



Are you looking for something to watch without paying for a subscription? Here are six sites most people don’t know about that offer free TV shows and movies.

您是否在寻找无需付费即可观看的东西? 这是大多数人不知道的六个站点,提供免费的电视节目和电影。

Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu get all the attention, but there are a bunch of websites offering free and legal TV shows and movies with no subscription. You’ll have to put up with ads, of course, but free is free, and you can watch in your browser or on your TV.

Netflix,Amazon和Hulu吸引了所有关注,但是有许多网站提供免费且合法的电视节目和电影,但没有订阅。 当然,您必须忍受广告,但是免费是免费的,您可以在浏览器或电视上观看。

RELATED: How to Get HD TV Channels for Free (Without Paying for Cable)

相关: 如何免费获取高清电视频道(无需支付电缆)

Most of these services are only available to US viewers, though we’ll note the ones that are available outside that area. Of course, there are ways to access region-restricted websites from anywhere, if you want to go that route.

尽管我们会注意到在该地区以外可用的服务,但其中大多数服务仅适用于美国观众。 当然,如果您想走那条路,有多种方法可以从任何地方访问受地区限制的网站

Roku频道:免费电视和电影,无需Roku (The Roku Channel: Free TV and Movies, No Roku Required)


Roku is famous for its lines of streaming sticks, boxes, and smart TVs. They also offer The Roku Channel, and you don’t even need a Roku device to watch it. A free account gives you ad-supported access to movies like Braveheart and Pleasantville, alongside TV shows like Kitchen Nightmares and 3rd Rock From The Sun.

Roku以流媒体摇杆,盒子和智能电视而闻名。 他们还提供了Roku频道 ,您甚至不需要Roku设备即可观看。 一个免费帐户可让您获得广告支持的电影,例如《勇敢的心》和《宜人的维尔纽斯》,以及电视节目,例如《厨房噩梦》和《第三太阳》。

RELATED: Watch Free TV and Movies in Your Browser With The Roku Channel Online (No Roku Required)

相关文章: 通过Roku频道在线观看免费的电视和电影(不需要Roku)

The Roku Channel is offered on Roku devices, of course, but it’s also available on both your desktop and mobile browser. There’s even support for non-Roku streaming boxes, including Amazon’s FireTV and Apple TV with AirPlay. Samsung Smart TVs are also supported. Read more about compatibility here.

当然,Roku频道是在Roku设备上提供的,但在台式机和移动浏览器上也可以使用。 甚至还支持非Roku流媒体盒,包括亚马逊的FireTV和带AirPlay的Apple TV。 还支持三星智能电视。 在此处阅读有关兼容性的更多信息

裂纹:索尼被遗忘的流媒体服务 (Crackle: Sony’s Forgotten Streaming Service)


Crackle has been around forever, but it’s still relatively obscure. That’s odd because it offers solid TV shows like Seinfeld and Community alongside movies like Gattaca and Stranger Than Fiction.

裂纹永远存在,但它仍然相对模糊。 这很奇怪,因为它提供了像塞恩费尔德(Seinfeld)和社区(Community)这样的电视节目,以及像加塔卡(Gattaca)和《陌生人比小说》(Stranger Than Fiction)等电影。

You can watch using your browser, mobile apps, and on most smart TVs, streaming devices, and even game consoles. Check the full list here.

您可以使用浏览器,移动应用程序以及大多数智能电视,流媒体设备甚至游戏机来观看。 在此处查看完整列表

PopcornFlix:大量的免费电影 (PopcornFlix: Tons of Free Movies)


You probably haven’t heard of PopcornFlix. Barely anyone has. But this ad-supported service has movies like True Grit (the 2010 remake), Zodiac, and Breakfast at Tiffany’s. There’s also a bunch of TV shows, including 90s kids stuff like Inspector Gadget, The Legend of Zelda, and The Weird Al Show.

您可能还没有听说过PopcornFlix 。 几乎没有人有。 但是,这项广告支持的服务拥有电影《 True Grit》(2010年翻拍),《十二生肖》和《蒂凡尼的早餐》。 还有很多电视节目,包括90年代的儿童玩具,例如Inspector Gadget,《塞尔达传说》和《怪异的Al Show》。

You can watch PopcornFlix in your browser, right now. You can also watch on Apple TV, Roku, Amazon FireTV, XBox, iPhone/iPad, and Android; find links here.

