Cinder Create Backup流程


POST /v3/{project_id}/backups

Create a backup

Creates a Block Storage backup from a volume or snapshot.

The status of the volume must be available or if the force flag is used, backups of in-use volumes may also be created.


Cinder Create Backup流程

This is bases on Newton

1 cinder api

  • check volume_id(input) == snapshot.volume_id (if backup a snapshot)
  • check volume status in [“available”, “in-use”]
  • check in-use volume must use the force flag
  • check snapshot to be backed up must be available
  • store volume status
  • get an available backup service in same az (if not backup_use_same_host)
  • get the same host backup service (if backup_use_same_host and up)
  • Reserve a quota before setting volume status and backup status
  • Find the latest backup and use it as the parent backup to do an incremental backup.
  • check the parent backup must be available for incremental backup.
  • update volume status ‘backing-up’.
  • Create backup in DB (status is creating)
  • update the quotas.

2 cinder backup

  • notify about backup usage(“create.start”)
  • check volume status is ‘backing-up’
  • check backup status is ‘creating’
  • get backup service (CephBackupDriver)
  • get get_backup_device goto 3

3 cinder volume

  • return object volume if ceph
  • TODO(not ceph or backup from snapshot)

4 cinder backup

  • initialize connection volume (Or: initialize connection snapshot) goto 5

5 cinder volume

  • allow connection to connector and return connection info.

6 cinder backup

  • call connect_volume goto 7

7 os-brick

  • create ceph conf
  • return rbd_handle: Enables LibRBD.Image objects to be treated as Python IO objects.

** 8 cinder backup**

  • driver backup detail
    • CephBackupDriver
    • GlusterfsBackupDriver – PosixBackupDriver – ChunkedBackupDriver
    • GoogleBackupDriver – ChunkedBackupDriver
    • NFSBackupDriver – PosixBackupDriver – ChunkedBackupDriver
    • PosixBackupDriver – ChunkedBackupDriver
    • SwiftBackupDriver – ChunkedBackupDriver
    • TSMBackupDriver

**9 cinder backup **

  • call disconnect_volume goto 10

10 os-brick

  • delete ceph conf
  • close rbd_handle

11 cinder backup

  • call terminate connection volume (Or: terminate connection snapshot) goto 12

12 cinder volume

  • disallow connection from connector (Ceph do nothing)

13 cinder backup

  • call remove_export goto 14

14 cinder volume

  • Removes an export for a logical volume (Ceph do nothing)

15 cinder backup

  • Delete temp volumes or snapshots when backup creation is completed. (Ceph has no temp volumes or snapshots)
  • restore the volume original status
  • update the backup status to available
  • update the backup size same to volume size
  • Handle the num_dependent_backups of parent backup when child backup has created successfully (parent_backup.num_dependent_backups += 1)
  • notify about backup usage(“create.end”)