在Windows 7 / Vista和XP双启动设置中轻松设置默认操作系统

If you are running a dual-boot setup with more than one Windows operating system, It’s pretty easy to configure the default boot operating system with the GUI interface. Note that if you are using Windows 7 or Vista as one of the operating systems, you will need to make this change from 7/Vista, not XP.

如果您运行的是带有多个Windows操作系统的双启动安装程序,则使用GUI界面配置默认启动操作系统非常容易。 请注意,如果您使用Windows 7或Vista作为操作系统之一,则需要从7 / Vista(而非XP)进行此更改。

First, you’ll need to right click on Computer and select Properties:


在Windows 7 / Vista和XP双启动设置中轻松设置默认操作系统

Next, click Advanced System Settings


在Windows 7 / Vista和XP双启动设置中轻松设置默认操作系统

Now click on the Settings button under Startup and Recovery


在Windows 7 / Vista和XP双启动设置中轻松设置默认操作系统

And just select the operating system you want to use:


在Windows 7 / Vista和XP双启动设置中轻松设置默认操作系统

Easy stuff. You could also use the bcdedit command to do the same thing from the command line, but it’s probably easier this way.

简单的东西。 您也可以使用bcdedit命令从命令行执行相同的操作,但是这种方式可能更容易。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/easily-set-default-os-in-a-windows-vista-and-xp-dual-boot-setup/