


Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

The built-in Preview app in macOS is a lot more than just an image-viewing tool. For example, did you know it can help you convert and export almost any image to a different format? It works between PNG, JPEG, TIFF, HEIC, and even PDF.

macOS中内置的预览应用程序不只是一个图像查看工具。 例如,您知道它可以帮助您将几乎所有图像转换并导出为其他格式吗? 它可以在PNG,JPEG,TIFF,HEIC甚至PDF之间工作。

Before we get to the nitty-gritty, it’s worth highlighting that Preview supports Apple’s new HEIC format. If you’ve transferred photos from your iPhone or iPad to Mac only to discover they’re in the HEIC format, you can import them into Preview and batch export them as JPEG, so you can easily share them with your friends online.

深入探讨之前,值得强调的是Preview支持Apple的新HEIC格式 。 如果您只是将照片从iPhone或iPad传输到Mac而只是发现它们是HEIC格式,则可以将它们导入到Preview并批量导出为JPEG,这样就可以轻松地与在线朋友共享。

Here’s how the conversion process in Preview works. To begin, locate the image in the Finder app. You can select a single image or multiple images. Then simply double-click on the selected files to open them in the Preview app.

这是预览中转换过程的工作方式。 首先,在Finder应用程序中找到图像。 您可以选择一个图像或多个图像。 然后,只需双击所选文件即可在“预览”应用程序中将其打开。

If Preview is not set as your default app for opening image files, right-click on the image and select Open With > Preview.


After opening the image in Preview, go to the top menu bar and click on “File.” From here, select “Export.”

在“预览”中打开图像后,转到顶部菜单栏,然后​​单击“文件”。 从此处选择“导出”。


If you want to do this process for multiple images, choose “Command+A” to select all open images in a single Preview window.

如果要对多个图像执行此过程,请选择“ Command + A”以在单个“预览”窗口中选择所有打开的图像。

From the pop-up, you can select the folder where you want to export the image and the format of your choice. You can change the name of the image file from the “Export As” field.

从弹出窗口中,可以选择要在其中导出图像的文件夹以及您选择的格式。 您可以从“导出为”字段中更改图像文件的名称。

After selecting the destination folder, click on the drop-down next to “Format.”



Here, choose the format you want to convert to.



Once you select the new format, you’ll see some contextual options below.


For the JPEG and HEIC formats, you can edit the quality of the exported image. For the PDF option, you can add password protection. And for the TIFF format, you can choose between three different compression formats.

对于JPEG和HEIC格式,您可以编辑导出图像的质量。 对于PDF选项,您可以添加密码保护。 对于TIFF格式,您可以在三种不同的压缩格式之间进行选择。

Once you’ve selected your options, click on the “Save” button. The image will be saved in the destination folder.

选择选项后,单击“保存”按钮。 图像将保存在目标文件夹中。


You can now delete the original image file if you want.


With your knowledge of how this feature works, you can repeat it to convert other images to various formats.


