chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...


chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

You accidentally closed a tab, then realized you weren’t done with that webpage. Or, you want to open that elusive webpage you visited last week, but you forgot to bookmark it. No worries, you can get your closed tabs back.

您不小心关闭了一个标签,然后意识到自己还没有完成该网页。 或者,您想打开上周访问的难以捉摸的网页,但是却忘了为其添加书签。 不用担心,您可以将关闭的标签重新找回。

For each of the five most popular browsers, we’ll show you how to reopen the last closed tab, how to access the browsing history in each browser so you can reopen tabs you closed in previous browsing sessions, and how to manually open all the tabs from your last browsing session.


谷歌浏览器 (Google Chrome)

To reopen the most recently closed tab in Chrome, right-click on the tab bar and select “Reopen closed tab” from the popup menu. You can also press Ctrl+Shift+T on your keyboard to reopen the last closed tab. Repeatedly selecting “Reopen closed tab”, or pressing Ctrl+Shift+T will open previously closed tabs in the order they were closed.

要重新打开Chrome中最近关闭的标签页,请右键点击标签栏,然后从弹出菜单中选择“重新打开已关闭的标签页”。 您也可以按键盘上的Ctrl + Shift + T重新打开最后一个关闭的标签页。 重复选择“重新打开关闭的选项卡”,或按Ctrl + Shift + T将按关闭顺序打开先前关闭的选项卡。

The option is in a different place on the menu depending on whether you right-clicked on a tab or on an empty part of the tab bar.


chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

If you can’t remember the URL or name of a webpage you visited last week, that you want to visit again, you can look through your browsing history to see if looking at the webpages you’ve visited jogs your memory. To access your browsing history, click the Chrome menu button (three horizontal bars) in the upper-right corner of the browser window. Then, select History > History.

如果您忘记了上周访问的网页的URL或名称,而又想再次访问,则可以浏览浏览历史记录,以查看所访问的网页是否使您记忆犹新。 要访问您的浏览历史记录,请单击浏览器窗口右上角的Chrome菜单按钮(三个水平条)。 然后,选择“历史记录”>“历史记录”。

Under “Recently closed”, on the submenu, selecting the option that says “X tabs” (for example, “2 tabs”) will open that many recently closed tabs in a new browser window.

在子菜单的“最近关闭”下,选择显示“ X选项卡”的选项(例如,“ 2个选项卡”)将在新的浏览器窗口中打开许多最近关闭的选项卡。

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

Your browsing history displays on a new tab, grouped into time periods. To open the webpage from today, yesterday, or from a specific date before that, simply click the link for the page you want. The webpage opens on the same tab.

您的浏览历史记录显示在新标签上,并按时间段分组。 要从今天,昨天或之前的某个特定日期打开该网页,只需单击所需页面的链接。 该网页在同一选项卡上打开。

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

火狐浏览器 (Firefox)

To reopen the last closed tab in Firefox, right-click on the tab bar and select “Undo Close Tab” from the popup menu. You can also press Ctrl+Shift+T on your keyboard to open the last closed tab. Repeatedly selecting “Undo Close Tab”, or pressing Ctrl+Shift+T will open previously closed tabs in the order they were closed.

要重新打开Firefox中最后一个关闭的选项卡,请右键单击选项卡栏,然后从弹出菜单中选择“撤消关闭选项卡”。 您也可以按键盘上的Ctrl + Shift + T打开最后一个关闭的标签页。 重复选择“撤消关闭选项卡”,或按Ctrl + Shift + T将按关闭顺序打开先前关闭的选项卡。

Again, the option is in a different place on the menu depending on whether you right-clicked on a tab or on an empty part of the tab bar.


chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

To reopen a specific tab or webpage you closed, click the Firefox menu button (three horizontal bars) in the upper-right corner of the browser window. Then, click the “History” icon.

要重新打开您关闭的特定标签或网页,请单击浏览器窗口右上角的Firefox菜单按钮(三个水平条)。 然后,单击“历史记录”图标。

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

The History menu displays. Click on a webpage to open it in the current tab. Notice that recently closed tabs are also listed under Restore Closed Tabs. You can also click on “Restore Closed Tabs” to restore all the tabs listed under that heading onto new tabs in the current browser window.

显示历史记录菜单。 单击网页以在当前选项卡中将其打开。 请注意,最近关闭的选项卡也列在“还原关闭的选项卡”下。 您也可以单击“还原已关闭的选项卡”,将标题下列出的所有选项卡还原到当前浏览器窗口中的新选项卡。

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

Again, maybe you forgot the name or URL for a webpage you visited last week. You can view your browsing history in Firefox by time periods in a sidebar. To do this, click the Firefox menu button and select “View History Sidebar” from the History drop-down menu.

