对备份运行模拟,以在发生之前显示详细的操作。



Areca is a professional-looking backup solution with decent features. Areca supports compression, encryption, and remote backup like FTP, sftp. Filtering feature for file and folders name. There is also support for delta backup. To save from disk space multiple archives can be saved into one archive. Report generation also other useful feature and these reports can be mailed.

Areca是具有专业功能的专业备份解决方案。 Areca支持压缩,加密和远程备份,例如FTP,sftp。 文件和文件夹名称的过滤功能。 还支持增量备份。 要从磁盘空间保存,可以将多个档案保存到一个档案中。 报告生成还有其他有用的功能,这些报告可以邮寄。



Bareos is a fully opensource backup solution which is forked from Bacula in 2010. Bareos have a lot of new features upon bacula. Bareos have a web interface for management purposes. Bareos have enterprise-level features like job control, encryption, SQL catalog, advanced volume and pool management, multi-operating system support. Linux, Solaris and Windows clients are provided by the project.

Bareos是2010年从Bacula分叉的完全开源备份解决方案。Bareos在bacula上具有许多新功能。 Bareos具有用于管理目的的Web界面。 Bareos具有企业级功能,例如作业控制,加密,SQL目录,高级卷和池管理,多操作系统支持。 该项目提供Linux,Solaris和Windows客户端。



UrBackup is client/server backup system. File and image backups can be taken without interrupting current processes. UrBackup also continuously watches folders you want to backup and incrementally take backups about change. UrBackup can work on platforms like Linux, Windows, FreeBSD.

UrBackup是客户端/服务器备份系统。 可以在不中断当前进程的情况下进行文件和图像备份。 UrBackup还可以连续监视您要备份的文件夹,并逐步备份有关更改的信息。 UrBackup可以在Linux,Windows,FreeBSD等平台上运行。

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AceBackup is a powerful tool to create completely secure backups of your data. Data can be stored in different media like CD, DVD, Local Storage or FTP server. I can encrypt backup data and run scheduled backups.

AceBackup是一个功能强大的工具,可为您的数据创建完全安全的备份。 数据可以存储在CD,DVD,本地存储或FTP服务器等不同的介质中。 我可以加密备份数据并运行计划的备份。

重复的 (Duplicati)

Duplicati can backup files and folders with strong AES-256 bit encryption. It provides mobile and web-based management user interface which is very functional. It supports FTP, SSH, WebDAV protocols as well as  Microsoft One Drive, Amazon Cloud Drive&S3, Google Drive, Box.com, etc.

Duplicati可以使用强大的AES-256位加密来备份文件和文件夹。 它提供了非常实用的基于移动和基于Web的管理用户界面。 它支持FTP,SSH,WebDAV协议以及Microsoft One Drive,Amazon Cloud Drive&S3,Google Drive,Box.com等。

克隆人 (Clonezilla)

Clonezilla is a very popular cloning and backup software. It supports a lot of file systems like ext3, ext4, ntfs, btrfs and operating systems like VMWare ESX, FreeBSD, Linux, Windows. It supports AES-256 bit encryption for security reasons. Backups can be transferred with protocols like a local disk, SSH, Samba Server, NFS Server, WebDAV.

Clonezilla是非常流行的克隆和备份软件。 它支持ext3,ext4,ntfs,btrfs等许多文件系统,以及VMWare ESX,FreeBSD,Linux,Windows等操作系统。 出于安全原因,它支持AES-256位加密。 可以使用本地磁盘,SSH,Samba服务器,NFS服务器,WebDAV等协议传输备份。


翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/ultimate-backup-tools-and-utilities-list/