日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历

日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历


日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历

With the arrival of Windows 10, we’ve been greeted with a new slew of functionality-based programs and applications. One of these additions is the revamped Calendar app, which isn’t just more functional than its predecessor, it’s actually (dare I say), downright pleasurable to use. But what if you want your classic Google Calendar synced up with Microsoft’s internal app ecosystem?

随着Windows 10的到来,我们迎来了一系列新的基于功能的程序和应用程序。 其中的一项功能是经过改进的Calendar应用程序,它不仅比其前任产品具有更多功能,而且实际上(敢说),完全可以使用。 但是,如果您希望将经典的Google日历与Microsoft的内部应用程序生态系统同步,该怎么办?

Thanks to the integration of desktop notifications and global compatibility with the rest of Windows 10 services, the process of getting your Google Calendar synced and configured on your Windows login is both simple and highly customizable at the same time.

得益于桌面通知的集成以及与Windows 10其余服务的全局兼容性,在Windows登录名上同步和配置Google日历的过程既简单又可以高度自定义。

同步您的帐户 (Sync Your Account)

To start off, you’re going to need to get your Google account information linked up in the Windows 10 calendar app.

首先,您需要在Windows 10日历应用程序中链接您的Google帐户信息。

To do this, navigate to the Start Menu, and select the Calendar app in the top-right corner.


日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历

Once the Calendar is up, to add a Google account you’ll need to find the Settings icon, located in the bottom left-hand corner of the app.


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Once you’re in the settings menu, click on “Accounts”, and then choose the option to “Add account”.


Update: Microsoft has redesigned this app a bit, but the instructions still work almost the same. Click “Manage Accounts” instead of “Accounts” here.

更新:微软已经对该应用程序进行了一些重新设计,但说明仍然几乎相同。 点击“管理帐户”,而不是“帐户”。

日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历
日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历

From here, you’ll be greeted with a prompt that has several different choices. You can either add an Outlook.com account, link your Office 365 Exchange, Google account, or iCloud. For the purpose of this tutorial, choose the “Google” option.

从这里开始,您会收到一个提示,提示您有多种选择。 您可以添加Outlook.com帐户,链接Office 365 Exchange,Google帐户或iCloud。 就本教程而言,选择“ Google”选项。

日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历

Once you select this, the standard Google login portal will take over.


日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历
日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历

If your Google account is set to a regular log in, it will immediately link you up and you’ll be taken to the main Calendar splash screen. However if you have two-step verification activated on the account in order to protect from unauthorized users who may try to access it without your permission, this is where you’ll be asked to enter the code given to you either through a text or a call from the company.

如果您的Google帐户设置为常规登录,它将立即与您建立链接,并带您进入“日历”主屏幕。 但是,如果您在帐户上**了两步验证,以防止未经授权的用户尝试未经您的许可访问该帐户,则系统会要求您在此输入通过文本或密码输入给您的代码公司打来的电话。

日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历

The last screen you’ll see before the sync is complete is the Google permissions runthrough, which will list all of the different apps and services that the Calendar will need to have access to if you want to use the account from your Windows 10 desktop.

同步完成之前,您将看到的最后一个屏幕是Google权限贯穿,如果您想从Windows 10桌面使用该帐户,它将列出日历需要访问的所有不同应用和服务。

日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历
日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历

Once these are approved, you should be ready to get your Windows 10 Calendar customized to your specific requirements.

一旦这些获得批准,您就应该准备好根据特定要求自定义Windows 10日历。

日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历

配置您的日历 (Configure Your Calendar)

After the Calendar is up and running, you’ll notice there are a number of settings that you can change around which will vary depending on the service you linked (i.e – Outlook is different from Google, which itself is different from what’s available in POP3).

日历启动并运行后,您会发现可以更改许多设置,这些设置将根据所链接的服务而有所不同(即– Outlook与Google不同,其本身与POP3中的可用功能不同) )。

To get into your settings, click the small clockwork icon located in the bottom left-hand corner of the Calendar app one more time.


日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历

From here, enter Calendar Settings, where you’ll find the following options have been opened up since the Google account was synced.


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You can change things around such as which day the Calendar sets as the first day of the week, as well as specifying exactly which hours of the day you work and when you’re off so the Calendar doesn’t ping you with unnecessary or unwanted notifications.


日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历
日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历

修改同步设置 (Modify Sync Settings)

Lastly, if you want to alter how often your Calendar communicates with Google’s servers for new appointments or notification updates, you can access these menus by first going into settings, and then selecting the option for “Accounts”.


日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历
日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历

Once you’ve opened the Gmail account, click on the “Change mailbox sync settings” option, and you’ll be taken to the menu below.


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It’s here you’ll have the opportunity to change how often the Calendar pings its host account for updates (every 15 minutes, 30 minutes, etc), as well as whether or not full descriptions or messages are downloaded each time it finds something new.


日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历

Furthermore, you can also change where the Calendar app connects to in order to pull down information from Google, although this isn’t recommended unless you have a special configuration lined up on the server side of things.


日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历

Keep in mind, once you add your Google account to the Calendar, Windows will automatically sync your attached email up as well. If you prefer to keep these two ecosystems separated, this setting can be turned off in one of two ways.

请记住,将Google帐户添加到日历后,Windows也会自动同步您附加的电子邮件。 如果您希望将这两个生态系统分开,则可以通过以下两种方式之一关闭此设置。

To access the first, you need to enter your Account settings and switch the sync for email to the “Off” position. The same can be done for Contacts and the Calendar itself, though if you switch that option, none of the data you’ve just set up will be accessible by the app to start with.

要访问第一个,您需要输入您的帐户设置,并将电子邮件的同步切换到“关闭”位置。 对于通讯录和日历本身,可以执行相同的操作,但是如果您切换该选项,则应用程序一开始就无法访问您刚刚设置的数据。

日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历

The second method of de-linking your email and calendar is to go into the Calendar tab in Settings, and switch it off manually after the syncing process is complete using the setting highlighted below:


日历2019日历备注_如何在Windows 10日历应用中使用Google日历

Leaving behind your old schedule is hard, but thanks to the dozens of changes made to the Calendar in Windows 10, it’s become a welcome addition to Microsoft’s suite of internal apps.

很难摆脱旧的时间表,但是由于Windows 10中对Calendar进行了许多更改,它已成为Microsoft内部应用程序套件的一个受欢迎的补充。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/224899/how-to-use-your-google-calendar-in-the-windows-10-calendar-app/
