



Cookies are small files that websites put on your computer to store small bits of information. A cookie can keep you logged into a website by writing ID information to a cookie file. Cookies can also be used to store the items in your shopping cart.

Cookies是网站在您的计算机上放置的小文件,用于存储少量信息。 Cookie可以通过将ID信息写入Cookie文件来使您保持登录网站的状态。 Cookies也可以用于将商品存储在购物车中。

However, not all cookies are used for benign purposes. A lot of cookies are used to track your online activity. Ad servers send cookies along with ads to identify viewers and track their habits. This information is used to build profiles of us as viewers that can be used to push relevant ad content at us whether we like it or not. Some of these tracking cookies may be able to actually tie your online activities to your real-world identity.

但是,并非所有cookie都用于良性目的。 很多cookie用于跟踪您的在线活动。 广告服务器将Cookie与广告一起发送,以识别观众并跟踪他们的习惯。 此信息用于建立我们作为查看者的个人资料,无论我们是否愿意,均可将其用于向我们推送相关的广告内容。 其中一些跟踪Cookie可能实际上可以将您的在线活动与您的真实世界身份相关联。

Managing cookies is part of a set of simple actions you can take to protect your information and your privacy. You can also easily clear the history of visited websites that each browser tracks if you don’t want other users of your computer to see your online activities. Here’s how to delete cookies in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, and Opera.

管理Cookie是您可以采取的一系列简单操作的一部分,可以用来保护您的信息和您的隐私。 如果您不希望计算机的其他用户看到您的在线活动,则还可以轻松清除每个浏览器跟踪的已访问网站的历史记录 。 以下是在Chrome,Firefox,Internet Explorer,Microsoft Edge和Opera中删除Cookie的方法。

NOTE: When deleting cookies in any of these browsers, you will not see a confirmation dialog box asking you if you’re sure you want to delete all the cookies, so, make sure you do want to delete all of them. Remember, some cookies are useful in storing information for sites you visit often. Deleting cookies and website data will cause you to have to sign in again or enter information again on those sites.

注意:在任何一种浏览器中删除cookie时,您都不会看到确认对话框询问您是否确定要删除所有cookie,因此请确保要删除所有cookie。 请记住,一些cookie对于存储您经常访问的站点的信息很有用。 删除Cookie和网站数据将使您不得不再次登录或在这些网站上再次输入信息。

谷歌浏览器 (Google Chrome)

To manage cookies in Chrome, click the Chrome menu button (three horizontal bars) and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.



The Settings screen displays on a new tab. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Show advanced settings”.

设置屏幕显示在新选项卡上。 向下滚动到页面底部,然后单击“显示高级设置”。


In the Privacy section, click “Content settings”.



The Content Settings dialog box displays. In the Cookies section, click “All cookies and site data”.

显示内容设置对话框。 在“ Cookie”部分中,单击“所有Cookie和站点数据”。


The Cookies and site data dialog box displays, showing you how many cookies have been saved for each site that saved cookies on your computer. Each site has buttons representing each of the cookies (the Channel ID is a channel-bound cookie) for the site. To delete an individual cookie from a site, click one of the buttons and then click “Remove”. For example, we clicked the “id” button for the doubleclick.net site, a common advertising network. Details about the cookie display, including when the cookie expires.

将显示“ Cookies和站点数据”对话框,其中显示了每个在您的计算机上保存了cookie的站点已保存多少cookie。 每个站点都有代表该站点每个cookie的按钮(Channel ID是一个通道绑定cookie )。 要从站点删除单个cookie,请单击按钮之一,然后单击“删除”。 例如,我们点击了doubleclick.net网站(一个常见的广告网络)的“ id”按钮。 有关cookie显示的详细信息,包括cookie何时过期。


To delete all the cookies from that site, click the “X” button to the right.

要从该站点删除所有cookie,请单击右侧的“ X”按钮。


To remove all the cookies for all the websites in the list, click “Remove All”.



When you’re finished deleting cookies, click “Done” on the Cookies and site data dialog box and again on the Content settings dialog box.



If you know you want to delete all cookies and website data, not individually, there’s a quick way to do this. On the Settings tab, click “Clear browsing data” under Privacy.

