macbook 电池更换_您可以更换MacBook中的电池吗?

macbook 电池更换_您可以更换MacBook中的电池吗?

macbook 电池更换

macbook 电池更换_您可以更换MacBook中的电池吗?

The battery is often the first part to really fail in older MacBooks. If this is happening to you, you’ll be glad to hear that you might just be able to replace it yourself.

在旧版MacBook中,电池通常是真正失效的第一部分。 如果您遇到这种情况,您将很高兴听到自己也许可以自己更换它。

保修说明 (A Note on Warranties)

If you’ve got an old Mac where the battery isn’t holding a charge because of age, it most likely won’t be covered by warranty. That’s because the warranty period has expired, and because wear and tear isn’t covered by the warranty, anyway.

如果您有一台旧Mac,但由于使用年限电池无法充电,则很可能不在保修范围内。 那是因为保修期已经到期,并且由于磨损不在保修范围之内。

On the other hand, if you’ve got a Mac that’s only a few years old that isn’t holding a charge or won’t charge at all, then there’s a chance the battery is defective and Apple will repair it for free. And if you bought your MacBook in the EU, that warranty period could last as long as six years. It’s worth checking, since replacing the battery can be a pretty big job.

另一方面,如果您使用的Mac仅使用了几年,就没有充电或根本无法充电,那么电池就有可能出现故障,Apple将免费维修。 而且,如果您在欧盟购买MacBook,则保修期可能长达六年 。 值得检查,因为更换电池可能是一项很大的工作。

RELATED: If You Live In the EU, You Probably Have a Better Gadget Warranty

相关文章: 如果您居住在欧盟,则可能会有更好的小工具保修

安全须知 (A Note on Safety)

Lithium-ion batteries—like the one inside your MacBook—can literally explode. This is something you really need to bear in mind when you’re considering a repair job like replacing the battery.

锂离子电池(就像MacBook内的电池一样) 可能会爆炸 。 在考虑进行维修工作(例如更换电池)时,确实需要牢记这一点。

You should always make sure the battery is fully drained before removing it. You also need to consider how you’re going to dispose of it. You can’t just throw it away. Instead, you’ll need to take it to a tech recycling center or hazardous waste drop off, where they will have the necessary set up to dispose of batteries safely.

取出电池之前,应始终确保电池已完全耗尽。 您还需要考虑如何处置它。 你不能只是把它扔掉。 取而代之的是,您需要将其带到技术回收中心或下放危险废物,在那里他们将进行必要的设置以安全地处置电池。

RELATED: Should You Repair Your Own Phone or Laptop?

相关: 您应该修理自己的手机或笔记本电脑吗?

If all this sounds a bit much for you, then it’s probably a bad idea for you to replace your own battery. You might not even save that much money doing it yourself over letting the pros do it. Still, you can replace the battery on a number of MacBooks if that’s the route you choose.

如果这一切对您来说听起来有点麻烦,那么更换自己的电池可能是个坏主意 。 您可能甚至没有花那么多钱就让专家自己去做。 不过,如果您选择这种方式,则可以在许多MacBook上更换电池。

您可以在哪些MacBook上更换电池? (On Which MacBooks Can You Replace the Battery?)

How hard it is to replace the battery depends on the model of MacBook you have. Some models, like the 2009 MacBook Pro 15”, actually had removable batteries, while newer models, like the 2015 MacBook Pro 15” with Retina Display instead have batteries that are glued in. You actually need to use a solvent to remove those.

更换电池的难度取决于您使用的MacBook的型号。 某些型号(例如2009 MacBook Pro 15”)实际上装有可拆卸的电池,而较新的型号(例如带有Retina Display的2015 MacBook Pro 15”)具有粘合的电池。实际上,您需要使用溶剂将其取出。

You can currently replace the battery yourself on the following MacBooks:


  • MacBook Pro 13” (All Models)

    MacBook Pro 13英寸(所有型号)
  • MacBook Pro 13” with Retina Display (All Models)

    带有视网膜显示屏的MacBook Pro 13英寸(所有型号)
  • MacBook Pro 13” with Function Keys (All Models)

    具有功能键的MacBook Pro 13英寸(所有型号)
  • MacBook Pro 15” (All Models)

    MacBook Pro 15英寸(所有型号)
  • MacBook Pro 15” with Retina Display (All Models)

    配备视网膜显示屏的MacBook Pro 15英寸(所有型号)
  • MacBook Pro 17” (All Models)

    MacBook Pro 17英寸(所有型号)
  • MacBook Air 11” (All Models)

    MacBook Air 11英寸(所有型号)
  • MacBook Air 13” (All Models)

    MacBook Air 13英寸(所有型号)
  • MacBook Unibody (All Models)

    MacBook Unibody(所有型号)

You unfortunately can’t replace the battery so easily on the following models:


  • MacBook Pro 13” with Touch Bar (All Models).

    带有Touch Bar的MacBook Pro 13”(所有型号)。
  • MacBook Pro 15” with Touch Bar (All Models).

    带有Touch Bar的MacBook Pro 15”(所有型号)。
  • Retina MacBook (All Models).


如何在Mac中更换电池 (How to Replace the Battery in Your Mac)

If your MacBook is one of the really early models that has a user removable battery, replacing it is just a matter of popping the old one out and replacing it with the new battery. However, if you have a model without a removable battery, you’ll need to open up your MacBook’s case. And for that, you’ll need a guide.

如果您的MacBook是使用用户可拆卸电池的真正早期型号之一,那么更换它只是将旧的MacBook弹出并更换为新电池的问题。 但是,如果您的机型没有可拆卸的电池,则需要打开MacBook的外壳。 为此,您需要一个指南。

It’s a bit beyond the scope of our sight to provide such a guide for every MacBook, but fortunately our friends over at iFixit have you covered. Head to iFixit and find the guides for your MacBook model. They have a battery replacement guide for every MacBook listed above. Their guides also tell you how hard the replacement is going to be, so you can decide whether you want to go ahead or just get Apple to do it.

为每台MacBook提供这样的指南超出了我们的视线范围,但是幸运的是,我们在iFixit上的朋友为您提供了服务。 前往iFixit并找到适用于MacBook型号的指南 。 他们为上面列出的每台MacBook提供了电池更换指南。 他们的指南还告诉您更换的难度,因此您可以决定是继续前进还是让Apple做到这一点。

macbook 电池更换_您可以更换MacBook中的电池吗?

They also sell kits that come with a new battery and all the tools you need to perform the job.


macbook 电池更换_您可以更换MacBook中的电池吗?

Once you’ve installed the new battery, you’ll need to calibrate it. Allow the new battery to drain, then charge it to 100% before letting it drain until the MacBook shuts down. Now you can charge it up and use it again as normal.

一旦安装了新电池,就需​​要对其进行校准。 让新电池耗尽,然后将其充电至100%,直到MacBook关机为止。 现在,您可以对其充电并再次正常使用。


macbook 电池更换