


霓虹灯挑战赛结束了,挑战着我们的社区,在Asset Store的帮助下创建一个实时环境。 这是您的获奖者。 (The Neon Challenge has wrapped up, challenging our community to create a real-time environment with the help of the Asset Store. Here are your winners.)

On Dec 1, 2017 we launched Unity Connect’s first contest, the Neon Challenge, a real-time environment contest based on Neon with over $30,000 in prizes. Armed with our powerful new cinematic tools including Cinemachine, Timeline, and the Post Processing Stack, many of you quickly set off to build your cinematic experiences.

2017年12月1日,我们启动了Unity Connect的第一场比赛Neon Challenge ,这是一项基于Neon的实时环境竞赛,奖金超过30,000美元。 借助我们强大的新型电影工具,包括CinemachineTimelinePost Processing Stack ,您中的许多人很快就会着手建立您的电影体验。

In just 45 days, we saw over 460 teams from 60+ countries around the globe submitted their project to the Neon Challenge. Individual creators and teams from all walks of life including programmers, technical artists, 3D modelers, CG specialists, animators, designers, VR developers, and more took the challenge pouring countless hours into creating your submissions. And with the help of the Asset Store many teams were able to take advantage of powerful plugins and models to supplement their scenes.

在短短45天内,我们看到了来自60多个国家/地区的460多个团队将他们的项目提交给了Neon Challenge。 来自各行各业的个人创建者和团队,包括程序员,技术美术师,3D建模者,CG专家,动画师,设计师,VR开发人员,等等,都花了无数小时来挑战您的提交内容。 在Asset Store的帮助下,许多团队能够利用强大的插件和模型来补充自己的场景。

In the community highlight reel below we’ve picked out some of our favorite submissions from across the globe. We were incredibly excited to see the huge diversity of experiences created for the Neon Challenge. Take a look to see what the community created.

在下面的社区精彩片段中,我们从全球各地挑选了一些我们最喜欢的作品。 看到霓虹灯挑战赛带来的丰富体验,我们感到异常兴奋。 看看社区创建了什么。


宣布霓虹灯挑战赛的获胜者! (Announcing the winners of the Neon Challenge!)

We want to thank the community for all of your amazing submissions. Without further ado, we’re excited to announce the winners of the Neon Challenge!

我们要感谢社区为您提供的所有出色建议。 事不宜迟,我们很高兴宣布霓虹灯挑战赛的获胜者!

第一名 (First Place)

Inhuman Kind by Maciej Szcześnik, Poland



As former Lead Gameplay Designer on the Witcher series turned Independent Game Designer, Maciej Szcześnik’s grand prize submission combined stunning visual cinematics with finely-tuned gameplay elements. His submission was also built as a prototype of his dream game set in a dystopian retro-futuristic world.

随着Witcher系列游戏的前首席游戏设计师成为独立游戏设计师,MaciejSzcześnik的大奖提交将令人惊叹的视觉电影技术与经过微调的游戏元素结合在一起。 他的投稿还建立在他的反乌托邦复古未来世界的梦想游戏原型中。

第二个地方 (Second Place)

Soul of a Man by Timur Ozdoyev, Natali Kayurova, and Andrew Indrikson, Russia

Timur Ozdoyev,Natali Kayurova和俄罗斯的Andrew Indrikson创作的《男人灵魂》


From a trio with AAA experience working on titles such as Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Soul of a Man combines cyberpunk aesthetics with the architectural style of an 18th century European city to create a unique futuristic slum basking in a neon glow.


第三名 (Third Place)

Into the Crater by Vladimir Stanarevic, Daniel Talic, and Gustav Eriksson, Bosnia and Herzegovina



From creators of the slick retro-futuristic, ’80s inspired arcade game Neon Drive, Into the Crater is a sleek, cyberpunk scene bleeding with style and accompanied by a catchy original synthwave composition.

Into the Crater由80年代风格复古,充满未来感的街机游戏Neon Drive的创作者所打造,是一个流线型朋克场景,风格独特,并带有引人入胜的原始合成波构图。

荣誉奖 (Honorable Mention)

Selected by our judges below are the remaining finalists commended for their creativity and the exceptional quality of their submissions.


社区优胜者 (Community Winners)

The winners below were chosen by the community based on the number of likes on their projects during the course of the contest.


最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

With Unity Connect’s first contest finished, we are absolutely astounded by the amazing projects and hours of dedicated challengers committed to the contest. We hope many of you had a fantastic time learning and sharing your experiences over the course of the contest.

Unity Connect的第一场比赛结束后,我们为参与比赛的惊人项目和投入大量精力的挑战者而感到震惊。 我们希望你们中的许多人在比赛过程中度过美好的时光来学习和分享您的经验。

Are you ready for another challenge? Stay tuned to the Connect Challenges page! We’ll have more on the way soon.

您准备好迎接另一个挑战了吗? 请继续关注“ 连接挑战”页面! 我们很快就会有更多。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/03/14/neon-challenge-community-creations-and-winners/
