计算机网络 带宽_什么是带宽(计算机网络)?

计算机网络 带宽_什么是带宽(计算机网络)?

计算机网络 带宽

Bandwidth is a term used to express the total capacity of network transmission in a single second. It provides the maximum rate of the data transfer for a given path or connection in the computer network. Bandwidth also called Network Bandwidth, Data Bandwidth, or Digital Bandwidth where generally all of them refer to the same term bandwidth.

Bandwidth是一个术语,用于表示一秒钟内网络传输的总容量。 它提供了计算机网络中给定路径或连接的最大数据传输速率。 带宽也称为网络带宽,数据带宽或数字带宽,其中通常所有带宽都指相同的术语带宽。

带宽单位 (Bandwidth Units)

As a rate or network capacity, term bandwidth can be expressed by using different rate or capacity units. The used bandwidth unit is mainly related to the given technology but following bandwidth units are popular today.

作为速率或网络容量,术语带宽可以通过使用不同的速率或容量单位来表示。 所使用的带宽单位主要与给定的技术有关,但是以下带宽单位今天很流行。

  • Megabit Per Second or Mbit/s

  • Gigabit Per Second or Gbit/s


网络技术的带宽(Bandwidth of Network Technologies)

Computer network uses different technologies with diferent bandwidths. Below we will list some of the most popular and known network technologies and their bandwidth.

计算机网络使用带宽不同的不同技术。 下面我们将列出一些最流行和已知的网络技术及其带宽。

56 kbit/s Modem / Dialup
1.5 Mbit/s ADSL Lite
1.544 Mbit/s T1/DS1
2.048 Mbit/s E1 / E-carrier
4 Mbit/s ADSL1
10 Mbit/s Ethernet
11 Mbit/s Wireless 802.11b
24 Mbit/s ADSL2+
44.736 Mbit/s T3/DS3
54 Mbit/s Wireless 802.11g
100 Mbit/s Fast Ethernet
155 Mbit/s OC3
600 Mbit/s Wireless 802.11n
622 Mbit/s OC12
1 Gbit/s Gigabit Ethernet
1.3 Gbit/s Wireless 802.11ac
2.5 Gbit/s OC48
5 Gbit/s SuperSpeed USB
7 Gbit/s Wireless 802.11ad
9.6 Gbit/s OC192
10 Gbit/s 10 Gigabit Ethernet, SuperSpeed USB 10 Gbit/s
20 Gbit/s SuperSpeed USB 20 Gbit/s
40 Gbit/s Thunderbolt 3
100 Gbit/s 100 Gigabit Ethernet
56 kb /秒 调制解调器/拨号
1.5 Mbit /秒 ADSL Lite
1.544 Mbit /秒 T1 / DS1
2.048 Mbit /秒 E1 / E载波
4 Mbit /秒 ADSL1
10 Mbit /秒 乙太网路
11 Mbit /秒 无线802.11b
24 Mbit /秒 ADSL2 +
44.736兆位/秒 T3 / DS3
54 Mbit /秒 无线802.11g
100 Mbit /秒 快速以太网
155 Mbit /秒 OC3
600 Mbit /秒 无线802.11n
622 Mbit /秒 OC12
1 Gb /秒 千兆以太网
1.3 Gb /秒 无线802.11ac
2.5 Gbit /秒 OC48
5 Gbit /秒 超高速USB
7 Gbit /秒 无线802.11ad
9.6 Gbit /秒 OC192
10 Gbit /秒 10 Gb以太网,超高速USB 10 Gb / s
20 Gbit /秒 超高速USB 20 Gbit / s
40 Gbit /秒 雷雳3
100 Gbit /秒 100 Gb以太网

带宽使用示例(Bandwidth Usage Examples)

Every network or online application uses bandwith with different sizes. Below we will provides infomation about which applications or activity requires how much bandwidthin general.

每个网络或在线应用程序都使用不同大小的带宽。 下面,我们将提供有关哪些应用程序或活动通常需要多少带宽的信息。

Chat will requires less than 1kBit per second in most of the cases which is generally simple text. But if we send of receive an image or video the bandwith usage will be higher.

在大多数情况下, Chat需要每秒不到1kBit的速度,这通常是简单的文本。 但是,如果我们发送接收图像或视频,带宽使用会更高。


Telephone will requires 16 or 80 kBit per second for analog usage. Digital phones can be with less bandwith like 4 or 8 kBit per second.

Telephone将需要每秒16或80 kBit才能进行模拟使用。 数字电话的带宽可能会降低,例如每秒4或8 kBit。

Radio and Mp3 requires 32 to 320 kBit per second which changes according to the sound quality.

Radio and Mp3每秒需要32到320 kBit,这会根据声音质量而变化。

Internet surfing and email sending requires 1 to 6 Mbps which can change according to the concurrent user count.

Internet surfing and email sending需要1到6 Mbps,这可以根据并发用户数进行更改。

TV requires 3 to 6 Mbps bandwith for analog streaming and 1-4 Mbps digital streaming.

TV需要3到6 Mbps带宽用于模拟流传输和1-4 Mbps数字流。

DVD Video requires up to 10 Mbps bandwidth in general.

DVD Video通常需要高达10 Mbps的带宽。

HD Video requires 6 to 8 Mbps bandwithd for reliable streaming.

HD Video需要6到8 Mbps带宽,以实现可靠的流传输。

带宽与速度 (Bandwidth vs Speed)

Bandwidth and speed generally misunderstand or not fully understood. Think about road lanes. Bandwidth is the count of the lanes where higher lanes can be used more cars but the speed of the car is the speed which will move cars or packets to the destination faster.

带宽和速度通常被误解或未被完全理解。 考虑一下道路。 带宽是指可以使用更多车道的较高车道的车道数量,但车速是指将车或包更快地移动到目的地的速度。

带宽与延迟 (Bandwidth vs Latency)

Latency is the delay of the package arrived and there is no specific relation with the bandwidth. Latency is related to the speed where the switching and routing will create delays about the delivery speed.

延迟是数据包到达的延迟,与带宽没有特定关系。 延迟与交换和路由将导致传递速度延迟的速度有关。

带宽与吞吐量 (Bandwidth vs Throughput)

Throughput is a total data transmission for a specified time range. Throughput is mainly related to latency, network speed, packet loss, and bandwidth. Bandwidth is one of a factor of the throughput.

吞吐量是指定时间范围内的总数据传输。 吞吐量主要与延迟,网络速度,数据包丢失和带宽有关。 带宽是吞吐量的因素之一。

如何测量带宽? (How To Measure Bandwidth?)

Bandwidth can be measured in different ways but we can find different services in on the internet in order to measure our internet connection bandwidth. speedtest.net is one of them where we can measure bandwidth with different locations for single or multiple connection.

带宽可以通过不同的方式进行衡量,但是我们可以在Internet上找到不同的服务,以衡量我们的Internet连接带宽。 speedtest.net是其中之一,我们可以在该位置测量单个或多个连接在不同位置的带宽。

计算机网络 带宽_什么是带宽(计算机网络)?
How To Measure Bandwidth?

PING ms is the delay of our network connection which is 18 millisecond in this example.

PING ms是我们网络连接的延迟,在此示例中为18毫秒。

DOWNLOAD Mbps is the download bandwidth which is 31.10 Mbps in this example.

DOWNLOAD Mbps是下载带宽,在此示例中为31.10 Mbps。


UPLOAD Mbps is the upload bandwidth which is 2.78 Mbps in this example.

上载UPLOAD Mbps是上载带宽,在此示例中为2.78 Mbps。

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-bandwidth-computer-network/

计算机网络 带宽