

Your car needs a lot of routine maintenance, from changing your oil to rotating your tires, and a bunch of things in between that you forget about until they start to break. Fortunately, Dash makes it easier to keep track of when you need to perform basic maintenance. Here’s how to set it up.

您的汽车需要进行大量的日常维护,从更换机油到旋转轮胎,以及介于这两者之间的很多事情,直到它们开始破裂之前,您都会忘记这些事情。 幸运的是, Dash使您更容易跟踪何时需要执行基本维护。 设置方法如下。

We’ve mentioned Dash before as a handy way to keep track of basic information about your car, like your license plate, VIN, and odometer read out. Dash can also remind you when you need to do regular maintenance. If you use an OBD-II adapter to pair your phone with your car, Dash can even track your mileage and remind you when it’s been 5,000 miles since your last oil change, for example. We’ll assume you’ve already added cars to your garage in Dash, but if you haven’t, check out our guide here. You can also download the app for Android and iOS here.

我们之前提到过Das h是一种方便的方式来跟踪有关您的汽车的基本信息 ,例如车牌,VIN和里程表的读数。 Dash还可在需要进行定期维护时提醒您。 例如,如果您使用OBD-II适配器将手机与汽车配对 ,则Dash甚至可以跟踪您的行驶里程并提醒您自上次换油以来已经行驶了5,000英里。 我们假定您已经在达什(Dash)的车库中添加了汽车,但如果您尚未添加汽车,请在此处查看我们的指南 。 您也可以在此处下载适用于AndroidiOS的应用程序。

To set up notifications from Dash, open the app and click the car icon in the bottom left corner of the screen.



Next, tap on the car you want to get notifications for in the list of cars you’ve previously added on Dash.



Tap the Maintenance tab underneath the picture of your car (if you added one).



Next, you can scroll through a list of recommended maintenance for you car. You can enable notifications for each one individually. For example, if you need a reminder to check your ball joints, but you’re covered on getting your oil changed, you can just enable the former. Tap Add To Notifications to get reminded for each type of maintenance.

接下来,您可以滚动浏览建议的汽车保养清单。 您可以分别为每个通知启用通知。 例如,如果您需要提醒您检查球窝接头,但是更换机油已备受关注,则只需启用前者即可。 点击“添加到通知”以提醒您进行每种维护。


A box will appear that shows the last known mileage if you’ve connected your car to Dash with an OBD-II adapter. This will be where Dash starts tracking, so you should change it to whatever your odometer was at the last time you got this type of maintenance. So, for example, say you’re tracking an oil change and you have 94,000 miles on your car, but you last changed your oil at 92,000. Enter 92,000 in the box. Dash will then remind you at 97,000 miles that you need an oil change. Assuming you regularly connect your car to Dash, of course.

如果您使用OBD-II适配器将汽车连接到Dash,则会出现一个框,显示最近的行驶里程。 这将是Dash开始跟踪的地方,因此您应该将其更改为上次获得此类维护时的里程表。 例如,假设您正在跟踪机油变化,并且您的车上行驶了94,000英里,但最后一次以92,000更改了机油。 在框中输入92,000。 然后,Dash将在97,000英里处提醒您需要换油。 当然,假设您定期将汽车连接到Dash。

Most types of car maintenance are required after X,000 miles or Y months. If you’d rather track it by number of months (or if you don’t have an OBD-II adapter), tap Use Calendar Instead. This will open your calendar app and let you add a reminder for the future. Of course, you can just do this from your calendar app directly, but Dash will at least let you know at what intervals you need to perform maintenance.

X,000英里或Y个月后,需要进行大多数类型的汽车维护。 如果您希望按月数跟踪它(或者如果您没有OBD-II适配器),请点击使用日历代替。 这将打开您的日历应用程序,并让您添加对未来的提醒。 当然,您可以直接从日历应用程序直接执行此操作,但是Dash至少会让您知道需要执行维护的间隔时间。


If you use an OBD-II adapter, you should connect your car every once in a while so Dash can update your odometer. You don’t need to use it for every trip, but at least enough that you don’t drive for thousands of miles without letting Dash know. If you don’t want to use an OBD-II adapter, you can also update your odometer manually. Again, this is only helpful for tracking your maintenance if you do it fairly regularly.

如果您使用OBD-II适配器,则应不时连接汽车,以便Dash可以更新里程表。 您无需在每次旅行中都使用它,但至少要保证您在不告知Dash的情况下也不能行驶数千英里。 如果您不想使用OBD-II适配器,也可以手动更新里程表。 同样,如果您定期进行维护,则这仅对跟踪维护有帮助。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/308998/how-to-track-your-routine-car-maintenance-with-dash/