同样,也许您忘记了上周访问的网页的名称或URL。 您可以在侧栏中按时间段查看Firefox中的浏览历史记录。 为此,请单击Firefox菜单按钮,然后从“历史记录”下拉菜单中选择“查看历史记录侧栏”。

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

In the History sidebar, click “Last 7 days” to see all the webpages you visited in the last week. Click on a site to view it in the current tab. You can also view lists of webpages you visited in previous months and older than six months. The History sidebar stays open until you close it using the “X” button in the upper-right corner of the pane.

在“历史记录”侧边栏中,单击“过去7天”以查看您上周访问的所有网页。 单击一个站点以在当前选项卡中查看它。 您还可以查看前几个月和六个月以*问过的网页列表。 “历史记录”侧边栏将保持打开状态,直到您使用窗格右上角的“ X”按钮将其关闭。

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

You can also access your browsing history on a dialog box by click “Show All History” on the History menu.


chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

In the left pane, on the Library dialog box, you can access your browsing history by time periods and then double-click on a site in the right pane to open it on the current tab.


chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

If you want to open all the tabs you had open in your last browsing session, select “Restore Previous Session” from the “History” menu. The tabs are opened in the current browsing window and the window resizes to the size it was in the last browsing session, if the size was different.

如果要打开上次浏览会话中打开的所有选项卡,请从“历史记录”菜单中选择“还原上一个会话”。 这些选项卡在当前浏览窗口中打开,并且如果大小不同,则该窗口的大小将调整为上一次浏览会话中的大小。

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

歌剧 (Opera)

To reopen the last closed tab in Opera, right-click on the tab bar and select “Reopen last closed tab” from the drop-down list or press Ctrl+Shift+T on your keyboard. Repeatedly selecting Reopen last closed tab, or pressing Ctrl+Shift+T will open previously closed tabs in the order they were closed.

要重新打开Opera中最后关闭的标签,请右键点击标签栏,然后从下拉列表中选择“重新打开最后关闭的标签”,或按键盘上的Ctrl + Shift + T。 重复选择“重新打开上一个关闭的选项卡”,或按Ctrl + Shift + T将按关闭顺序打开先前关闭的选项卡。

The option is in a different place on the menu depending on whether you right-clicked on a tab or on an empty part of the tab bar.


chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

You can also click the Tab Menu button in the upper-right corner of the browser window and click “Recently closed” to expand a list of recently closed tabs. Click on the name of the webpage you want to reopen it on a new tab to the left (not the right) of the current tab.

您也可以单击浏览器窗口右上角的“选项卡菜单”按钮,然后单击“最近关闭”以展开最近关闭的选项卡的列表。 单击您要在当前选项卡左侧(而非右侧)的新选项卡上重新打开的网页名称。

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

If you want to reopen a webpage you viewed earlier today, yesterday, or prior to that, click the Opera Menu button in the upper-left corner of the browser window and select “History” from the drop-down menu.

如果您想重新打开今天,昨天或之前浏览过的网页,请单击浏览器窗口左上角的Opera Menu按钮,然后从下拉菜单中选择“历史记录”。

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

The History page displays with links organized by date. To reopen a webpage, simply click on it in the list. The page will open on a new tab to the right of the History tab.

将显示“历史记录”页面,其中包含按日期组织的链接。 要重新打开网页,只需在列表中单击它。 该页面将在“历史记录”选项卡右侧的新选项卡上打开。

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

Opera 39 does not have a way to manually open all the tabs from the last browsing session.

Opera 39无法从上一次浏览会话中手动打开所有选项卡。

IE浏览器 (Internet Explorer)

To reopen the most recently closed tab in Internet Explorer, right-click on a tab and select “Reopen closed tab”, or press Ctrl+Shift+T on your keyboard. Repeatedly selecting Reopen closed tab, or pressing Ctrl+Shift+T will open previously closed tabs in the order they were closed.

要重新打开Internet Explorer中最近关闭的选项卡,请右键单击某个选项卡,然后选择“重新打开关闭的选项卡”,或按键盘上的Ctrl + Shift + T。 重复选择“重新打开关闭的选项卡”,或按Ctrl + Shift + T将按关闭顺序打开先前关闭的选项卡。

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

If you want to choose from a list of recently closed tabs, right-click on any tab and select “Recently closed tabs” and then select the webpage you want to reopen from the submenu. You can also open all closed tabs from the current session on new tabs by selecting “Open all closed tabs”.

