outlook附件无法打开_通过键盘在Outlook 2007中打开附件

outlook附件无法打开_通过键盘在Outlook 2007中打开附件


A reader wrote in a while back asking if there was a hotkey to open attachments in Outlook. Since this thought had occurred to me a number of times before, I looked for a way to do it. Turns out it’s really fairly simple, and I’m sure many of you already realized how to do this.

一位读者不久前写信询问是否在Outlook中有打开附件的热键。 由于这种想法在我之前已经发生过很多次,因此我一直在寻找一种实现方法。 事实证明,这确实非常简单,而且我敢肯定,你们中的许多人已经意识到如何做到这一点。

Open the message and then use Shift+Tab, which will select the Message field as shown highlighted below:

打开消息,然后使用Shift + Tab,这将选择“消息”字段,如下所示:

outlook附件无法打开_通过键盘在Outlook 2007中打开附件

From here you can use the arrow keys to select the different attachments. If the attachment is an image, it will automatically preview below, as will certain types of office documents. 

在这里,您可以使用箭头键选择不同的附件。 如果附件是图像,它将自动在下面预览,某些类型的Office文档也会在下面预览。

outlook附件无法打开_通过键盘在Outlook 2007中打开附件

To open the attachment in the default application, just hit the Enter key. You’ll probably get a message similar to this one: 

要在默认应用程序中打开附件,只需按Enter键。 您可能会收到类似以下消息:

outlook附件无法打开_通过键盘在Outlook 2007中打开附件

And that ends the mystery of the missing attachments hotkey.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/opening-attachments-in-outlook-2007-by-keyboard/
