Generate pseudorandom integers


In this project you will design and implement a class that can generate a sequence of pseudorandom integers, which is a sequence that appears random in many ways. The approach uses the linear congruence method, explained here.
The linear congruence method starts with a number called the seed. In addition to the seed, three other numbers are used in the linear congruence method, called the multiplier, the increment, and the modulus. The formula for generating a sequence of pseudorandom numbers is quite simple. The first number is: (multiplierseed+increment)%modules(multiplier*seed+increment)\%modulesThis formula uses the C++ % operator, which computes the remainder from an integer division.
Each time a new random number is computed, the value of the seed is changed to that new number. For example, we could implement a pseudorandom number generator with multiplier=40multiplier=40, increment=725increment=725, and modules=729modules=729. If we choose the seed to be 1, then the sequence of numbers will proceed as shown here:
FirstnumberFirst\enspace{number}=(multiplierseed+increment)%modulus=(multiplier*seed+increment)\%modulus=(401+725)%729=(40*1+725)\%729=36=36and 36 becomes the new seed.NextnumberNext\enspace{number}=(multiplierseed+increment)%modulus=(multiplier*seed+increment)\%modulus=(4036+725)%729=(40*36+725)\%729=707=707and 707 becomes the new seed.NextnumberNext\enspace{number}=(multiplierseed+increment)%modulus=(multiplier*seed+increment)\%modulus=(40707+725)%729=(40*707+725)\%729=574=574and 574 becomes the new seed, and so on.
These particular values for multiplier, increment, and modulus happen to be good choices. The pattern generated will not repeat until 729 different numbers have been produced. Other choices for the constants might not be so good. For this project, design and implement a class that can generate a pseudorandom sequence in the manner described. The initial seed, multiplier, increment, and modulus should all be a member function to permit the seed to be changed, and a member function to generate and return the next number in the pseudorandom sequence.

My answer:


#ifndef RANDOM_H
#define RANDOM_H

class pseudorandom_generator{
    pseudorandom_generator(int a, int b, int c, int d){
        multiplier = a;
        increment = b;
        modulus = c;
        seed = d;
    void set_parameters(int a, int b, int c, int d);
    int generate_number();
    int multiplier, seed, increment, modulus;



#include "random.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void pseudorandom_generator::set_parameters(int a, int b, int c, int d){
    multiplier = a;
    increment = b;
    modulus = c;
    seed = d;

int pseudorandom_generator::generate_number(){
    seed = (multiplier*seed + increment)%modulus;
    cout << seed << " ";
    return seed;


#include "random.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){
    pseudorandom_generator a(40, 725, 729, 1);
    cout << "******start to generate pseudorandom numbers******" << endl;
    int i = 0;
    while(i < 729){
        if((i+1)%20 == 0)
            cout << "\n";
    cout << "\n******here should be numbers range from 1 to 729 uniquely******" << endl;
    return 0;

Generate pseudorandom integers


整理自 Data Structures and Other Objects Using C++ ( Fourth Edition ) Michael Main, Walter Savitch. p123