


Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Have you ever swiped right on your iPhone’s Lock screen or Home screen? That’s the Today View screen with widgets from Apple’s stock apps. If you want to customize this screen, you can add and customize widgets from third-party apps as well as reorder everything that’s already there.

您是否曾经在iPhone的“锁定”屏幕或“主屏幕”上向右滑动? 那是带有苹果股票应用程序中的小部件的“今日视图”屏幕。 如果要自定义此屏幕,则可以从第三方应用程序中添加和自定义窗口小部件,并对现有的所有内容重新排序。

By default, Apple shows you the widgets from the Weather app, Siri Suggestions, Music, Favorites, and more. But that’s not all. When you go into the editing mode, you’ll discover that many of the apps that you have installed (whether they’re popular apps or indie) include useful widgets.

默认情况下,Apple向您显示“天气”应用程序中的小部件,Siri建议,“音乐”,“收藏夹”等。 但这还不是全部。 进入编辑模式时,您会发现许多已安装的应用程序(无论是流行的应用程序还是独立的应用程序)都包含有用的小部件。

You can add extra functionality to your iPhone using third-party app widgets. Here are a couple of recommendations:

您可以使用第三方应用程序小部件向iPhone添加其他功能。 以下是一些建议:

To get started, swipe right when you’re on your iPhone’s Home screen to access the Today View. Here, you can swipe up to view more widgets and tap on any of the arrow buttons to expand or contract a widget.

首先,请在iPhone的主屏幕上向右滑动以访问“今日视图”。 在这里,您可以向上滑动以查看更多窗口小部件,然后点击任意箭头按钮以扩展或收缩窗口小部件。


Swipe all the way down to the bottom of the widgets screen and tap on the “Edit” button to customize the Today View screen.



You’ll now see a list of enabled widgets at the top of the menu.



In the More Widgets section, you’ll find a list of the widgets for apps that are installed on your iPhone. A single app can feature multiple widgets.

在“更多小部件”部分中,您将找到iPhone上安装的应用程序的小部件列表。 一个应用程序可以包含多个小部件。

When you find a widget that you want to add, tap on the Plus (+) button next to the widget. It will be instantly added to the bottom of the Enabled Widgets list. Do this for every widget that you want to add.

找到要添加的窗口小部件时,点击窗口小部件旁边的加号(+)按钮。 它将立即添加到“已启用小部件”列表的底部。 对要添加的每个小部件执行此操作。


Next, swipe up to the top of the page and take a look at the enabled widgets. You’ll probably want to put your frequently used widgets at the top of the list.

接下来,向上滑动至页面顶部,然后查看已启用的小部件。 您可能需要将常用的小部件放在列表的顶部。

To reorder widgets, tap on the three-line Handle icon found on the right edge of the screen and then drag each item to reorganize the list.



After adding and reordering widgets, you might want to remove some of Apple’s stock widgets. To do this, simply tap on the red Minus (-) button.

添加和重新排序小部件之后,您可能要删除一些Apple的库存小部件。 为此,只需点击红色的减号(-)按钮。


Tap on the “Remove” button.



Once you’re happy with the arrangement of your widgets, tap on the “Done” button.



You’ll be taken back on your widgets screen, with your new widgets and brand new functionality added to your lock screen and Home screen.


When you install new apps, you can go back to the editing screen and add new widgets to the Today View by following the steps above.


Additionally, you can add widgets to your iPhone by long pressing on the app icons. On the Home screen, tap and hold on a newly installed app. If it supports widgets, you’ll see it in the contextual menu. This is a quick way to use widgets without even accessing the Today View.

此外,您可以通过长按应用程序图标将小部件添加到iPhone。 在主屏幕上,点击并按住一个新安装的应用程序。 如果它支持小部件,您将在上下文菜单中看到它。 这是使用微件的快速方法,甚至无需访问“今日视图”。

And if you like the widget, tap on the “Add Widget” link to add the widget to the bottom of the Today View screen.



iPads also supports widgets but a bit differently. You can actually pin the Today View section right to the Home screen for quick access.

iPad还支持小部件,但有所不同。 您实际上可以将“今日视图”部分固定在主屏幕上,以进行快速访问。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/669237/how-to-add-use-and-customize-widgets-on-your-iphone/
