Three Types of Learning

Three Types of Learning


Three Types of Learning

Three Types of Learning

Three Types of Learning

Unsupervised learning AIM:
    -create an internal representation of the input that is useful for subsequent supervised or reinforcement learning
    -It provides a compact ,low-dimensional reqresentation of the input.高维数据往往存在或者近似于一个低维流形(low-dimensional manifold)(PCA)
    -It provides an economical high-dimensional representation of the input in terms of learned features.
            -Binary features are economical(每个变量只需要一个比特来说明其状态)
            -So are real-valued features that are nearly all zero.

-It finds sensible clusters in the input.聚类是非常稀疏的编码,对于每个聚类我们有一个变量。