

我有一些来自我的教师的代码,但是当我在建模器中将其作为脚本运行时,它会产生错误。 这是一段代码,其余部分重复但DIST字段的值不同。 此代码旨在将“DIST”字段添加到要素类,并根据UpdateCursor中的条件进行填充。使用arcpy填充光标以填充值

#Import arcpy and standard library modules 
import arcpy, sys, os 

# Get feature class from argument 
zoneArcSelect = sys.argv[1] 

# Add DIST field to input feature class 
arcpy.AddField_management(zoneArcSelect, "DIST", "SHORT") 

#get rows using update cursor and conflict selection 
rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(zoneArcSelect,"(LZONE = 'O-L' AND RZONE = 'M-1') OR (RZONE = 'O-L' AND LZONE = 'M-1')") 

# calculate value for DIST and update row 
for row in rows: 
    row.DIST = 100 

#get rows using update cursor and conflict selection 
rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(zoneArcSelect,"(LZONE = 'M-1' AND RZONE = 'RPC') OR (RZONE = 'M-1' AND LZONE = 'RPC')") 

# calculate value for DIST and update row 
for row in rows: 
    row.DIST = 200 

#get rows using update cursor and conflict selection 
rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(zoneArcSelect,"(LZONE = 'M-1' AND RZONE = 'RM-1') OR (RZONE = 'M-1' AND LZONE = 'RM-1')") 

# calculate value for DIST and update row 
for row in rows: 
    row.DIST = 200 

请按照格式[指导方针](https://*.com/help/mcve)了解如何提出问题。 – user3382203


它产生的错误是什么?您是否使用Arc 10.1或更高版本? – Erica


这是一个语法错误。我相信10.3版本 – deakin1416