如果要从最近关闭的选项卡列表中选择,请右键单击任何选项卡,然后选择“最近关闭的选项卡”,然后从子菜单中选择要重新打开的网页。 您还可以通过选择“打开所有已关闭的标签”,在新标签上打开当前会话中所有已关闭的标签。

NOTE: The options to open recently closed tabs is only available when you right-click on a tab, not on the empty space on the tab bar.


chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

You can also reopen closed tabs from the New Tab page. To do so, open a new tab and click the “Reopen closed tabs” link in the bottom-left corner of the New Tab page. Select a tab from the popup menu or select “Open all closed tabs” to reopen all tabs that were closed in the current session.

您也可以从“新建选项卡”页面重新打开关闭的选项卡。 为此,请打开一个新标签,然后单击“新标签”页面左下角的“重新打开已关闭的标签”链接。 从弹出菜单中选择一个选项卡,或选择“打开所有关闭的选项卡”以重新打开在当前会话中关闭的所有选项卡。

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

If you’ve just spaced on the name and URL of the webpage you visited last week, and you want to open it again, you can view your browsing history in Internet Explorer by time periods in a the History sidebar. To do this, click the “View favorites, feeds, and history button in the upper-right corner of the browser window, or press Alt+C on your keyboard.

如果您刚刚隔开了上周访问的网页的名称和URL,并且想再次打开它,则可以在Internet Explorer中的“历史记录”侧栏中按时间段查看浏览历史记录。 为此,请单击浏览器窗口右上角的“查看收藏夹,提要和历史记录按钮”,或按键盘上的Alt + C。

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

Click the “History” tab and then select the time frame corresponding to when you visited the webpage you want to reopen. Look through the list that displays and click on the webpage you want to reopen.

单击“历史记录”选项卡,然后选择与您要重新打开的网页的访问时间相对应的时间范围。 浏览显示的列表,然后单击要重新打开的网页。

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

You can also easily reopen all the tabs from the last browsing session in Internet Explorer 11. To do so, you need to display the Command bar, if it’s not already active. Right-click on any empty part of the tab bar and select “Command bar” from the popup menu.

您还可以轻松地重新打开Internet Explorer 11中上一次浏览会话中的所有选项卡。为此,如果命令栏尚未**,则需要显示它。 右键单击选项卡栏的任何空白部分,然后从弹出菜单中选择“命令栏”。

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

Click the “Tools” button on the Command bar and select “Reopen last browsing session” from the drop-down menu. The tabs from your last browsing session are all opened on new tabs in the current browser window.

单击命令栏上的“工具”按钮,然后从下拉菜单中选择“重新打开上一个浏览会话”。 上一次浏览会话中的选项卡都在当前浏览器窗口的新选项卡上打开。

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

微软Edge (Microsoft Edge)

To reopen the most recently closed tab in Microsoft Edge, right-click on a tab and select “Reopen closed tab”, or press Ctrl+Shift+T on your keyboard. Repeatedly selecting Reopen closed tab, or pressing Ctrl+Shift+T will open previously closed tabs in the order they were closed.

若要重新打开Microsoft Edge中最近关闭的选项卡,请在选项卡上单击鼠标右键,然后选择“重新打开已关闭的选项卡”,或在键盘上按Ctrl + Shift + T。 重复选择“重新打开关闭的选项卡”,或按Ctrl + Shift + T将按关闭顺序打开先前关闭的选项卡。

NOTE: Make sure you right-click on a tab. The Reopen closed tab option is not available if you right-click on the empty space on the tab bar.

注意:确保右键单击选项卡。 如果右键单击选项卡栏上的空白区域,则“重新打开关闭的选项卡”选项不可用。

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

To reopen a webpage you opened last week or before, click the “Hub” button on the toolbar in the upper-right corner of the browser window to access your browsing history.


chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

Click the History icon at the top of the pane and then click on a time period, such as “Last week” or “Older”, to view a list of webpages visited during that period. Click the webpage you want to reopen. The page opens on the current tab.

单击窗格顶部的“历史记录”图标,然后单击一个时间段,例如“上周”或“较旧”,以查看在此期间访问的网页列表。 单击您要重新打开的网页。 该页面在当前选项卡上打开。

chrome双击关闭选项卡_如何在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Internet Explorer和Microsoft Edge中还原最近关闭的选项卡...

Like Opera, Microsoft Edge does not have a way to manually open all the tabs from the last browsing session.

与Opera一样,Microsoft Edge也无法手动打开上一次浏览会话中的所有选项卡。

In all five of these browsers, you can also press Ctrl+H to access the History and reopen previously viewed webpages from the list.

在所有这五个浏览器中,您还可以按Ctrl + H来访问“历史记录”并从列表中重新打开以前查看的网页。