如果您知道要删除所有cookie和网站数据,而不是个别删除,则有一种快速的方法。 在“设置”选项卡上,单击“隐私”下的“清除浏览数据”。


On the Clear browsing data dialog box, make sure the “Cookies and other site and plugin data” box is checked. You can also specify a time frame for which you want to delete the cookies from the drop-down list at the top of the dialog box. You can select from the past hour, the past day, the past week, the last 4 weeks, or the beginning of time. Once you’re ready to delete all your cookies, click “Clear browsing data”.

在“清除浏览数据”对话框中,确保选中“ Cookies以及其他网站和插件数据”框。 您也可以从对话框顶部的下拉列表中指定要删除Cookie的时间范围。 您可以从过去的小时,过去的一天,过去的一周,过去的4周或时间的开始中选择。 准备删除所有cookie后,请单击“清除浏览数据”。


火狐浏览器 (Mozilla Firefox)

To manage cookies in Firefox, open the main Firefox menu (three horizontal bars) and click “Options”.



The Options open on a new tab. Click Privacy in the list of items on the left side of the tab.

选项将在新选项卡上打开。 单击选项卡左侧项目列表中的“隐私”。


There are two ways to access the cookies saved on your computer, depending on which option is selected in the Firefox will dropdown list. If “Remember History” is selected, click the “remove individual cookies” link.

有两种访问保存在计算机上的cookie的方法,具体取决于Firefox将在下拉列表中选择的选项。 如果选择了“记住历史记录”,则单击“删除单个cookie”链接。


If “Use Custom Settings for History” is selected in the dropdown list, click the “Show Cookies” button on the right.



The Cookies dialog box displays showing a list of all the websites that have put cookies on your computer. Click the arrow next to a site name to view a list of the individual cookies placed by that site. To delete an individual cookie, select the cookie in the list, and click “Remove Selected”.

Cookies对话框出现,显示所有在您的计算机上放置cookie的网站的列表。 单击站点名称旁边的箭头以查看该站点放置的各个Cookie的列表。 要删除单个cookie,请在列表中选择cookie,然后单击“删除选定的”。


To delete all cookies for a specific website, select the website folder and click “Remove Selected”.



To delete all cookies for all websites in the list, click “Remove All”.



When you are finished managing your cookies, click Close to close the Cookies dialog box.

完成cookie的管理后,单击“关闭”以关闭“ cookie”对话框。


You are returned to the Options tab. Just like in Chrome, there is a quicker way to delete all cookies, too. Make sure the Privacy screen is active on the Options tab and click the “clear your recent history” link under History. This option is only available for the “Remember History” option, not when “Use Custom Settings for History” is selected in the Firefox will dropdown list.

您将返回“选项”选项卡。 就像在Chrome中一样,也有一种更快的方法来删除所有cookie。 确保“选项”选项卡上的“隐私”屏幕处于活动状态,然后单击“历史记录”下的“清除最近的历史记录”链接。 此选项仅对“记住历史记录”选项可用,而在Firefox将会下拉列表中选择“对历史记录使用自定义设置”时不可用。


If the “Never Remember History” option is selected in the Firefox will dropdown list, the “clear all current history” link is available. The Never Remember History option causes Firefox to restart in private browsing mode.

如果在“ Firefox将”下拉列表中选择了“永不记住历史记录”选项,则“清除所有当前历史记录”链接可用。 “从不记住历史记录”选项使Firefox在私有浏览模式下重新启动。


Clicking either “clear your recent history” or “clear all current history” opens the Clear All History dialog box. Here you can select a Time range to clear.

单击“清除最近的历史记录”或“清除所有当前历史记录”,将打开“清除所有历史记录”对话框。 您可以在此处选择要清除的时间范围。


Then, make sure the Cookies box is checked and then, click “Clear Now”.



IE浏览器 (Internet Explorer)

To manage cookies in Internet Explorer, click the gear button in the upper-right corner of the browser window and select “Internet options” from the drop-down menu.

要在Internet Explorer中管理cookie,请单击浏览器窗口右上角的齿轮按钮,然后从下拉菜单中选择“ Internet选项”。


The Internet Options dialog box displays. To view and delete individual cookies, click “Settings” in the Browsing history section.

