新版本的unity_今天发布新版本的Unity Answers

新版本的unity_今天发布新版本的Unity Answers


Update: We’ve hit some road bumps and have a delay in deploying the new theme with the features listed in this post. The site is currently live so you can still access it while we work on getting the theme set up.

更新:我们遇到了一些坎bump,并延迟了使用本文中列出的功能来部署新主题的时间。 该网站目前处于启用状态,因此您在设置主题时仍可以访问它。

We have been working on improving Unity Answers with the goal of making it easier to uncover authentic questions that need to be answered. We also want to cut down the time it takes to get an answer regardless of the amount of posts that get published daily. Ultimately, we want to make it easier for you to find existing posts that provide solutions to similar issues that you’re experiencing.

我们一直在努力改善Unity答案 ,目的是使发现需要回答的真实问题变得更加容易。 我们也希望减少获得答案所需的时间,而不管每天发布的帖子数量如何。 最终,我们希望使您更容易找到现有的帖子,这些帖子可以为您遇到的类似问题提供解决方案。

A user guide will be provided once the new site is deployed describing the new features and how to navigate the site.


Help Room


We have created a new section called the Help Room, where any user regardless of reputation (amount of karma points) can post questions directly without having to wait for moderator approval. The Help Room will also contain posts where users are asking for more general help with scripting. Moderators will be able to move questions from the default Questions/Home section to the Help Room when needed. If you want to post to the default Questions/Home section, a reputation of 15 KP or more is needed, otherwise your post will have to go through the moderation queue.

我们创建了一个名为“ 帮助室”的新部分,该区域中的任何用户(无论信誉如何)均可直接发布问题,而无需等待主持人批准。 帮助室还将包含一些帖子,供用户在其中寻求脚本的更多常规帮助。 主持人将能够在需要时将问题从默认的“问题/主页”部分移至“帮助室”。 如果您想发布到默认的“问题/首页”部分,则需要信誉度为15 KP或更高,否则您的发布将必须经过审核队列。

Other features that are being introduced with this version:


  • When you start typing a Question, a list with suggested existing threads (+ amount of answers) will appear that may already hold the answer you are looking for

  • Autosave while typing questions, answers and comments

  • A new redactor text editor to make it easier to clearly see how to format code and insert screenshots

  • Reward other users with your own karma points for contributing with good answers and asking good questions

  • See how many followers a post has and tag a user who may be able to answer it

  • Follow content and manage them from your user profile

  • User profile and moderation tools will be accessible from the top right corner


Moderators! You will also get new features:

版主! 您还将获得新功能:

A space for Moderators has been created to keep track of mod or site-related questions rather than using [META] threads. You will be able to move questions from the default Questions/Home section to either the Help Room or Moderators space.

已为主持人创建了一个空间来跟踪与mod或站点相关的问题,而不是使用[META]线程。 您将能够将问题从默认的“问题/主页”部分移至“ 帮助室”或“ 主持人”空间。

You will also be able to redirect posts. If you want to redirect a post to another, simply choose that option from the drop-down menu and search for the post which it should redirect to. This way, if you for example find a duplicate post, just redirect it to a more suitable post.

您还可以重定向帖子。 如果您想将帖子重定向到另一帖子,只需从下拉菜单中选择该选项,然后搜索应该重定向到的帖子。 这样,例如,如果您发现重复的帖子,只需将其重定向到更合适的帖子即可。

We hope you will enjoy the new site, and if there are any questions make sure to post it in the forum thread created for this so we can help you out.

我们希望您会喜欢新网站,如果有任何疑问,请确保将其发布在为此创建的论坛主题中 ,以便我们为您提供帮助。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/06/30/new-version-of-unity-answers-unveiled-today/
