qt webview与js交互(网页里的弹出窗口不响应js接口)


QWebView *pWebView = new QWebView();


//yourHtml 为网址或本地资源地址,如果放在qt资源里则html地址前要加qrc:前缀。


//QWebSettings::JavascriptEnabled   Enables or disables the running of JavaScript programs. This is enabled by default




//If you intend to add QObjects to a QWebFrame using addToJavaScriptWindowObject(), you should add them in a slot connected to this signal. This ensures that your objects remain accessible when loading new URLs.


void slot_AddObjectToJs()






connect(pWebView->page(),SIGNAL(frameCreated(QWebFrame*)),this, SLOT(slot_frameCreated(QWebFrame*)));

//frameCreated(QWebFrame*)    This signal is emitted whenever the page creates a new frame.

void slot_frameCreated(QWebFrame* pWebFrame)


 pWebFrame->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("bound", this);




webview --> webpage --> webFrame 关系

qt webview与js交互(网页里的弹出窗口不响应js接口)



Make object available under name from within the frame's JavaScript context. The object will be inserted as a child of the frame's window object.

Qt properties will be exposed as JavaScript properties and slots as JavaScript methods. The interaction between C++ and JavaScript is explained in the documentation of the Qt WebKit bridge.

If you want to ensure that your QObjects remain accessible after loading a new URL, you should add them in a slot connected to the javaScriptWindowObjectCleared() signal.


参考:qthelp  <The Qt WebKit Bridge>