显示“ Internet选项”对话框。 要查看和删除单个Cookie,请在“浏览历史记录”部分中单击“设置”。


The Website Data Settings dialog box displays. Make sure the Temporary Internet Files tab is active and click “View files”.

显示“网站数据设置”对话框。 确保“ Internet临时文件”选项卡处于活动状态,然后单击“查看文件”。


Windows Explorer opens displaying the contents of the INetCache folder. By default, the files are displayed as tiles, but we need to display the details for the files so we can see the types of files. To display the details for the files, click the down arrow on the “More options” button above the list of files.

Windows资源管理器将打开,显示INetCache文件夹的内容。 默认情况下,文件显示为图块,但是我们需要显示文件的详细信息,以便可以看到文件的类型。 要显示文件的详细信息,请单击文件列表上方“更多选项”按钮上的向下箭头。


Select “Details” from the popup menu.



Scroll down until you find files labeled as cookies. They should have “cookie” in the Name and Internet Address. You can select one or more cookie files and delete them either by right-clicking on them and selecting “Delete”, as shown below, or by pressing the Delete key. To permanently delete them, hold down the Shift key while you press Delete.

向下滚动,直到找到标记为Cookie的文件。 他们的名称和Internet地址中应有“ cookie”。 您可以选择一个或多个Cookie文件,然后通过右键单击它们并选择“删除”(如下所示)或按Delete键来删除它们。 要永久删除它们,请在按Delete的同时按住Shift键。


A confirmation dialog box displays. Click “Yes” if you’re sure you want to delete the selected cookie(s).

显示确认对话框。 如果确定要删除所选的Cookie,请单击“是”。


Once you’re finished deleting individual cookies, you can close the File Explorer window by clicking the “Close” button in the upper-right corner of the window.



To delete all your cookies, first close the Website Data Settings dialog box by clicking either “OK” or “Cancel”.



This brings you back to the Internet Options dialog box. Click “Delete” in the Browsing history section.

这将带您返回到“ Internet选项”对话框。 单击“浏览历史记录”部分中的“删除”。


To delete all the cookies and website data, check the “Cookies and website data” check box on the Delete Browsing History dialog box. Select any other desired options and click “Delete” to remove the selected items.

要删除所有cookie和网站数据,请选中“删除浏览历史记录”对话框上的“ cookies和网站数据”复选框。 选择其他所需选项,然后单击“删除”以删除所选项目。


You are returned to the Internet Options dialog box. Click “OK” to close it.

您将返回到“ Internet选项”对话框。 单击“确定”将其关闭。


A popup message displays at the bottom of the IE window telling you that the selected browsing history has been deleted. There’s an “X” button on the far right of the popup window you can click to close the message.

IE窗口底部会显示一条弹出消息,告诉您所选的浏览历史记录已被删除。 弹出窗口的最右边有一个“ X”按钮,您可以单击以关闭消息。


微软Edge (Microsoft Edge)

Before we go into how to manage cookies in Microsoft Edge, we’d like to point out a major limitation of Edge. You cannot manage cookies by site or individual cookies, like you can in Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. All you can do is delete all cookies and saved website data.

在介绍如何在Microsoft Edge中管理cookie之前,我们想指出Edge的主要限制。 您不能像在Chrome,Firefox和Internet Explorer中那样按站点或单个cookie管理cookie。 您所能做的就是删除所有cookie和已保存的网站数据。

That said, here’s how to delete cookies and website data in Microsoft Edge. Click the More menu button (three horizontal buttons) and select “Settings” from the menu.

就是说,这是在Microsoft Edge中删除Cookie和网站数据的方法。 单击更多菜单按钮(三个水平按钮),然后从菜单中选择“设置”。


Under Clear browsing data, click Choose what to clear.



On the Clear browsing data pane, make sure the “Cookies and saved website data” box is checked and then click “Clear”.

在“清除浏览数据”窗格上,确保选中“ Cookies和已保存的网站数据”框,然后单击“清除”。


A brief message displays at the top of the pane while the information is being deleted and again once the deletion is complete.


歌剧 (Opera)

To manage cookies in Opera, select “Settings” from the Opera Menu.



The Settings screen opens on a new tab. Click “Privacy & Security” in the list of items on the left.

