kde 禁用钱包_在KDE中禁用文件的单击打开

kde 禁用钱包_在KDE中禁用文件的单击打开

kde 禁用钱包

Having switched from Ubuntu to Kubuntu recently, the first thing that irritated me beyond all reason was that single-clicking on a file or folder immediately opens the file instead of selecting it. Since I use Windows and Ubuntu on a daily basis, it’s just frustrating that it works differently in KDE.

最近从Ubuntu切换到Kubuntu,第一件事是使我恼火的是,无非是单击文件或文件夹即可立即打开文件,而不是选择文件。 由于我每天都使用Windows和Ubuntu,因此令人沮丧的是,它们在KDE中的工作方式不同。

The one thing you can’t complain about, however, is how nice and easy KDE’s system settings are. Just open them up via the “start” menu, and find the Keyboard & Mouse icon.

但是,您不必抱怨的一件事就是KDE的系统设置多么简单易用。 只需通过“开始”菜单打开它们,然后找到“键盘和鼠标”图标。

kde 禁用钱包_在KDE中禁用文件的单击打开

Click on “Mouse” in the left hand menu, and then choose “Double-click to open files and folders – select icons on first click”. 


kde 禁用钱包_在KDE中禁用文件的单击打开

Now you can safely click on icons again! 


kde 禁用钱包_在KDE中禁用文件的单击打开

Why this isn’t the default in KDE when it is in every other operating system, I’ll never know.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/disable-single-click-opening-of-files-in-kde/

kde 禁用钱包