android 搜索壁纸_如何在线搜索酷壁纸

android 搜索壁纸_如何在线搜索酷壁纸

android 搜索壁纸

android 搜索壁纸_如何在线搜索酷壁纸

The default wallpapers that come with your computer, phone, or tablet aren’t necessarily terrible, but if you want to give your device a unique look, using a custom wallpaper is the best option. Here’s how and where to find cool wallpapers online.

电脑,手机或平板电脑随附的默认墙纸不一定很糟糕,但是如果要使设备具有独特的外观,最好使用自定义墙纸。 这是在网上找到超酷壁纸的方法和地点。

Google图片搜寻 (Google Image Search)

Perhaps the easiest way to find a cool wallpaper that fits your liking is by just using Google Image Search. Start by typing in what you’re looking for, followed by “wallpaper.” Technically, you don’t necessarily need to tack on “wallpaper” at the end of your search term, but it makes it a bit easier to narrow down images that are high resolution and the correct aspect ratio.

找到适合自己的酷壁纸的最简单方法也许就是使用Google图片搜索 。 首先输入您要查找的内容,然后输入“墙纸”。 从技术上讲,您不必在搜索词的末尾添加“墙纸”,但是它可以使缩小高分辨率和正确纵横比的图像的范围变得容易一些。

Even then, though, you might want to narrow things down further, especially if you have a QHD or 4K monitor. When you perform a Google Image Search for wallpapers, you’ll find that 1920×1080 images dominate the results. You can be a bit more specific with your search and tack on extra keywords like “4K wallpaper” or “QHD wallpaper,” but you’ll get better results by using Google’s advanced search tools

即使这样,您仍可能希望进一步缩小范围,尤其是当您使用QHD或4K显示器时。 当您对墙纸执行Google图片搜索时,您会发现1920×1080的图片占主导地位。 您可以更加具体地搜索和添加“ 4K墙纸”或“ QHD墙纸”等其他关键字,但是使用Google的高级搜索工具会获得更好的结果

After performing your search, click the “Tools” option below the search bar.


android 搜索壁纸_如何在线搜索酷壁纸

In the tools that appear, click the “Size” option, point to the “Larger Than” menu, and then you can fine-tune the resolution shown in the search results.


android 搜索壁纸_如何在线搜索酷壁纸

You can also choose the “Exactly” option from the “Larger Than” menu and enter specific pixel dimensions to show only wallpapers with that exact resolution.

您还可以从“大于”菜单中选择“完全”选项,然后输入特定像素尺寸以仅显示   精确分辨率的壁纸。

android 搜索壁纸_如何在线搜索酷壁纸

There are other tools you might want to explore as well. For example, if you click the “Color” tool, you can choose from options like full color; black and white; or even a specific focus color.

您可能还需要探索其他工具。 例如,如果单击“颜色”工具,则可以从全色等选项中进行选择。 黑和白; 甚至特定的焦点颜色。

android 搜索壁纸_如何在线搜索酷壁纸

Here, for example, we’ve chosen the blue option from that menu and our search results all now favor blue as their primary color.


android 搜索壁纸_如何在线搜索酷壁纸

Of course, once you find the wallpaper you want in Google Image Search, you’ll need to save it to your computer. Google has made that a bit more difficult recently by removing the old “View Image” button. You can bring back the “View Image” button with a Chrome extension, but if you don’t use Chrome, you can simply right-click on the image and select “Save Image As” or something similar (depending on your operating system).

当然,在Google图片搜索中找到所需的墙纸后,您需要将其保存到计算机中。 Google最近通过删除旧的“查看图片”按钮使操作变得更加困难。 您可以带上带有Chrome扩展程序的“查看图像”按钮 ,但是如果您不使用Chrome,则只需右键单击该图像,然后选择“将图像另存为”或类似的名称(取决于您的操作系统) 。

android 搜索壁纸_如何在线搜索酷壁纸

其他壁纸来源 (Other Wallpaper Sources)

android 搜索壁纸_如何在线搜索酷壁纸

Aside from Google Image Search, there are a handful of dedicated wallpaper sites that you can browse to find something that you like.


Sites like DeviantArt,, InterfaceLift, and Desktoppr offer dedicated wallpaper selections (or at least have a section offering wallpapers) that you can browse if Google Image Search isn’t tickling your fancy. These are also places where a lot of independent artists post their work, so you can usually find something unique and exciting.

DeviantArtPapers.coInterfaceLiftDesktoppr等网站提供专用的墙纸选择(或至少有一部分提供墙纸),如果Google Image Search没让您喜欢的话,您可以浏览这些墙纸。 在这些地方,很多独立艺术家也发表了他们的作品,因此您通常可以找到一些独特而令人兴奋的东西。

自己做! (Make Your Own!)

android 搜索壁纸_如何在线搜索酷壁纸

If you can’t find anything that you like from various sources, don’t be afraid to get your creative juices flowing!


If you’re already familiar with Photoshop, you can either take existing images and modify them, or start from scratch and create something truly unique and one-of-a-kind.


RELATED: How to Learn Photoshop

相关: 如何学习Photoshop

But even if you don’t know a lot about Photoshop (we have a great guide on how to learn, though), simply using a cool photo that you took with your phone can be good enough to use as a wallpaper for your device—no editing skills necessary.

但是,即使您对Photoshop不太了解(不过,我们也提供了很好的学习指南 ),仅使用手机拍摄的精美照片就足以用作设备的墙纸了-无需编辑技能。


android 搜索壁纸