按钮变得立体一点怎么实现_Windows 10的“检查更新”按钮变得更加安全

按钮变得立体一点怎么实现_Windows 10的“检查更新”按钮变得更加安全


按钮变得立体一点怎么实现_Windows 10的“检查更新”按钮变得更加安全

Microsoft promised to stop installing unstable updates when you click “Check for Updates” and now it’s delivering. Rather than automatically installing such updates, Windows gives you a “Download and install now” button. The button started appearing on PCs today.

微软承诺当您单击“检查更新”时,它将停止安装不稳定的更新,现在它已交付。 Windows不会自动安装此类更新,而是提供“立即下载并安装”按钮。 该按钮今天开始出现在PC上。

We previously warned that clicking the “Check for Updates” button would often install unstable updates. Windows Update would normally wait to install big updates like Windows 10’s buggy October 2018 Update and monthly cumulative C and D updates. However, if you clicked “Check for Updates” at the wrong time, Windows would just install those updates immediately. You wouldn’t see any warning this was happening and there was no way to cancel it.

我们之前曾警告说, 单击“检查更新”按钮通常会安装不稳定的更新 。 Windows Update通常会等待安装大型更新,例如Windows 10的越野车2018年10月更新以及每月的累积C和D更新。 但是,如果在错误的时间单击“检查更新”,Windows会立即安装这些更新。 您不会看到任何正在发生的警告,也无法取消它。

In other words, the “Check for Updates” button often meant “Please give me unstable updates that need more testing.” Microsoft actually warned people not to click it in blog posts that no average Windows user would read.

换句话说,“检查更新”按钮通常表示“请给我不稳定的更新,需要更多的测试。” 微软实际上警告人们不要在普通Windows用户不会阅读的博客文章中单击它。

Microsoft announced big Windows Update changes on April 4, 2019. Rather than automatically installing these updates, Windows would present them as optional in the Settings app on Windows 10. The Windows Update pane will have a “Download and install now” link when these less-stable updates are available. You have a choice of whether to install them, even if you clicked “Check for Updates.”

微软 2019年4月4日宣布对Windows Update进行重大更改 。Windows会自动在Windows 10的“设置”应用程序中以可选方式显示这些更新,而不是自动安装这些更新。 -stable更新可用。 即使单击“检查更新”,也可以选择是否安装它们。

As Bleeping Computer spotted, some Windows 10 users are seeing this interface already. An “Additional updates available” section offers a cumulative update that won’t yet automatically be installed. We haven’t seen this interface on any of our Windows 10 systems yet, but Windows Central’s Zac Bowden has. Microsoft is likely rolling it out slowly.

正如Bleeping Computer发现的那样,一些Windows 10用户已经看到了该界面。 “可用的其他更新”部分提供了尚未自动安装的累积更新。 我们尚未在任何Windows 10系统上看到该界面,但是Windows Central的Zac Bowden拥有了。 微软可能会慢慢推出它。

Looks like the "additional updates available" thing in Windows Update is live. pic.twitter.com/jQUAEWQQZq

看起来Windows Update中的“可用的其他更新”是实时的。 pic.twitter.com/jQUAEWQQZq

— Zac Bowden (@zacbowden) May 2, 2019

-Zac Bowden(@zacbowden) 2019年5月2日

The change is reportedly appearing on systems running Windows 10’s May 2019 Update, also known as version 1903 or 19H1, but may also be appearing on older systems.

据报道,此更改出现在运行Windows 10的May 2019 Update (也称为1903或19H1版本)的系统上,但也可能出现在较旧的系统上。

When the May 2019 Update is available, it won’t install immediately—you’ll have to click one of these “Download and install now” links. If you don’t, you can stick with your current version of Windows 10 for up to 18 months after its release. And, when those C and D updates arrive near the end of a month, you can safely click “Check for Updates” without installing them. Just wait a few weeks and you’ll get the updates in next month’s B update after they’ve been tested.

当2019年5月更新可用时,它不会立即安装-您必须单击以下“立即下载并安装”链接之一。 如果不这样做,则可以在Windows 10发行后的18个月内继续使用当前版本。 而且,当这些C和D更新在一个月末到达时,您可以安全地单击“检查更新”而无需安装它们。 只需等待几周,经过测试,您将在下个月的B更新中获得更新。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/413180/windows-10s-check-for-updates-button-just-got-safer/
