qt 快捷键 下划线_如何使Windows 10下划线和突出显示菜单快捷键

qt 快捷键 下划线_如何使Windows 10下划线和突出显示菜单快捷键

qt 快捷键 下划线

qt 快捷键 下划线_如何使Windows 10下划线和突出显示菜单快捷键

Menu shortcut keys provide a fast and easy way to navigate through specific applications in Windows. They work by underlining the key to press on menus to activate commands or expand submenus. This feature is disabled by default, but it’s easy to turn on.

菜单快捷键提供了一种快速简便的方法来浏览Windows中的特定应用程序。 它们通过强调按键的功能来按下菜单来**命令或展开子菜单。 默认情况下,此功能是禁用的,但是很容易打开。

This feature doesn’t enable shortcut keys everywhere you might expect, but it does work on most of the context menus (those you get by right-clicking files or folders) in Windows and some apps. In some apps (like File Explorer and Microsoft Office apps), you can activate similar shortcut keys by hitting your Alt key. Whether you do that or use the Ease of Access feature we’re talking about here, you can easily use your arrow keys to move around in menu and hit the underlined letter to execute a command on those menus.

此功能不会在您可能期望的任何地方启用快捷键,但在Windows和某些应用程序中的大多数上下文菜单(通过右键单击文件或文件夹获得的快捷菜单)中都可以使用。 在某些应用程序(如文件资源管理器和Microsoft Office应用程序)中,您可以通过按Alt键来**类似的快捷键。 无论您是执行此操作还是使用我们在此讨论的“轻松访问”功能,都可以轻松地使用箭头键在菜单中移动,并点击带下划线的字母以在那些菜单上执行命令。

To start, hit Windows+I to open up the Settings app. On the main page, click the “Ease of Access” category.

首先,请按Windows + I打开“设置”应用程序。 在主页上,单击“轻松访问”类别。

qt 快捷键 下划线_如何使Windows 10下划线和突出显示菜单快捷键

On the Ease of Access page, choose the “Keyboard” tab on the left. On the right, scroll down a bit and turn on the “Underline Access Keys When Available” toggle under the “Change How Keyboard Shortcuts Work” section.

在“轻松访问”页面上,选择左侧的“键盘”选项卡。 在右侧,向下滚动一点,然后打开“更改键盘快捷方式的工作方式”部分下的“可用时,下划线访问键”开关。

qt 快捷键 下划线_如何使Windows 10下划线和突出显示菜单快捷键

Once enabled, you’ll start seeing underlined letters in various menus, dialog boxes, and windows. Pressing that letter activates that menu or command.

启用后,您将开始在各种菜单,对话框和窗口中看到带下划线的字母。 按下该字母将**该菜单或命令。

Here’s how that looks on a context menu you might see when right-clicking a file (it’s enabled on the left and disabled on the right).


qt 快捷键 下划线_如何使Windows 10下划线和突出显示菜单快捷键

So, with it enabled, we could just hit the N key to open Notepadd++ or the H key to execute the Open With command.

因此,启用它后,我们可以按N键打开Notepadd ++或按H键执行“打开方式”命令。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/366147/how-to-make-windows-10-underline-and-highlight-menu-shortcut-keys/

qt 快捷键 下划线