
The CIMERO project: a graphical Eclipse tool for ServiceMix


This Eclipse plugin permits to create graphically a configuration of a ServiceMix flow. With the created graph, user can build an XML configuration file to ServiceMix or a JBI package. The graphical configuration contains a toolbox (which contains some Binding Components and some Service Engines), a drawing area and a properties area.

To use it, you have just to choose the component you want in the toolbox and to drop it on the drawing area. Then, you can configure it and connect it with other components (see the screenshot).

Moreover, we associated this plugin with a second one which allows to create and run a ServiceMix server under Eclipse (based on the source code provided by ServiceMix). Then, our plugin is able to deploy a JBI package on a ServiceMix server by a single mouse click (without competition with the future ServiceMix plugin).