设置屏幕在新选项卡上打开。 在左侧的项目列表中,单击“隐私和安全性”。


To delete individual cookies from certain sites, scroll down to the Cookies section and click “All cookies and site data”.



The Cookies and site data dialog box displays showing you how many cookies have been saved for each site that saved cookies on your computer. This will look familiar if you followed our instructions earlier for deleting cookies in Chrome. The process of deleting individual cookies in Opera is very similar to Chrome. Just like in Chrome, each site has buttons representing each of the cookies (the Channel ID is a channel-bound cookie) for the site. To delete an individual cookie from a site, click one of the buttons and then click “Delete”. For example, we clicked the “id” button for the doubleclick.net site, a common advertising network. Details about the cookie display, including when the cookie expires. To remove this cookie, click “Delete”.

“ Cookie和站点数据”对话框将显示,向您显示在计算机上保存cookie的每个站点已保存多少cookie。 如果您按照我们前面的说明在Chrome中删除Cookie的操作,就会感到很熟悉。 在Opera中删除单个Cookie的过程与Chrome非常相似。 就像在Chrome中一样,每个网站都有代表该网站每个Cookie的按钮(通道ID是与频道绑定的Cookie )。 要从站点删除单个cookie,请单击按钮之一,然后单击“删除”。 例如,我们点击了doubleclick.net网站(一个常见的广告网络)的“ id”按钮。 有关cookie显示的详细信息,包括cookie何时过期。 要删除此cookie,请单击“删除”。


To delete all the cookies from that site, click the “X” button to the right.

要从该站点删除所有cookie,请单击右侧的“ X”按钮。


To delete all the cookies for all the websites in the list, click “Delete All”.



When you’re finished deleting cookies, click “Done” on the Cookies and site data dialog box.

完成删除Cookie的操作后,在“ Cookie和站点数据”对话框上单击“完成”。


If you know you want to delete all cookies and website data, not individually, there’s a quick way to do this. Scroll back up on the Settings tab, and click “Clear browsing data” under Privacy.

如果您知道要删除所有cookie和网站数据,而不是个别删除,则有一种快速的方法。 在“设置”选项卡上向上滚动,然后单击“隐私”下的“清除浏览数据”。


On the Clear browsing data dialog box, make sure the “Cookies and other site data” box is checked. You can also specify a time frame for which you want to delete the cookies from the drop-down list at the top of the dialog box. You can select from the past hour, the past day, the past week, the last 4 weeks, or the beginning of time. Once you’re ready to delete all your cookies, click “Clear browsing data”.

在“清除浏览数据”对话框上,确保选中“ Cookies和其他站点数据”框。 您也可以从对话框顶部的下拉列表中指定要删除Cookie的时间范围。 您可以从过去的小时,过去的一天,过去的一周,过去的4周或时间的开始中选择。 准备删除所有cookie后,请单击“清除浏览数据”。


If you have some sites you trust and want to have the convenience being able to log in quickly, you might want to delete only specific, individual cookies for certain websites and preserve cookies for sites with which you regularly interact. Sometimes cookies are placed on your computer by websites other than the one you are visiting. These are called third-party cookies. Some third-party cookies are alright and don’t give cause for concern. But, a lot of third-party cookies are from advertisers and allow them to track your visits to other websites. You can easily block third-party cookies in the major browsers.

如果您拥有一些值得信赖的站点,并且希望能够方便快速登录,则可能只想删除某些站点的特定,单个cookie,并保留与您经常进行交互的站点的cookie。 有时,您访问的网站以外的网站会将Cookie放置在您的计算机上。 这些称为第三方Cookie。 某些第三方Cookie可以,因此无需担心。 但是,许多第三方Cookie均来自广告商,并允许他们跟踪您对其他网站的访问。 您可以轻松在主要浏览器中阻止第三方Cookie

You may think you’ve gotten rid of all your cookies by following the procedures in this article. However, there is another type of cookie, called a Flash cookie, or a Local Shared Object (LSO), that you should also delete to stop websites from secretly tracking you.

您可能会认为按照本文中的步骤摆脱了所有cookie。 但是,还有另一种Cookie,称为Flash cookie或本地共享对象(LSO),您也应该删除它,以阻止网站秘密跟踪您

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/111925/delete-cookies-in-the-five-most-popular-web-browsers-in-windows/
