pm ux ui_通过完美的UI / UX设计进行演示

pm ux ui



Every single one of us gives presentations from time to time. What can be difficult about creating a couple of slides with great UI and nice content, right? Well… not really actually. In real life, things may get difficult.

我们每个人都不时进行演讲。 创建几张具有出色UI和漂亮内容的幻灯片有什么困难,对吗? 好吧……不是真的。 在现实生活中,事情可能会变得困难。

You want to cover the whole topic and give as much information as fits on a slide. Then you go to Google to find some awesome pictures, and finally, cover it all with some fancy animation. And here is where things start falling apart: how do you balance all this stuff?

您想涵盖整个主题,并提供尽可能多的幻灯片信息。 然后,您去Google查找一些很棒的图片,最后,用一些精美的动画将其全部覆盖。 这就是事情开始崩溃的地方:如何平衡所有这些东西?

Take our helping hand, as we are here to show you how to create a presentation with both perfect user experience and user interface. Let's find out how to create perfect UI & UX design in a presentation.

在这里,我们将向您展示如何帮助您创建具有完美用户体验和用户界面的演示文稿。 让我们了解如何在演示文稿中创建完美的UI和UX设计。

Original article — Giving a presentation with perfect UI/UX design

原始文章— 通过完美的UI / UX设计进行演示

演示文稿中完美UI / UX的主要原理 (Main principles of perfect UI/UX in presentation)

1.你的个性 (1. Your personality)

This article is not about public speaking, or how to sound great. Instead, we'll concentrate on visual and UX design of presenting.

本文不是关于公开演讲,也不是如何听起来不错。 相反,我们将专注于演示的视觉和UX设计。

But the main thing to remember is that your presentation is you. Think of your personality as a part of the presentation as a whole. Your voice, facial expressions, gestures, clothes matter. Do you want to be the center of attention, or should your slides attract the audience? Should your colorful clothes and bright lipstick grab the attention, or do you want listeners to concentrate only on your slides?

但是要记住的主要事情是您的演示文稿是您。 将您的个性视为整个演示文稿的一部分。 您的声音,面部表情,手势和衣服都很重要。 您是否想成为关注的焦点,还是您的幻灯片吸引观众? 您是应该穿着鲜艳的衣服和鲜艳的唇膏吸引人们的注意力,还是只希望听众将注意力集中在幻灯片上?

pm ux ui_通过完美的UI / UX设计进行演示

2.正确的地点,时间和人员 (2. Right Place, Time and People)

There are a few points from marketing which you should consider while making your presentation. Use Market segmentation, analyze the target audience and try to create user personas. You don't have to go deep with this, but at least try to understand the needs and behaviors of your listeners. This will help you with setting general style, choosing pictures and templates, color schemes, etc. For example, there is a huge difference in designing slides for iOS developers' conferences, business proposal or meet up for graphic designers. When you pitch your startup idea, your UX design in presentation will look different as well. Same applies to giving presentations at conferences.

在进行演示时,您应该考虑营销方面的一些要点。 使用市场细分,分析目标受众并尝试创建用户角色。 您不必对此进行深入研究,但至少可以尝试了解听众的需求和行为。 这将帮助您设置常规样式,选择图片和模板,配色方案等。例如,为iOS开发者会议,商业计划书或与图形设计师见面的幻灯片设计存在巨大差异。 当您提出启动构想时 ,演示文稿中的UX设计也将看起来有所不同。 同样适用于在会议上进行演讲。

pm ux ui_通过完美的UI / UX设计进行演示

3.亲吻,少即是多 (3. KISS and Less is More)

Slides work best if you keep them simple rather than overcomplicate. Emphasize every part of your slide, and you lose the user's attention at all.

如果您将幻灯片保持简单而不是过于复杂,则其效果最佳。 强调幻灯片的每个部分,您将完全失去用户的注意力。

How to ruin your presentation and make slides hard to understand? Do the following:

如何破坏您的演示文稿并使幻灯片难以理解? 请执行下列操作:

  • Overuse animation


  • Add lots of pictures


  • Don't forget about huge paragraphs that are hard to read


What your users see are different attention catchers that compete for priority. Keep them to a minimum to draw the attention of more users. So what's the secret? Keep it simply stupid: make the presentation design clean and to the point.

您的用户看到的是争夺优先级的不同注意力捕获器。 将它们保持在最低限度,以引起更多用户的注意。 那么秘密是什么? 保持简单愚蠢:使演示文稿设计简洁明了。

So let's see how it works:


pm ux ui_通过完美的UI / UX设计进行演示
pm ux ui_通过完美的UI / UX设计进行演示

| | | | Do | Don't |

| | | | | 不要

4.使用空白空间,并引起用户注意 (4. Use white space and play with user attention)

Whitespace is not white parts of your slide. Whitespace is any section of a slide that is free of text, images, charts, etc. or simply space around these objects. Use it, and your presentation will look less crowded and more easy-to-read. Also, whitespace helps to separate content into logical blocks.

空格不是幻灯片的白色部分。 空格是幻灯片中没有文本,图像,图表等的任何部分,或仅围绕这些对象的空白。 使用它,您的演示文稿将变得不那么拥挤,更易于阅读。 同样,空格有助于将内容分成逻辑块。

Don't place all the text from your speech on the slides. Most people just don't read it. Concentrate on the main points: 3-4 sentences will be OK. It's ok to put only 1 sentence, few words or just one picture if they are very important. You can also do it to achieve the maximum focus of listeners.

