

There may be times when you need to copy or move a worksheet into another workbook in Excel or make a copy of a worksheet in the same workbook. Maybe you want to make changes but preserve the original worksheet.

有时,您需要将工作表复制或移动到Excel中的另一个工作簿中,或者在同一工作簿中复制工作表。 也许您想进行更改,但保留原始工作表。

First, we’ll show you how to copy a worksheet from one workbook to another whether it be an existing workbook or a new one. Right-click on the tab for the worksheet you want to copy and select “Move or Copy” from the popup menu.

首先,我们将向您展示如何将工作表从一个工作簿复制到另一个工作簿,无论它是现有工作簿还是新工作簿。 右键单击要复制的工作表的选项卡,然后从弹出菜单中选择“移动或复制”。


On the “Move or Copy” dialog box, select the workbook into which you want to copy the worksheet from the “To book” drop-down list.


NOTE: To copy the selected worksheet into an existing workbook, that workbook has to be open. If the workbook into which you want to copy the worksheet is not open, it will not be available in the “To book” drop-down list.

注意:要将选定的工作表复制到现有工作簿中,必须打开该工作簿。 如果您要复制工作表的工作簿未打开,则在“预定”下拉列表中将不可用。


We’re going to copy the selected worksheet into a new workbook, so select “(new book)” from the “To book” drop-down list. Select the “Create a copy” check box. Because we’re creating a new workbook, there are no worksheets in the “Before sheet” list before which we can insert the copied worksheet. It will be the only worksheet in the new workbook.

我们将选择的工作表复制到一个新的工作簿中,因此从“待定”下拉列表中选择“(新书)”。 选择“创建副本”复选框。 因为我们正在创建一个新的工作簿,所以“工作表之前”列表中没有工作表,在此之前我们可以插入复制的工作表。 这将是新工作簿中的唯一工作表。

NOTE: If you want to move the worksheet into the other workbook, do not select the “Create a copy” check box.


Click “OK”. A new workbook is created and the worksheet is copied into it. If you chose to move the worksheet, it will no longer be in the original workbook.

点击“确定”。 创建一个新的工作簿并将工作表复制到其中。 如果选择移动工作表,它将不再位于原始工作簿中。


You can also make a copy of a worksheet in the same workbook. You may want to do this if you want to make changes to a worksheet, but you don’t want to change the original. Open the “Move or Copy” dialog box the same way we described earlier in this article. By default, the current workbook is selected in the “To book” drop-down list, so don’t change that. In the “Before sheet” list, select the sheet before which you want to insert the copied worksheet. We’ll choose to insert the copy of the worksheet at the end of the current worksheets. Select the “Create a copy” check box and click “OK”.

您也可以在同一工作簿中复制工作表。 如果要对工作表进行更改,则可能要执行此操作,但是不想更改原始表。 以与本文前面所述相同的方式打开“移动或复制”对话框。 默认情况下,当前工作簿在“待定”下拉列表中处于选中状态,因此请不要进行更改。 在“工作表之前”列表中,选择要在其之前插入复制的工作表的工作表。 我们将选择在当前工作表的末尾插入工作表的副本。 选择“创建副本”复选框,然后单击“确定”。


The worksheet is inserted to the right of the current worksheet tabs.



This feature is a handy way to rearrange your worksheets and workbooks. You may need do something such as providing only a certain worksheet from a workbook to someone without sending them the whole workbook.

此功能是重新安排工作表和工作簿的便捷方法。 您可能需要做一些事情,例如仅将工作簿中的某个工作表提供给某人,而不将整个工作簿发送给他们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/220677/how-to-copy-or-move-a-worksheet-into-another-workbook-in-excel/