libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice Writer中显示和隐藏标尺

libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice Writer中显示和隐藏标尺


libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice Writer中显示和隐藏标尺

Word processing programs have rulers that help you position elements in your documents, such as text, graphics, and tables. LibreOffice displays the horizontal ruler by default and has a vertical ruler available for display. We’ll show you how to show and hide both rulers.

文字处理程序具有标尺,可以帮助您在文档中放置元素,例如文本,图形和表格。 LibreOffice默认情况下显示水平标尺,并且具有可显示的垂直标尺。 我们将向您展示如何显示和隐藏两个标尺。

Hiding the rulers gives you a bit more space for working on your document, which is useful if you’re using a small screen. When you’re not using the rulers, you can easily hide them, and then show them again when needed.

隐藏标尺为您提供了更多处理文档的空间,如果您使用的是小屏幕,这将很有用。 不使用标尺时,可以轻松隐藏它们,然后在需要时再次显示它们。

To show or hide the rulers, go to View > Rulers > Rulers, or press Ctrl+Shift+R. When the rulers are showing, there is a checkmark to the left of Rulers option. The checkmark goes away when the rulers are hidden.

要显示或隐藏标尺,请转到视图>标尺>标尺,或按Ctrl + Shift + R。 显示标尺时,“标尺”选项左侧有一个复选标记。 当标尺隐藏时,复选标记消失。

NOTE: We’re demonstrating how to show and hide rulers in LibreOffice Writer for Windows, but the procedure is the same for Linux and macOS, except the shortcut for the Rulers command on macOS is Shift+Command+R.

注意:我们正在演示如何在Windows的LibreOffice Writer中显示和隐藏标尺,但步骤与Linux和macOS相同,不同之处在于macOS上Rulers命令的快捷键为Shift + Command + R。

libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice Writer中显示和隐藏标尺

To show the rulers again, select the Rulers option again, or press Ctrl+Shift+R again. To show the vertical ruler, go to View > Rulers > Vertical Ruler. Again, if the vertical ruler is showing, there is a checkmark next to the Vertical Ruler option.

要再次显示标尺,请再次选择“标尺”选项,或再次按Ctrl + Shift + R。 要显示垂直标尺,请转到视图>标尺>垂直标尺。 同样,如果显示了垂直标尺,则在“垂直标尺”选项旁边会有一个复选标记。

libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice Writer中显示和隐藏标尺

The Rulers command affects both the horizontal and vertical rulers. When you choose to show the rulers, the vertical ruler shows only if it was showing when you hid the rulers. For example, in the image above, the Vertical Ruler is selected and showing. When you select Rulers again to hide the rulers (no checkmark), the Vertical Rulers option is automatically turned off as well, and you won’t see a checkmark on the option.

标尺命令同时影响水平标尺和垂直标尺。 当选择显示标尺时,垂直标尺仅在您隐藏标尺时显示。 例如,在上图中,垂直标尺被选中并显示。 当再次选择“标尺”以隐藏标尺时(无选中标记),“垂直标尺”选项也会自动关闭,并且您不会在该选项上看到选中标记。

NOTE: If you select the Vertical Ruler option to show the vertical ruler while the Rulers option is off, you will not see a checkmark next to the Vertical Ruler option. However, LibreOffice Writer remembers whether the option was on or off the next time you turn on the Rulers option.

注意:如果在“标尺”选项关闭的情况下选择“垂直标尺”选项以显示垂直标尺,则“垂直标尺”选项旁边将不会显示复选标记。 但是,LibreOffice Writer会记住下次打开“标尺”选项时该选项是打开还是关闭。

libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice Writer中显示和隐藏标尺

Here, we’ve hidden both rulers.


libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice Writer中显示和隐藏标尺

If you want to use a keyboard shortcut to show and hide the vertical ruler, you can add a custom one, too.


