vista任务栏透明_在XP / Vista中重新组织您的任务栏按钮和任务栏图标

vista任务栏透明_在XP / Vista中重新组织您的任务栏按钮和任务栏图标


Whether you are taking screenshots of a portion of your desktop or just prefer to have two apps you are using sitting next to each other on the taskbar, it can be really frustrating that you can’t move the taskbar buttons around. There’s a small utility called Taskbar Shuffle that gives us this power and more.

无论您是拍摄台式机一部分的屏幕截图,还是只是想让两个正在使用的应用程序都紧挨着坐在任务栏上,都无法让任务栏按钮来回移动,这实在令人沮丧。 有一个名为Taskbar Shuffle的小实用程序,它可以为我们提供这种功能以及更多功能。

Once installed, you can simply drag and drop to reorganize the taskbar buttons.


vista任务栏透明_在XP / Vista中重新组织您的任务栏按钮和任务栏图标

You can also hold down the Ctrl key and reorganize the tray icons… notice that the Outlook icon is in the middle here…


vista任务栏透明_在XP / Vista中重新组织您的任务栏按钮和任务栏图标

And after moving it now it’s over on the right.


vista任务栏透明_在XP / Vista中重新组织您的任务栏按钮和任务栏图标

The settings dialog gives a really interesting option, the ability to group tasks but not collapse them into a button… so instead of this:


vista任务栏透明_在XP / Vista中重新组织您的任务栏按钮和任务栏图标

You get this… you’ll notice the three Windows Live Writer buttons are grouped, but not consolidated into a button.

您明白了……您会注意到三个Windows Live Writer按钮是分组的,但没有合并为一个按钮。

vista任务栏透明_在XP / Vista中重新组织您的任务栏按钮和任务栏图标

To set this option, open up the Settings dialog and choose the option for “group tasks but never collapse into one button”.


vista任务栏透明_在XP / Vista中重新组织您的任务栏按钮和任务栏图标

You’ll also note that you can close windows with a middle click, which makes the taskbar work like Firefox’s tab bar.


Very useful utility, and you don’t necessarily have to keep it running all the time. Just start it up when you want to move the buttons around, and then close it.

非常有用的实用程序,您不必始终保持运行状态。 当您要移动按钮,然后将其关闭时,只需启动它即可。

Download Taskbar Shuffle


