

付费无广告解析_大多数人还是不会为无广告内容付费,是吗?Over the weekend
AdAge ran a survey asking if people would be willing to pay a nominal amount — $3-4 per month — to remove ads from their favorite web sites. It’s unclear whether the wording of the question was such that the offer was to pay once to remove ads from multiple sites, or to pay at each site to remove ads. We’ll assume the latter.

AdAge 进行了一项调查,询问人们是否愿意支付象征性的金额(每月3-4美元)从他们喜欢的网站上删除广告。 目前尚不清楚该问题的措词是否是要支付一次以从多个站点删除广告,还是要在每个站点支付以删除广告。 我们假设后者。

Perhaps not so surprisingly, the vast majority of people won’t pay for ad-free versions of their favorite web sites. 84% of people said they would be unlikely or not at all likely to pay for ad-free content. Under 5% said they would be very likely to pay at any level.

也许并不奇怪,绝大多数人不会为自己喜欢的网站的无广告版本付费。 84%的人说,他们不太可能或根本不会为无广告内容付费。 低于5%的受访者表示,他们很可能会以任何水平付款。

That mirrors experience I have had in the past. Prior to becoming a tech writer, I wrote for a large political web site that offers an ad-free version for about $3.95/month. If memory serves, less than 5% of visitors were willing to pay for an ad-free experience, even though the site was plastered with ads like you wouldn’t believe.

这反映了我过去的经验。 在成为技术作家之前,我为大型政治网站撰写过文章,该网站提供无广告版本,每月约3.95美元。 如果有记忆,即使该网站上贴满了您不敢相信的广告,也只有不到5%的访客愿意为无广告体验付费。


There are very few examples of successful content web sites built around a pay-for-access model, and most are highly niche content sites such a science journals. The Wall Street Journal is probably the most successful pay-for-content operation on the web, with subscription revenues bringing in an estimated $50 million. For most brands, though, asking users to pay to access content has been a nearly impossible sell. The Atlantic dropped their pay wall at the start of this year, as did the New York Times. Both have seen traffic grow this year, though that could have been a result of heightened interest in the US presidential race.

成功建立基于付费访问模式的内容网站的例子很少,而大多数都是高度利基的内容网站,例如科学期刊。 《 华尔街日报》可能是网络上最成功的按内容付费业务,订阅收入估计达到5000万美元。 但是,对于大多数品牌来说,要求用户付费以访问内容几乎是不可能的。 大西洋 和纽约时报(New York Times)今年年初都放弃了薪水 壁垒 。 两者都见证了今年流量的增长 ,尽管这可能是对美国总统大选兴趣增强的结果。

The bottom line, though, is that getting people to pay for content is a nearly impossibly proposition on the Internet, especially for content that is offered free with advertising. As much as people seem to hate ads — consider that the AdBlock Plus Firefox addon gets 300,000+ downloads per week — they don’t hate them enough to pay for advertising-free content.

不过,最重要的是,让人们为内容付费是在Internet上几乎不可能实现的主张,尤其是对于通过广告免费提供的内容。 尽管人们似乎讨厌广告,但考虑到AdBlock Plus Firefox附件每周可获得30万以上的下载量,他们讨厌的程度还不够支付无广告内容。

How about you? Would you pay to have ads removed from your favorite content sites? Have you had any success selling ad-free content to users? Let us know in the comments.

你呢? 您是否愿意从自己喜欢的内容网站上删除广告? 您是否成功向用户销售了无广告内容? 让我们在评论中知道。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/most-people-still-wont-pay-for-ad-free-content-would-you/