您可以立即在浏览器中观看PopcornFlix。 您还可以在Apple TV,Roku,Amazon FireTV,XBox,iPhone / iPad和Android上观看; 在这里找到链接

Pluto.TV:频道上网 (Pluto.TV: Channel Surf the Internet)


Pluto.TV is a little different than the other options we’ve discussed. Rather than provide a list of on-demand titles, Pluto.TV offers “channels” that are streaming certain things right now. It’s more like channel flipping with conventional TV providers.

Pluto.TV与我们讨论的其他选项有些不同。 Pluto.TV并没有提供点播标题列表,而是提供了一些正在播出某些内容的“频道”。 这更像是传统电视提供商的频道翻转。

RELATED: Pluto.TV Brings Channel Surfing to Cord Cutters---for Free

相关: Pluto.TV将频道冲浪带到剪线钳---免费

There are usually several movies on, and there’s one channel that’s constantly broadcasting Mystery Science Theater episodes. Other channels offer old TV shows, nature documentaries, classic cartoons, and a lot more. Dive in and see what you can find.

通常放映几部电影,并且有一个频道不断播出神秘科学剧院的剧集。 其他频道则提供旧电视节目,自然纪录片,经典动画片等等。 潜入水中,看看您能找到什么。

You can watch using your browser, using dedicated mobile apps for Android and iPhone/iPad, and on streaming devices including Roku, Apple TV, Amazon FireTV, and Chromecast. See the full list of supported devices here.

您可以使用浏览器,适用于Android和iPhone / iPad的专用移动应用程序以及Roku,Apple TV,Amazon FireTV和Chromecast等流媒体设备进行观看。 在此处查看支持的设备的完整列表

Xumo.TV:新闻,体育要闻和娱乐(美国和加拿大) (Xumo.TV: News, Sports Highlights, and Entertainment (US and Canada))


Xumo.TV is similar to Pluto.TV, but there seems to be more of a focus on the news here. You’ll see re-broadcasts of news from major sources like CBS and MSNBC. There’s also live access to Bloomberg and a bunch of channels that collect stuff from around the web. Like Pluto.TV the idea is to bring channel surfing to the browser.

Xumo.TVPluto.TV相似,但此处似乎更多地关注新闻。 您将看到来自CBS和MSNBC等主要来源的新闻的重新广播。 还可以实时访问彭博社和大量从网络收集资料的渠道。 像Pluto.TV一样,其想法是将频道浏览带入浏览器。

RELATED: Watch Free TV Online Right Now With Xumo.TV

相关: 现在就使用Xumo.TV在线观看免费电视

This service works in the US and Canada, though where you are will determine which channels you can get. You can watch in your browser, or on Android and iPhone/iPad using dedicated apps. There’s also support for smart TVs and Roku. Check this list to learn more.

该服务可在美国和加拿大使用,尽管您将在何处确定可以获得哪些渠道。 您可以在浏览器中观看,也可以使用专用应用在Android和iPhone / iPad上观看。 还支持智能电视和Roku。 检查此列表以了解更多信息。

图比:更多电影和电视节目 (Tubi: More Movies and TV Shows)


Tubi is another on-demand service that most people haven’t heard of, but there’s some worthwhile stuff here. You’ll find some Saw movies and the Bill & Ted movies. You can also watch Peep Show, a UK classic and Everbody Hates Chris.

Tubi是大多数人都没有听说过的另一种按需服务,但是这里有一些有价值的东西。 您会发现一些Saw电影和Bill&Ted电影。 您还可以观看英国经典专辑《 Peep Show》和《无尽的仇恨克里斯》。

You can watch Tubi in your browser, or by using apps for iPhone/iPad, Android, Roku, and Amazon FireTV.

您可以在浏览器中或使用iPhone / iPadAndroidRokuAmazon FireTV的应用程序观看Tubi。

Photo credit: Concept Photo

照片来源: 概念照片

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/365564/watch-free-tv-and-movies-online-with-these-6-obscure-sites/
