发送到 菜单 修改_启动并管理Windows的“发送到菜单”和“发送到玩具”

发送到 菜单 修改_启动并管理Windows的“发送到菜单”和“发送到玩具”

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One of our readers wrote in a while back asking why we hadn’t featured the Send To Toys utility, a great addition to your Send To menu that lets you pick any folder to send a file to, send the file name to the clipboard, or a number of other useful features. Today we’ll show you how it works.

我们的一位读者在不久前写信询问为什么我们没有使用“发送至玩具”实用程序,它是“发送至”菜单的重要补充,可让您选择要将文件发送到的任何文件夹,将文件名发送到剪贴板,或其他许多有用的功能。 今天我们将向您展示其工作原理。

Many of you might remember the old Send to X Powertoy that was included way back in the Windows 95 days. The Send To Toys utility is a similar add-on that offers the same functionality, plus a lot more.

你们中许多人可能还记得Windows 95时代所包含的旧的Send to X Powertoy。 Send To Toys实用程序是一个类似的加载项,具有相同的功能以及更多功能。

Installing Send To Toys


The installation process is very simple, and even gives you a quick configuration screen so you can turn on or off some of the features during install.


发送到 菜单 修改_启动并管理Windows的“发送到菜单”和“发送到玩具”

You can easily configure these items later, so don’t worry about doing it now.


Configuring Send To Toys


The installation process will open up the configuration dialog at the end, but if you want to get to it later, you can find it under Control Panel’s Additional Options section.


发送到 菜单 修改_启动并管理Windows的“发送到菜单”和“发送到玩具”

If you are running 64-bit Windows, you’ll have to look under the 32-bit section as well…


发送到 菜单 修改_启动并管理Windows的“发送到菜单”和“发送到玩具”

And you should see Send To Toys in the list.


发送到 菜单 修改_启动并管理Windows的“发送到菜单”和“发送到玩具”

The first tab on the configuration dialog is extremely helpful… it lets you add or remove folders and items from the Send To menu. Of course without the utility you could do this manually by opening the shell:sendto folder and dragging and dropping, but this is a lot simpler.

配置对话框中的第一个选项卡非常有用……它使您可以从“发送到”菜单中添加或删除文件夹和项目。 当然,如果没有该实用程序,则可以通过打开shell:sendto文件夹并拖放来手动执行此操作,但这要简单得多。

发送到 菜单 修改_启动并管理Windows的“发送到菜单”和“发送到玩具”

The Add button will pop up a dialog letting you quickly choose what to add to the menu.


发送到 菜单 修改_启动并管理Windows的“发送到菜单”和“发送到玩具”

The Folder tab allows you to configure which folder is the default in the “Folder…” send-to item added by this utility (screenshots below). The two really interesting options here are the “Open destination on completion”, which will open up the folder you just sent the file to… and “Default to move”, which is pretty self-explanatory.

“文件夹”选项卡允许您配置此实用程序添加的“文件夹…”发送至项目中默认的文件夹(以下屏幕截图)。 这两个非常有趣的选项是“完成时打开目标位置”,它将打开您刚刚将文件发送到的文件夹…和“默认移动”,这很容易解释。

发送到 菜单 修改_启动并管理Windows的“发送到菜单”和“发送到玩具”

The Clipboard tab shows you some of the great options for the “Send to Clipboard (as name)” item… you can choose whether or not you want quotes, and whether you want files to be separated on different lines, if you send multiple files to the clipboard.


发送到 菜单 修改_启动并管理Windows的“发送到菜单”和“发送到玩具”

The Default Mail Recipient tab was very promising, but that feature didn’t work for me. The idea is that you can specify a single mail recipient to send a file to…

“默认邮件收件人”选项卡非常有前途,但是该功能对我不起作用。 这个想法是,您可以指定一个邮件收件人将文件发送到…

发送到 菜单 修改_启动并管理Windows的“发送到菜单”和“发送到玩具”

But whenever I tried to use the feature I got this message… your mileage may vary.


发送到 菜单 修改_启动并管理Windows的“发送到菜单”和“发送到玩具”

If that feature doesn’t work for you either, you can easily just remove the item from the menu using the Send To configuration tab.


Using Send To Toys


Now that you’ve run through the configuration dialogs, it’s time to right-click a file and look at your Send To menu (mine is kinda messy)


发送到 菜单 修改_启动并管理Windows的“发送到菜单”和“发送到玩具”

One of the most useful items is the Folder… item, which pops up a dialog allowing you to copy, move, or just create a shortcut to the file.


发送到 菜单 修改_启动并管理Windows的“发送到菜单”和“发送到玩具”

Here’s where this feature gets really helpful… if you click that little blue Folder link in the bottom left, you’ll get a history drop-down of your recent folder choices.


发送到 菜单 修改_启动并管理Windows的“发送到菜单”和“发送到玩具”

If you sent the file to the Run… item instead, you’d get the Run dialog with the filename pre-populated… very helpful if you want to run the application with command line arguments easily.


发送到 菜单 修改_启动并管理Windows的“发送到菜单”和“发送到玩具”

Send to Command Prompt works similarly, but pre-populates a command prompt with the name of the file.


发送到 菜单 修改_启动并管理Windows的“发送到菜单”和“发送到玩具”

You’ll also notice new items when you right-click on an executable file, allowing you to quickly Add or Remove that application from the Send To menu.


发送到 菜单 修改_启动并管理Windows的“发送到菜单”和“发送到玩具”

Overall, it’s a very useful utility, well worth checking out if you use the Send To menu a lot. Note that it works fine in any version of Windows.

总体而言,它是一个非常有用的实用程序,非常值得一试,如果您经常使用“发送到”菜单。 请注意,它可以在任何Windows版本中正常工作。

Download Send To Toys from gabrieleponti.com


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/power-up-and-manage-your-windows-send-to-menu-with-send-to-toys/

发送到 菜单 修改