请勿将演讲中的所有文字放在幻灯片上。 大多数人只是不读。 集中注意要点:3-4个句子就可以了。 如果很重要,可以只输入一句话,少量单词或仅一张图片。 您也可以这样做以最大程度地吸引听众。

pm ux ui_通过完美的UI / UX设计进行演示

版式 (Typography)

Picking the right typeface is probably one of the first steps of creating a presentation.


字型 (Font types)

First of all, select only well-readable fonts. Of course, you can use some experimental ones or spend a lot of time finding the best one to suit your slides. But if you want to play safe or you don't have time/desire to do it, here are time-proved fonts with the best readability:

首先,仅选择易于阅读的字体。 当然,您可以使用一些实验性的幻灯片,也可以花费大量时间寻找最适合幻灯片的幻灯片。 但是,如果您想安全玩耍或没有时间/欲望这样做,以下是经过时间验证的,具有最佳可读性的字体:

  • Helvetica

  • Poppins

  • Open Sans

  • Verdana

  • Roboto

  • Lato

  • Futura


Create your font-system for the presentation, but don't overdo it. One-two fonts will be enough.

为演示文稿创建字体系统,但不要过度使用它。 一两个字体就足够了。

字体大小 (Font size)

Be accurate with the font size. The best way to avoid mistakes is to avoid thin, delicate typefaces at a small size — use 14-16 as min.

字体大小要准确。 避免错误的最佳方法是避免字体细小,字体小-最小使用14-16。

Create a system for titles, subtitles, and textual blocks and try to keep it on every slide. Here's the safe recipe for Poppins font:

创建一个用于标题,字幕和文本块的系统,并尝试将其保留在每张幻灯片上。 这是Poppins字体的安全配方:

  • Titles — 24

    标题— 24

  • Subtitles — 18

    字幕— 18

  • Main text — 14-16


These tips will help you avoid drowning your audience with the crazy amount of combinations and focus on the content instead.


最后的字体提示 (And last font hint)

Never use Comic Sans and don't graphically modify the text. You can use bevel, drop shadow, emboss and outline, but you rather not.

切勿使用Comic Sans,也不要以图形方式修改文本。 您可以使用斜角,阴影,浮雕和轮廓线,但不能。

These font styles are outdated and their star time passed around 1998.


图片 (Images)

Use high-quality images with a big resolution. Don't steal them and never use photos with watermarks in your presentation. I bet your listeners will notice nothing except watermarks or pixel-detailed photos and will giggle instead of listening.

使用高分辨率的高质量图像。 不要偷窃它们,也不要在演示文稿中使用带有水印的照片。 我敢打赌,您的听众只会注意到水印或带有像素细节的照片,只会发笑而不是听。

There are several websites with stock photos that are free to use. I use several of them

有几个带有免费图片库的网站。 我用了几个

Also, try to avoid using images as a background for text. Sometimes it can work very well, but in most cases, it just lowers the level of readability. If you want to go with images as a background, then be ready to spend some time on photo editing and to use masks, shadows, and gradients.

另外,请尝试避免将图像用作文本的背景。 有时它可以很好地工作,但是在大多数情况下,它只会降低可读性。 如果要使用图像作为背景,则准备好花一些时间进行照片编辑并使用遮罩,阴影和渐变。

色彩 (Colors)

Picking colors for your presentation is not rocket science. The main point is to pick the colors with adequate contrast. Complementary pairs such as red-cyan, green--magenta, and blue-yellow will work well for sure.

为您的演示文稿挑选颜色不是火箭科学。 要点是选择具有足够对比度的颜色。 诸如红色,青色,绿色(洋红色)和蓝色(黄色)这样的互补对肯定可以很好地工作。

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Concentrate on two or three colors for contrast elements and keep the main textual content black (or dark grey) for light mode and white for dark mode. Keep in mind that paragraph text should always be in one color. Pay attention that usually projectors make colors paler so light grey text on a white background will not work at all in this case.

集中使用两种或三种颜色作为对比元素,将主要文本内容保持为黑色(或暗灰色)(用于亮模式),将白色保持为白色(用于暗模式)。 请记住,段落文本应始终为一种颜色。 请注意,通常投影机会使颜色变浅,因此在这种情况下,白色背景上的浅灰色文本根本无法使用。

幻灯片组成 (Slide composition)

Don't overload the slide and try to define the main accent object. Arranging it on Golden Ratio always works well. Divide the space into three equal sections horizontally and three vertically. Also, don't forget about symmetry and equal whitespace for borders. Rearrange main content blocks to align with this greed, so you can keep the audience's attention. Similar slides make them feel bored and tire eyes.

不要使幻灯片过载,并尝试定义主要的重音对象。 将其安排在黄金分割率上总是效果很好。 将空间水平分为三个相等的部分,垂直分为三个。 另外,不要忘记对称性和边界的空白。 重新排列主要内容块以符合这种贪婪,因此您可以保持观众的注意力。 类似的幻灯片使他们感到无聊和疲倦的眼睛。

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pm ux ui_通过完美的UI / UX设计进行演示

结论 (Conclusion)

Treat your presentation as a visual object. A bit of marketing research on your audience, font system, color scheme, grid composition of elements and whitespace will make magic. But always remember that you and your personality make your presentation work. CrEATe!

将您的演示文稿视为视觉对象。 对您的听众,字体系统,配色方案,元素的网格组成和空白进行一些营销研究将使您大为神奇。 但请始终记住,您和您的个性使您的演示工作正常。 创造!


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